Book Babies
Berry Nice!
Explore the berry universe with bounces, songs, fingerplays, and books about berries! When watching a read-along book video with your toddler, try muting the volume and read the story yourself. You can also tell the story in your own words, encouraging your child to recall and “read” the story themselves.
Join us live Wednesdays at 9:45 AM – Online on Facebook
Ages 2-5
Welcome Songs
Here We Are Together
Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!
Hello Everybody
Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!
S, T, R, W, P
(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!
Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play
Unwrapping an object requires fine motor and problem solving skills, and your child will love the sound of crumbled paper.
Loosely wrap some of him toys in brightly colored paper, put them in a shopping bag, and let him dig through, unwrap, and rediscover his toys.
Books Presented

Strawberries are Red by Petr Horacek
What color are strawberries? Bananas? Grapes? Flip the pages to find out! What happens when you mix these and other wonderful colors together? Peek in the bowl on the last spread for a tasty surprise.

The Very Berry Counting Book by Jerry Pallotta
Berries are a healthy finger food toddlers are familiar with. Learning their names and the numbers from one to ten is sure to delight.

Babyberry Pie by Heather Vogel Frederick
How do you bake a babyberry pie? Pick one wiggly baby from the babyberry tree. Pop him in the tub and scrub clean. Add sugar to his nose and toes. Tuck him into a warm pie crust. And don’t forget a kiss goodnight!
Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays
Did You Ever See a Baby
Did you ever see a baby, (have your child sitting on your lap)
A baby, a baby?
Did you ever see a baby,
Go this way and that? (rock from side to side)
Go this way and that way, (forward and back)
And that way and this way. (side to side)
Did you ever see a baby,
Go this way and that? (forward and back)
Pick Berries High
(Tune: Peas Porridge Hot)
Pick berries high
Pick berries low
Pick berries on the bush, nine in a row
Some like them red
Some like them blue
Here’s one for me
And here’s one for you!
– adapted from Artsy Toddler Storytimes
Fingerplay: Berries in the Bowl
Five little berries in the bowl (Mom bounces baby on her lap)
One fell out and started to roll (Roll baby’s hands in a circle)
It bumped the table and hit my feet (Stomp or touch baby’s feet)
How many berries are left to eat?
– Adapted from Apples in the Bowl @
Diaper Changing: Baby Needs a Diaper Change
(Tune: London Bridge is Falling Down)
Baby needs a diaper change
Diaper change,
Diaper change
Baby needs a diaper change
Please and thank you!
Here are the Sign language signs:
Baby: (rock arms in cradle back and forth)
Diaper: (pinch fingers like clothes pins next to face)
Change: (wring hands in a fist)
Please: (rub chest)
Thank you: (hand to chin and out)
Signing Songs
“Thank You”
Additional Books

Apple Pie ABC by Alison Murray
When an apple pie arrives piping hot on the kitchen table, a little pup does everything he can think of to get his paws on it.

The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood
Little Mouse worries that the big, hungry bear will take his freskly picked, ripe, red strawberry for himself.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
The very hungry caterpillar literally eats his way through the pages of the book.
Bumpety, Dunkety, Thumpety-Thump! by K. L. Going
Two toddlers go on a bumpety berry hunt in this darling picture book that’s perfect for preschoolers.