Traveler Challenge
Apprentice Artist Edition
Madison Library’s Year-Long Reading Adventure
AGES 15 and Older
January 1 through December 30, 2025
Reading is the perfect way to spark your imagination,
and we are ready for an adventure in creation!
This year’s reading challenge is inspired by the world of art. Join us on an exploration through color and art mediums. Participating “artists” will read one book for each challenge, earning stickers and opportunities to win prizes in our grand prize drawing. Any reader who fulfills even a portion of their reading art portfolio will have the opportunity to earn small prizes along the way, but each reader who completes all 10 Canvases in the reading portfolio will earn the 2025 Armchair Traveler Artist Apprenticeship prize.
Get your brushes ready, here we go!
Rules of Play
Here’s how it works:
- Participation in this reading challenge is limited to Madison Library District patrons ages 15 and older. Artists must have a current library card to be eligible.
- The adventure starts January 1, 2025, and ends at 7:00 pm December 30, 2025. Sign up any time, but only books read between those dates will count. All completed books must be reported before 7:00 pm on December 30, 2025, to be valid.
- Artists who report their completed portfolio of all 10 Canvases before 7:00 pm on December 30, 2025, will receive the 2025 Armchair Traveler prize.
- An artist’s portfolio consists of 50 challenges divided into 10 themed Canvas projects. To complete each Canvas, read a book for each specified task listed on the Canvas page.
- When you’ve finished a book, visit the Circulation Desk at the Library to collect the appropriate sticker and get one step closer to completing that Canvas.
- Once an entire Canvas has been completed, readers will earn a small prize and an entry into the grand prize drawing.
- Canvases, including any portion of a Canvas, can be completed in any order, but all five parts on a Canvas must be completed before that specific prize can be awarded.
- Prizes must be picked up by the participant or a family member.
Finished early? Readers who have completed the Apprenticeship challenge are eligible for the Armchair Traveler Master Artist edition. The final day to sign up for this bonus challenge is December 1, 2025.
Participation Notes:
- Reading artists must be independent readers ages 15+ to join this challenge.
- You will receive a log book when you sign up. The title and author for each book read must be recorded in the reading log.
- Books must clearly meet the criteria listed on the Canvas Challenge to count. Explanations and examples for each task are found in the back of your reading log.
- Books must be a minimum of 100 pages in length. Books that will not be accepted include junior nonfiction, junior fiction, easy readers, and picture/board books. Magazines are also not accepted.
- Audiobooks are accepted as long as the print version of the book meets the reading requirements.
- Books read for other reading programs and book clubs can be counted toward this challenge as long as they fit the reading requirement.
- Books may be read at any point during the year. You can complete the Canvases in any order.
- A book can only be counted once, even if it meets more than one Canvas criteria.
- Each portion of the reading challenge, including the reading challenge as a whole, may only be completed one time per artist.
Wondering if a book fits the challenge? We are always happy to answer any questions you may have. Pick up a suggested title list for each Canvas at the Library or use Goodreads or NoveList Plus to find new titles and plan reading lists. Don’t forget about ebooks!
Read something amazing? Suggest titles for your fellow artists to help them on their journey. Fill out a suggestion form at the Circulation desk.
The Canvases
CANVAS 1 & 2: Primary and Secondary Colors
These two challenges are cover challenges. For each task, read a book with a cover image that is more than 50% of the color listed. This can include varying shades of that color, but the majority of the cover must be the color specified.
Canvas 1:
Primary Colors
- Red
- Blue
- Yellow
- Black
- White
Canvas 2:
Secondary Colors
- Purple
- Green
- Orange
- Pink
- Brown

CANVAS 3, 4, & 5: 2D and 3D Art Mediums
These three challenges are also cover challenges. For each task, read a book with an object on the cover that matches the medium listed. This can include an artwork of that medium, tools used to create pieces in those mediums, or a person in the process of creating in that medium.
For the Nature/Vegetation task on Canvas 5, read a book with something on the cover that uses nature or plants in an artistic way.
Canvas 3:
2D Art Mediums
- Pencil Drawing
- Watercolor/
Acrylic Painting - Pen & Ink
- Chalk/Crayon
- Spray Paint/Graffiti
Canvas 4:
3D Art Mediums
- Wood
- Metal
- Glass
- Clay
- Stone
Canvas 5:
3D Art Mediums
- Paper
- Yarn/Thread
- Water
- Fabric
- Nature/Vegitation
CANVAS 6: Literary Arts
This challenge is a subject/content challenge. For each task, read a book that includes the topic listed.
Task one is to read a book about a writer or author. Task two is to read a book set in a library or about a library in some way. Task three is to read a book that includes an aspect of the publishing industry. Task four is to read a book set in or about a bookstore. Task five is to read a book that includes an aspect related to illustration.
Canvas 6:
- Authors/Writing
- Library
- Publishing
- Bookstores
- Illustration

CANVAS 7 & 8: Artists and Authors
These two challenges are related to author names. For each artist listed, read a book with an author who shares the same initials in any order.
Canvas 7:
- Georgia O’Keeffe
(1887-1986) - Vincent Van Gogh
(1853-1890) - Salvador Dali
(1904-1898) - Andy Warhol
(1928-1987) - George Seurat
Canvas 8:
- Donato Bardi
(1386-1466) - Giovanni Guidi
(1406-1486) - Michelangelo Buonarroti
(1475-1564) - Raffaello da Urbino
(1483-1520) - Leonardo da Vinci

CANVAS 9 & 10: Museums
These two challenges are based on location. For each museum listed as a task, read a book set in that location. Locations within the United States must be set in the same state to be eligible, and locations outside the US must be set within that country to work.
Canvas 9:
- Louvre Museum
(Paris, France) - Metropolitan Museum of Art
(New York City, NY) - British Museum
(London, England) - Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
(Washington, D.C.) - Museum of Egyptian Antiquities
(Cairo, Egypt)
Canvas 10:
- The J. Paul Getty Museum
(Los Angeles, CA) - State Hermitage Museum
(St. Petersburg, Russia) - National Museum of China
(Beijing, China) - National Museum of Anthropology
(Mexico City, Mexico) - Museum of Science and Industry
(Chicago, IL)
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Regular Hours of Operation
- Monday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Tuesday - Wednesday: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
- Thursday: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
- Friday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Saturday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
- Sunday: CLOSED
Closures in 2025
- January 1 – New Year’s Day
- January 20 – Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
- February 17 – Presidents Day
- March 28 – Staff Development Day
- April 5 – Building Maintenance
- May 24-26 – Memorial Day
- June 19 – Juneteenth
- July 4 – Independence Day
- August 30-September 1 – Labor Day
- September 19 – Staff Development Day
- October 4 – Building Maintenance
- October 31 – Open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
- November 11 – Veterans Day
- November 26 – Closing at 5:00 pm
- November 27-29 – Thanksgiving
- December 24-26 – Christmas
- December 31 – New Year’s Eve
- January 1, 2026 – New Year’s Day
73 North Center
Rexburg, Idaho 83440
We are located on Center Street, just north of Main Street, by the Historic Rexburg Tabernacle.
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(208) 356-3461
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