AUGUST Adult Activities

The Adult Exploration Kits are back on the shelves!
Each kit is built to take you on a journey of learning. There are a myriad of subjects to choose from, including US Beginnings, Shakespeare, Cake, Bob Ross, National Parks, and more.
Exploration kits may be checked out for three weeks.
To make it even easier on yourself, search our catalogue to put one on hold! Simply use the catalogue search function and type in “Adult exploration kits” to view our many options.
The puzzle table is open to the public! Sit down and relax with our community puzzle. Contribute what you want and come back another day.
CHESS is located in the glass enclosure. Request a set from the Reference Desk.

The book will be The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin:
Reading copies will be available to check out at the Front Circulation Desk mid-August.