Board Meeting Minutes From Previous Years
- January 19
- February 23
- March 16
- April 20
- May 18
- June 22
- July 20
- August 17
- September 21
- October 19
- November 16
- December 21
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday January 19, 2022
5:30 pm Madison Library
Meeting canceled due to Covid illness.
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday February 23, 2022
5:30 pm Madison Library
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Golden Fulcher, Pamela Beard, and Beth Hanson (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Carol Brown and Tony Derricott (Board members) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the agenda. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 Minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Approval of Fiscal Year 2021 Audit Report – Rudd & Co. (Action Item)
Tina Leishman and Josh Bingham from Rudd & Co. presented the findings of the annual audit of the 2020-2021 fiscal year to the Board. Tina gave the Library District a clean report. She stated that the Madison Library District was in conformity with general accounting principles. There were no major concerns, and the audit was successfully completed. (Note: the auditors left the meeting at this point.)
Golden moved to accept the report. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
B. Public Computer Use Policy Review (Action Item)
The Board read this policy aloud. Finding no changes, Golden approved to accept the policy as it stands. Pam seconded; all voted in favor.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Centennial Celebration Discussion
The Director discussed upcoming events and plans for the year-long Centennial Celebration. Starting in February with the 1920’s, each month will feature a decade that will be the theme for programs and other events. In April, a USO tour is in the works to celebrate the 1940’s and a World War II highlight. More information regarding these events will be advertised.
B. Library Support Associations Discussion
In past meetings, the Board had discussed the difference between a Library Foundation, whose primary function is to secure higher level fundraising activities, corporate foundation grant writing and sponsorships, capital campaign fundraising for new and renovated buildings and major gift solicitation from individuals. A Friends of the Library group typically raises funds through book sales, advocacy, and fundraising events and volunteer activities. The idea was discussed that perhaps the current Foundation is operating as a Friends group and that if they changed their name to reflect what they are actually doing it might help them going forward. However, it was decided that now isn’t the best time to pursue these kind of changes because of how Covid and the economy have changed things. It has unofficially been tabled for discussion in the future.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 6:45 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday March 16, 2022
5:30 pm Madison Library
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:31pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, and Beth Hanson (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Leslie Harker (Head of Circulation); Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the agenda. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as ammended. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 Minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Presentation of Fiscal Year 2021Statistics – Director
The Director presented the statistics and pointed out a few changes from the previous fiscal year. Annual visits were 73,109. The Library had a total of 252 programs, including all ages, with a total attendance of 13,712.
B. Current Legislative Issues
House Bill 666 was discussed. This bill would amend existing law to remove protections for librarians allowing them to be prosecuted for “disseminating material harmful to minors.” The Director talked about public records requests, what constitutes a public record, and the need to separate personal information from public record. The Board discussed ways they could help address this. It was decided that individual letters to our legislative representative would be the best avenue to take.
C. Executive Session – Director Review
Pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 (b) and after a roll call vote; Pamela, yes; Tony, yes; Golden, yes; Carol, yes; Beth, yes. The Board entered executive session at 7:15.
The Board exited executive session at 8:05.
7. Unfinished Business
There was no business to discuss.
8. Director’s Report
The Director discussed upcoming Library events, including the USO event on April 23 rd and the Regency Tea on April 29th. She also gave an update regarding preparation for the Summer Reading Program.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 8:06 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday April 20, 2022
5:30 pm Madison Library
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:40pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, and Beth Hanson (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the agenda. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Approval of the month’s bills was tabled until the May meeting.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as amended. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Set Annual Budget Hearing Date (Action Item)
Golden motioned to set August 17, 2022 as the date of the annual budget hearing. Carol seconded. All voted in favor.
B. Community Room Discussion (Action Item)
Given the growth in the area, the Library has expanded the number of programs. Due to the fact that the room is usually in use for these programs, the community room has not been available to the public. Due to the lack of public availability, it was decided to discontinue public reservation and use of the community room. Beth motioned to retire the Community Room Policy. Pamela seconded. Four voted in favor; Tony abstained.
C. Policy Development Policy Review (Action Item)
The Board read and reviewed this policy. Golden moved to approve the review of this policy. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
D. Professional Development Policy Review (Action Item)
The word “class” was changed to “course” for clarification. Tony motioned to accept this policy as revised, Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
7. Unfinished Business
There was no business to discuss.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:00pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday May 18, 2022
5:30 pm Madison Library
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:32pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Carol Brown, and Beth Hanson (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Golden Fulcher (Board member) was absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the agenda. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the bills for April and May. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Pam moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Board Member Leadership Discussion
No nominations for a change in Board leadership were made. The Board Chair will remain Pamela Beard and the Vice-Chair will remain Tony Derricott.
B. Personnel Policy Review (Action Item)
The Board read the Personnel Policy aloud. The different types of leave were addressed. Changes for clarification of paid vs unpaid leave will be made by the Director. This will be on the agenda for the June meeting.
C. Collection Development Policy Review (Action Item)
The Board read this policy. Minor changes to the adjustment of the media types were made for clarification. Beth motioned to accept the changes to this policy as amended. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
7. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business to discuss.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:30pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday June 22, 2022
5:30 pm Madison Library
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:33pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Carol Brown, and Golden Fulcher (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Beth Hanson (Board member) was absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the agenda. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills for April and May. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Tony moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Board Bylaws Review
The Board read and discussed updates to their bylaws. The Director will make these changes and bring the document to the meeting in June.
B. Strategic Plan Review
The Board read and discussed the strategic plan. The five-year plan covers 2019 to 2024. The Director noted that this should be on the agenda in the fall of 2023.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Personnel Policy Review (Action Item)
The Board read and updated the Personnel Policy. Golden moved to approve this policy contingent on the changes made. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:30pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday July 20, 2022
5:30 pm Madison Library
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:36pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, and Beth Hanson (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the agenda. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the bills for the previous month. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Preliminary 2022-2023 Budget Review
The Board reviewed a projected budget for the upcoming fiscal year. It was noted that we are taking into consideration the difference in the usual L2’s was adjusted as advised by the State Tax Commission. As these numbers are not final, no action was taken.
B. Public Internet Computer Use Policy Review (Action Item)
This item was tabled pending the date of last review. It will be addressed at a later date if necessary.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Board Bylaws Review (Action Item)
The Bylaws were read aloud. Minor changes were made regarding the length of a term Trustees may serve as Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. Beth motioned to accept the changes. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 6:50 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday August 17, 2022
5:30 pm Madison Library
1. Call meeting to order
In the absence of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, Golden called the meeting to order at 5:37pm. Those present: Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, and Beth Hanson (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Pamela Beard and Tony Derricott (Board members) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the agenda. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the bills Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Approve Budget for 2022-2023 Fiscal Year (Action Item)
After reviewing the budget, Beth moved to approve the budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
7. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business to discuss.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Golden adjourned the meeting at 6:10 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday September 21, 2022
5:30 pm Madison Library
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:36pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Beth Hanson (Board member) was absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Pamela moved to amend the agenda to include item 6. C. Open the budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
Golden moved to approve the agenda as amended. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Tony moved to approve the bills. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 Minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.
6. New Business
A. Budget – Approve Request to Recover and Reserve Forgone Funds 2022-2023 Fiscal Year to be used for a capital project. (Action Item)
Pamela read the following resolution:
WHEREAS, Madison Library District intends to recover $37,724 a portion of its forgone amount, for a capital project in the fiscal year 2022-2023 budget, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the majority vote taken by the Board of Trustees of the Madison Library District on September 21, 2022 that the above stated amount be included in the property tax to be levied in 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Pamela motioned to accept the resolution to recover the $37,724 of the forgone amount. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
Pamela read this second resolution:
WHEREAS, Madison Library District intends to reserve $49,533 the forgone amount.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the majority vote taken by the Board of Trustees of the Madison Library District on September 21, 2022 that the above stated amount be included in the property tax to be levied in 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Golden motioned to accept the resolution to reserve $49,533 of the forgone amount. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
B. Patron Code of Conduct Policy Review
The Board read the Patron Code of Conduct Policy aloud. Updates included specific clothing required for entrance into the building and ADA specifications regarding service animals. These changes will be made and brought to the next Board meeting for approval.
C. Amended agenda item: Open the Budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. (Action Item) Carol motioned to open the budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year in order to bring forward funds for the purchase of a new automatic materials handler.
Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
The Board discussed the installation and purchase of a new sorting system. As the Director has been working with Bibliotheca for over a year and half on this and taking manufacturing and shipping delays due to Covid, the specific date of delivery and installation was unknown. Therefore, it was necessary to open the budget to account for the purchase of the new sorting machine at the present time.
Golden motioned to approve the proposed change to the budget to account for the purchase of the new machine. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
7. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business to discuss.
8. Director’s Report
The Director updated the Board on recent events at the Library. The new sorting machine from Bibliotheca is still being fine-tuned as was expected in the early stages of implantation.
Pamela motioned to adjourned the meeting at 7:00 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday October 19, 2022
5:30 pm Madison Library
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:36pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Golden moved accept the agenda. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 Minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.
6. New Business
A. Budget – Approve Request to Reserve Foregone Funds 2022-2023 Fiscal Year for General Use (Action Item)
Pamela read the following:
WHEREAS, the Madison Library District intends to recover $12,574, a portion of its foregone amount, to be used for general purposes from the maintenance and operations budget in the fiscal year 2022-2023 budget,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the majority vote taken by the Board of Trustees of the Madison Library District on October 19, 2022 that the above stated amount be included in the property tax to be levied in the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Beth motioned to approve the request to reserve foregone funds. Tony seconded: all voted in favor.
B. Trustee Training – Clay Ritter, Public Libraries Representative Idaho Commission for Libraries
Clay Ritter spoke to the Board. He discussed current concerns such as First Amendment audits, records retention policies, and public records requests. Clay recommended suggestions on how to be prepared for these concerns. He offered his help with continued guidance and training as we proceed forward.
C. Collection Development Policy Review
The Board read and discussed the suggested additions/changes made by the Director. These updates will be made and a draft will be brought to the next meeting.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Patron Code of Conduct Policy Review (Action Item)
The Board reviewed this policy. Changes for clarification and compliance with current legal updates were made. These edits will be made to be addressed at the November meeting.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month. A report on the LCEI conference hosted by the Library in September were discussed. An update on the new AMH “Lucii” was given. It was noted that the Library is seeing an increase in program attendance.
Pamela motioned to adjourned the meeting at 7:12 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday November 16, 2022
5:30 pm Madison Library
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:30pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Leslie Harker (Administrative Manager). Pamela Beard, (Board member) and Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Beth moved accept the agenda. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Due to not having received all the bills, checks could not be presented & approved. This will be done at the next Board meeting.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 Minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.
6. New Business
A. Upcoming Library Events
The Director discussed the opportunities for the Board members to volunteer to help during the Christmas Extravaganza on December 5th . Plans and activities for the Centennial Celebration, on December 16th were also discussed.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Patron Code of Conduct Policy Review (Action Item)
The Board read the proposed additions to this policy aloud. Tony moved to accept the changes. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
B. Collection Development Policy (Action Item)
This policy was reviewed by the Board. Discussion regarding request for material reconsideration was discussed. Updates to this form were suggested. The Director will make these changes and bring them to the February meeting.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Tony motioned to adjourned the meeting at 6:42 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Vice – Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
December 21, 2022
No meeting was held this month.
- January 20
- February 17
- March 17
- May 19
- April 21
- June 16
- July 21
- August 18
- September 15
- October 20
- November 17
- December
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday January 20, 2021
5:30 pm Madison Library
Meeting canceled due to Covid illness.
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday February 17, 2021
5:30 pm Madison Library
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Tina Leishman and Josh Bingham (Rudd & Co. representatives). Lori Robertson (Accountant) was absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the agenda. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Audit Report Rudd & Co.
Tina Leishman and Josh Bingham from Rudd & Co. presented the findings of the annual audit of the 2019-2020 fiscal year to the Board. Tina gave the Library District a clean report. She stated that the Madison Library District was in conformity with general accounting principles. There were no major concerns, and the audit was successfully completed. (Note: the auditors left the meeting at this point.)
B. Records Retention Policy Review
The Board read through this policy. The only modification made was the length of time we keep interlibrary loan records. This was updated from one month to three. Golden moved to approve the records retention policy with the noted change. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
C. Trustee Seats Expiration & Re-Election Dates
There are two trustee seats whose terms have expired, Trustee C and D. Seat B was appointed, and must be elected this year. The Director gave these Trustees the paperwork and information for this election. The deadline for declaration of candidacy is March 19, 2021 at 5:00 pm.
7. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business to attend to this month.
8. Director’s Report
A. Annual Statistics State Report
The Director presented the Library’s annual statistics report to the Board. The Board members also received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month. Curbside service ended in February, and the Library opened its doors to the public again when Eastern Idaho Public health decreased Madison County’s assessed risk category from high to moderate.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 6:58 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday March 17, 2021
5:30 pm Madison Library
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Beth Hanson (Board Member) was absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the agenda. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Tony moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Capital Improvement
Lori Robertson (Accountant) reviewed financial information and suggested the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) as a good place for the Library to save money for a future purchase.
B. Investment Policy Review
It was suggested to rename this policy the Financial Policy as this would cover more aspects than just investments. The Policy was reviewed and changes made for clarification of the delegation of authority.
C. Social Media Policy Review
The Board added sections to this policy to give specific guidelines to employees, Trustees, and Foundation board members. The Director will make these updates and will bring this to the April meeting for a second reading.
D. Set Date For Budget Hearing
The Board set the date for the annual budget hearing as August 18, 2021.
7. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business to attend to this month.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:26 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday May 19, 2021
5:30 pm
Madison Library District Community Room
This meeting was canceled due to illness.
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday April 21, 2021
5:30 pm
Madison Library District Community Room
This meeting was canceled due to illness.
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday June 16, 2021
5:30 pm
Madison Library District Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Golden Fulcher, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Beth Hanson and Tony Derricott, (Board Members) were absent. Travis Wade Zions Bank representative was a visitor.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the agenda. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Summer Reading Sponsors Appreciation Letters – Youth Programs Team
Gina, the Youth Programs Librarian, came in and told the Board about the sponsors for this year’s program. She divided these sponsors up five ways and gave the Board members the contact information. The Board was asked to contact their respective people in some way to thank them for their contributions this year.
B. Zions Bank Account Protection Presentation – Zions Bank Reps.
Travis Wade a representative of Zions Bank came in to discuss how they could help the Library with a different type of business card. He explained how with this new service we would have better protection against check and credit card fraud. The Library could also get a commercial card for a line of credit to pay bills and limit the amount spent per person as well as earn cash back. The Director was cleared to move forward with this.
C. Building Accident and Repair Discussion
The repairs for the building have been completed. We are still waiting for the reinstallation of the shelves along the wall. The Director has been in contact with Space Saver Intermountain, the company who initially installed these and will schedule a date with them as soon as possible.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Capital Improvement Discussion
Lori gave information on all accounts and assets. She also gave recommendations using best practice regarding these funds.
B. Investment Policy Review Second Reading (Action Item)
In the interest of time Golden motioned to table this until the July meeting. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
C. Social Media Policy Review Second Reading (Action Item)
The Board read through this policy. Pam motioned to approve the Social Media Policy. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:45 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday July 21, 2021
5:30 pm
Madison Library District Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); and Leslie Harker (Head of Circulation). Tony Derricott (Board Member) Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to amend the agenda to include 6. B. Personnel policy first reading. Golden seconded; all voted in favor. Golden moved to approve the amended agenda. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the bills. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Preliminary Budget Review & Discussion
The Idaho State Tax Commission has made changes in the way we calculate our funds. As a result getting firm numbers for our budget has been delayed.
B. Personnel Policy
The Board read this aloud. The new federal Juneteenth holiday was added to the list of closed holidays. Changes were made for clarification of training duties and employee classifications. The Director will make these changes and bring them to the August meeting for a second reading.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Investment Policy Review Second Reading (Action Item)
The Board read this policy aloud. The section Delegation of Authority was amended for clarification. Pamela moved to approve the Investment Policy with the newest changes. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:50 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday August 18, 2021
5:30 pm
Madison Library District Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Golden Fulcher and Beth Hanson, (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Pamela Beard (Board Chair) participated by speaker phone. Tony Derricott and Carol Brown (Board Members) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the agenda. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Approve Budget for 2021-2022 Fiscal Year (Action Item)
The Board reviewed the budget for the next fiscal year. Beth motioned to accept the proposed budget. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
Golden moved to table the rest of the Agenda. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
B. Community Room Policy Discussion
7. Unfinished Business
A. Personnel Policy Second Reading (Action Item)
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 6:07 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday September 15, 2021
5:30 pm
Madison Library District Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Carol Brown, and Beth Hanson, (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Golden Fulcher (Board Member) was absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the agenda. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the bills. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 Minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Community Room Policy Discussion
Gina Miller, the Youth Programs Librarian, discussed her programs and the number of attendees. She showed the Board how the kitchen is being used as a preparatory staging area for many programs. Future use of the community room was discussed. The room has not been available for public use due to Covid safety constraints and will continue to be unavailable into the foreseeable future.
B. Trustee Guidelines Review
The Board discussed proper ways to respond when given complaints from members of the public based on incidents involving the Patron Code of Conduct Policy in August. The right to privacy of Board members as well as their personal safety was also discussed.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Personnel Policy Second Reading (Action Item)
Changes were made to this policy following the suggested guidelines from ICRMP, our insurance provider. These adjustments will be made and sent out to the Board for review prior to the October meeting. This will be on the agenda for the next month’s meeting.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:14 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday October 20, 2021
5:30 pm
Madison Library District Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, and Beth Hanson, (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the agenda. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 Minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Automated Materials Handling Upgrade (Action Item)
The Board reviewed three bids for a new Automated Materials Handling system. The companies that provided bids were Bibliotheca, Envisionware, and FE Technologies. While the systems were comparable, the biggest difference was the customer service and location of their service technicians. Carol motioned to select Bibliotheca to provide the new system. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
B. Resolution to Recover Existing Forgone Amount (Action Item)
In light of changes made at the Idaho Tax Commission, a resolution to spend a portion of the Library’s forgone amount was necessary to claim this amount. Pamela read the resolution. Carol motioned to pass the resolution, Beth seconded: Tony abstained from voting; all others voted in favor.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Personnel Policy Second Reading (Action Item)
Changes were made to this policy following the suggested guidelines from ICRMP, our insurance provider. These adjustments will be made and sent out to the Board for review prior to the November meeting. This will be on the agenda for the next month’s meeting.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 8:40 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday November 17, 2021
5:30 pm
Madison Library District Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Golden called the meeting to order at 5:44 pm. Those present: Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, and Beth Hanson, (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Pamela Beard, and Tony Derricott, (Board members) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the agenda. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the bills. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 Minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Board Member Volunteer Opportunity
Gina Miller, the Librarian over youth programs, discussed the Christmas Extravaganza. She asked the Board members if they would like to volunteer their time that night. This year’s theme is “Snow Much Fun.” Activities include a visit from Santa and many craft projects varying by age.
B. Library Support Associations Discussion
After a brief discussion regarding various roles Friends groups and Foundation groups may have, this subject was tabled for the January meeting.
C. Centennial Celebration Discussion
Programs, activities, and events were discussed. As this is still in the planning stages, the Director will be sending an email to the Board with more information when it becomes available.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Personnel Policy Second Reading (Action Item)
The Board reviewed the Personnel Policy draft. Beth motioned to approve; Golden seconded. All voted in favor.
8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month. The Director did discuss the Halloween Storytime and the power outage. This outage caused some problems with the some of the technological infrastructure, so the Director will be updating equipment as needed.
Golden adjourned the meeting at 7:04 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
December, 2021
No meeting was held this month.
- January 15
- February 19
- March
- April 15
- May 20
- June 17
- July 22
- August 19
- September 16
- October 21
- November 18
- December
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday January 15, 2020
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson, Carol Brown, and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Tina Leishman and Brad Reed (Rudd & Co. representatives).
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the agenda. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Tony moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Audit Report Rudd & Co.
Tina Leishman and Brad Reed from Rudd & Co. presented the findings of the annual audit of the 2018-2019 fiscal year to the Board. Mr. Reed gave the Library District a clean report. He stated that the Madison Library District was in conformity with general accounting principles. There were no major concerns, and the audit was successfully completed. (Note: the auditors left the meeting at this point.)
B. Update Bank Signature Cards
Those with authorization signed the signature card for all bank accounts at Zions. This removed the prior Board member and added the new Trustee to the account.
C. Operating Procedures Policy Review First Reading
The Board read this policy and made no changes to it. This will be on the February meeting agenda for a second reading.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Internet Safety Policy Review 2nd Review (Action Item)
The Board read this policy. Beth moved to accept this policy as revised. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
8. Director’s Report
The Director informed the Board about things going on at the Library since the last meeting. She thanked them for their help at the Christmas Extravaganza and considered the event a success. The Board was given a copy of the upcoming book and a schedule of events for the Library’s On the Same Page program. It was noted which Board members volunteered to bring the refreshments for the next four meetings. The Director will contact Patrick to discuss revision versions and how far back we need to keep policies. She will bring her findings to the next meeting.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:06 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday February 19, 2020
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Golden called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Tony Derricott and Pamela Beard (Board members) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the agenda. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Circulation Policy Review
B. Community Room Policy Review
The availability of the community room for Library events was discussed. Also the possibility of raising the room prices was talked about. The Board made no decisions or revisions and this will be added to the agenda for the meeting in March.
C. Long Range Budget Planning Discussion
The Board discussed with the Director and Assistant Director various projects and goals for the future of the Library. Subjects included sound proofing the hallway to the general side of the Library and additional computers and new furniture for the children’s area. This was not an action item.
D. Board Bylaws Discussion
This topic was tabled until the next meeting.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Operating Procedures Policy Review Second Reading (Action Item)
The Board read and reviewed this policy. No changes were made. Beth moved to approve the review, Carol seconded. All voted in favor.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Golden adjourned the meeting at 7:35 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
March 2020
CANCELLED Due to Covid-19 Concerns
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday April 15, 2020
5:30 pm online Zoom Meeting
1. Call meeting to order
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
5. Public Comment
6. New Business
A. Set Date for Budget Hearing (Action Item)
B. Covid -19 Update
7. Director’s Report
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday May 20, 2020
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Lori Robertson (Accountant) was absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the agenda. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Tony moved to approve the bills. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the edited minutes, correction made to attendees, of the previous meeting. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Circulation Policy Review
The Board read this through policy. A few edits and updates were made. For example; updates included adding the phrase ‘or signing the application’ to the card holder responsibilities section of the policy and clarification regarding outgoing ILL materials. The Director will bring this to the June meeting for a second reading.
B. Community Room Policy Review
Several topics about the Community Room were discussed. One concern was if the amount of money generated by renting out the room covers the expenses and time it takes to schedule and maintain it. Another matter was the known parking issues and accessibility for those who have reserved the room. The Board also discussed the availability of the room to schedule more Library programs in the room to meet the popularity and attendance demands. It was determined that more information was needed. Tony agreed to gather information regarding the availability of meeting rooms in the area and their prices for further discussion at the June meeting.
C. Board Bylaws
Two changes were made to the Bylaws. The phrase ‘except at an official Board meeting.’ was added to Article II, section 3, sentence 3. The word “and” was added to the first sentence of Article IV, section 1. The Director will make these changes and send out a copy to the Board electronically.
7. Old Business
There was no old business to discuss.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month. She will also send information to the Board about the online fee schedule. Items for the June meeting agenda are: a Community Room needs assessment from Tony, possibility of increasing out of district fees, preliminary budget discussion, and the second reading of the Circulation Policy, which is an action item.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 6:40 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday June 17, 2020
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Beth Hanson (Board member) and Lori Robertson (Accountant) were absent. Golden Fulcher (Board member) arrived at 6:30.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the agenda. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Tony moved to approve the bills. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Tony moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
After the public comment portion of the meeting had passed, a concerned patron came in. The Board Chair recognized the visitor and allowed her to voice her concerns to the Board regarding the Library’s closure during the stay at home order from the Governor.
6. New Business
A. Out of District Fees Discussion
Fees were discussed regarding leveling the out-of-district fees with the current taxes paid by an in-district resident. Further discussion was tabled pending the need for more information to be gathered regarding current tax amounts. The Director/Assistant Director will gather this information and bring it to the July meeting for discussion.
B. Preliminary Budget Overview
The Director discussed a conversation she had with the County Clerk. With recent issues regarding Covid -19 and proposed tax relief, it is difficult to get a ball park figure for what the budget might look like next year. The Clerk warned us that the usual 3% increase as seen in previous years probably won’t happen this year. The Director will bring 2-3 budget proposals to the July meeting for discussion.
7. Old Business
A. Covid -19 Update
The Director informed the Board of the steps the Library was taking to protect both the public and the staff. The Library began letting the public back into the building for limited hours on June 1st. The Library pushed back the start date of the Summer Reading Program to June 8th. All in house programs have been postponed until further notice, pending safety guidelines. The staff have been great to change their plans and have been doing a virtual story time and other programs online. Additional changes have been made to be in compliance with social distancing for summer reading sign ups. The Community Room will be in use for the length of the entire program for this purpose. The staff are doing their best to keep everyone safe.
B. Community Room Report – Tony
Tony and a group of volunteers will do some research in regards to what rooms are available in the Community and their prices. He will bring more information to the July meeting.
C. Circulation Policy Review Second Reading (Action Item)
The Board read this policy aloud. A few words were added for clarification concerning Interlibrary Loans and adding a link to the fines and fees. The Director will make these changes and bring a draft to the next meeting.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 6:44 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday July 22, 2020
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Beth Hanson (Board member) and Lori Robertson (Accountant) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the agenda. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
The Board reviewed the minutes and made changes. This was tabled until the August meeting. The Director will make the revisions and bring them to the August meeting for approval.
5. Public Comment
No public in attendance so no comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Covid -19 Report
The Director discussed with the Board the steps being taken to protect the public and the staff. It was suggested that the Library provide an infographic with information regarding these steps to the public.
B. Patron Code of Conduct
This policy was reviewed. The Board addressed patron behavior in a board meeting specifically. The Director will make these changes and additions and bring a working draft to the August meeting.
7. Old Business
A. Out of District Fees Discussion
According to the county tax assessor’s office, the average amount of taxes paid per household by those who live in Library district boundaries is $120 per year. The Director informed the Board that the $60 price for a nonresident card had not increased in at least fifteen to twenty years. The Director will review pervious year’s minutes and bring an exact date to the Board at the August meeting.
B. Preliminary Budget Overview
The Board and Director went over the budget. The Library had not received the final numbers from the County at this point but should have firm numbers to bring to the budget hearing in August. It is anticipated that the budget will remain close to the 2019-2020 fiscal year.
C. Community Room Report – Tony
Tabled to August meeting pending further information from Tony and the person researching price comparisons of the meeting rooms in the area.
D. Circulation Policy Review Second Reading (Action Item)
The Board read and updated this policy. Golden moved to accept the edited version. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:52 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday August 19, 2020
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Pamela Beard (Board member) was absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the agenda. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes from June and July (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of both months. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No public was in attendance. No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Approve Budget for 2020-2021 Fiscal Year (Action Item)
The Board reviewed the budget for the next fiscal year. Golden motioned to accept the proposed budget. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Community Room Report – Tony
Tony gave an overview of the preliminary report he received from David Barrus regarding the prices and availability of gathering spaces in Rexburg. Tony suggested that we invite Mr. Barrus to the September meeting to give a full report himself. The Director will email Mr. Barrus about attending the meeting.
B. Out of District Fee Increase (Action Item)
Based on information from the Madison County Assessor’s office, current house hold tax for the Library District is an average of $120/year. At present the Out-of-District fee for a Library card is $60. The Director informed the Board that according to our records, the last time the Library had raised the Out-of-District fee was November 1, 1996. It was suggested that the fees should be increased to better match the average amount. Carol moved to raise the Out-of-District fee to $80.00 per year. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
C. Patron Code of Conduct Second Reading (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the updates on this policy Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 6:47 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday September 16, 2020
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant); David Barrus (Visitor). Pamela Beard (Board member) was absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the agenda. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes from June and July (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of both months. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No public was in attendance. No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Vehicle Use Policy Discussion
This policy was read aloud by the Board. A clause was added to specify that the driver must be authorized by the Director/Assistant Director. The Director will make this change and bring this policy to the next meeting for a second reading.
B. Public Records Request Policy Discussion
The Board read aloud and reviewed this policy. No changes were made. This policy will be on the agenda for the next meeting for a second reading.
C. Emergency and Public Safety Policy (Action Item)
The Board reviewed the proposed Emergency and Public safety policy. It was introduced to give guidance for running the Library safely during emergencies and states that the Library will follow guidelines and safety recommendations set forth by the Eastern Idaho Public Health Department. Carol moved to adopt this policy with the addition of section titles noted. Beth seconded; All voted in favor.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Community Room Report – Tony & Mr. Barrus
Mr. Barrus, an economist from BYU Idaho, gave a report he made using market analysis regarding Community Room use. He compared the Library space using parameters such as financial costs and available capacity to other rented rooms in the area. His study found that aside from church buildings, we are the lowest option for a room rental in the surrounding area. He suggested ways that the Library could regain some of the money spent to rent and maintain the room. These included raising the amount we charge to rent the room or charging higher prices when it is most in demand.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Tony adjourned the meeting at 7:21 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Vice Chair Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday October 21, 2020
5:30 pm Community Room
This meeting was canceled due to Covid-19 illness.
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday November 18, 2020
5:30 pm Zoom
1. Call meeting to Order
At the Board Chair’s request, Tony Derricott, Vice Chair, conducted this meeting. Tony called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Pamela Beard, Beth Hanson, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Alissa Wilson (staff member & tech support). Golden Fulcher (Board member) and Lori Robertson (Accountant) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Pamela moved to approve the agenda. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the bills from October and November. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes from June and July (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the minutes of both months. Beth seconded; all voted in favor. It was noted that, due to Covid, discussion regarding Community Room fees should be reevaluated at a future meeting.
5. Public Comment
No public was in attendance. No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. LCEI Bylaws Discussion & Signature
The Madison Library is a participating member of the Library Consortium of Eastern Idaho. The bylaws of the consortium were updated at the last meeting. Each library was asked to present them to their Boards so they were aware of this participation. No action was required.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Vehicle Use Policy Second Reading (Action Item)
This Policy was read aloud. Pamela moved to approve the updates. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
B. Public Records Request Policy Review Second Reading (Action Item)
The Board read this policy aloud. Carol moved to approve the policy. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
In keeping with previous years, the December Board meeting will not be held.
Tony adjourned the meeting at 6:20 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Vice Chair Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
December, 2020
No meeting was held this month.
- January 16
- February 20
- March 20
- April 17
- May 15
- June 19
- July 17
- August 21
- September 18
- October 16
- November 20
- December
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday January 16, 2019
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:03 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Kathrine Holyoak, Beth Hanson, and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Tina Leishman and Brad Reed (representatives from Rudd & Co).
2. Assign New Vice – Chair
Pamela nominated Golden as Vice Chair. Kathrine seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Swear in New Board Member
Pursuant to Idaho Code 59-401, Board chair Pamela Beard swore in Beth Hanson.
4. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Kathrine moved to approve the agenda, Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Tony motioned to approve the bills, Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
6. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
The Board reviewed the minutes. Pam pointed out a word that needed to be changed. The Director made note and it will be updated. Golden motioned to approve the minutes as corrected. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
7. Public Comment
No comments were made.
8. New Business
A. Audit Report Rudd & Co.
Tina Leishman and Brad Reed from Rudd & Co. presented the findings of the annual audit the 2017-2018 fiscal year to the Board. Mr. Reed stated that the Madison Library District was in conformity with general accounting principles. He noted that the checks and balances the Library has set up were working well and recommended these continue. There were no major concerns, and the audit was successfully completed. (Note: the auditors left the meeting at this point.)
B. Patrick Bodily Board Member Training and Orientation
Patrick presented an orientation on Trustee duties.
9. Unfinished Business
A. Strategic Plan Discussion
After the presentation from Research and Business Development center in November’s meeting, the Board discussed the value of doing a needs assessment this summer. Several Board members suggested that while collecting data would be informative, they weren’t sure what they would use it for at present. They thought it more prudent to get the basic goals of the Library for the strategic plan laid out. Then, after these were established, a more in depth study would be beneficial at a later date. (Note: Tony Derricott left the meeting at this point.) It was suggested to have a work meeting later in the month to discuss the goals and strategic plan of the Library as the sole focus. The date for the work meeting was set to Thursday the 24th of January. At 5:00 pm in the community room. Patrick agreed to return to facilitate the meeting.
10. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:45 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday February 20, 2019
5:00 pm Community Room
This meeting has been canceled due to illness, therefore there are no minutes.
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday March 20, 2019
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:38 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Kathrine Holyoak, Beth Hanson, and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Kathrine moved to approve the agenda, Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Tony motioned to approve the bills, Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth motioned to approve the minutes of the January meeting, Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Set Date for Budget Hearing
The Board scheduled August 21, 2019 at 5:30 pm as the date and time for the budget hearing. The Director will certify this date with the County Clerk by the end of the month.
B. Edward Jones Bond Report
Based on advice from a Zack Excell at Edward Jones, and after careful consideration, the Director acted in accordance with the Investment Policy and sold the bond. The interest rate that we had in the Texas based bond was 3.625%. The newly purchased bond in California has a 4.25% interest rate. The money earned from the sale will be put into the summer reading budget.
C. Professional Development Policy Review
The Director brought this policy to the Board for clarification and designation. The Board reviewed this and added library-related, master-degree level education classes to parts of the policy. They also added emphasis on the necessity of obtaining pre-approval from the Director.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Strategic Plan Discussion
The Director and Assistant Director presented a copy of a one page strategic plan. This lists the Library’s mission, purpose, core services, and what we will concentrate on for the next few years. A copy will be available online as well as posted in the Library. The Director and staff will proceed at this point.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 6:45 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday April 17, 2019
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Kathrine Holyoak, Beth Hanson, and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Gina Miller and Susan Evans (employees).
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the agenda, Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Kathrine moved to approve the bills, Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Tony moved to approve the minutes of the January meeting, Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Summer Reading Sponsors – Gina Miller & Susan Evans
Gina and Susan are in charge of getting sponsors from local businesses for Library programs. They discussed specifically the summer reading sponsors. They asked the Trustees to either call or send a thank you note to some of these sponsors. The Trustees were given a list of sponsors to contact before the May meeting.
B. Report of Trustee Training Meeting
Pamela, Beth, and Tony discussed the training meeting held on March 30th in Idaho Falls. Highlighted topics covered onboarding, orienting, and training trustees. Each Trustee was given a copy of the presentation from that day.
C. Board By-Laws Review
The Board agreed that their bylaws were in need of review. Updating the bylaws as well as a Board self-assessment and code of conduct will be scheduled for discussion at the May meeting.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Professional Development Policy Review Second Reading
The Board read the Professional Development Policy. Beth moved to adopt the changes to this policy. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 6:42 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday May 15, 2019
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Beth Hanson, and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Gina Miller and Susan Evans (Employees). Golden Fulcher and Kathrine Holyoak (Board members) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Tony moved to approve the agenda, Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Pamela moved to approve the bills, Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
No new business was discussed. The Board continued to the next agenda item.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Trustee Report of Sponsor Contact
Gina and Susan returned to follow up with the Trustees on the assignments they were given last month. Susan said she had received great responses from sponsors about how nice it was to hear personally from the Trustees. Kathrine sent thank you notes to the list of sponsors she had been given. Pamela had called several of her sponsors, and left messages with the ones she was not able to speak with. Beth had begun to contact those on her list but still had a few to get with. Tony said he would complete his in the next couple of days and follow up with an email. Golden was absent and unable to report. Gina and Susan gave additional last minute sponsors to Pamela and Beth.
B. Trustee By-Laws Review
The Trustees read and reviewed their by-laws. They discussed the addition of two new sections. This will be addressed at the next meeting.
1. Trustee Self-Assessment
The Trustees read and discussed the self-assessment example from the information packet given to those who attended the Trustee training on March 30th. They discussed doing an annual self-assessment and what time of year it should take place. The Trustees agreed to continue discussion at the June meeting.
2. Trustee Code of Conduct
Sample codes of conduct and ethics were read. The Trustees thought sample two from Broad Source was the one they most agreed with and matched the goals of the Library. The Director will make the necessary adjustments and bring that draft to the June meeting.
8. Director’s Report
The Director informed the Board members about events that have happened at the Library over the previous month. The security system has been updated from 15 cameras to 29. This is the first major overhaul since their original installation nine years ago. We have had a maintenance and tune up on the sorting machine in preparation for the upsurge of use in the summer months. Everyone is preparing for the summer reading program. (Note: At the time of this meeting the Children’s Librarian, Vivian Milius, had been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. She passed away on the 25th of May. The Library was closed, May 28th, in her honor and to allow the employees to attend her funeral.)
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:20 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday June 19, 2019
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Beth Hanson, Kathrine Holyoak, and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Alissa Wilson (Employee). Golden Fulcher (Board member) and Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the agenda, Kathrine seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Tony moved to approve the bills, Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Pam moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Administer Trustee Oath of Office
Pursuant to Idaho Code 59-401, Pamela swore in the newly elected and re-elected Board members, Kathrine, Beth, and Tony, respectively.
B. Trustee Officer Election
Pursuant to the Board of Trustees By-Laws, Pamela was voted as Chairperson and Tony was voted Vice-Chairperson.
C. Collection Development Policy Review
The Trustees read aloud the Collection Development Policy. Changes to the sentence “Receipt for donations will be provided upon request.” This addition of words shifts the responsibility to the donor.
Note: Tony suggested we review the Investment Policy. The Director will send out the current policy and bring printed copies to the next meeting for review.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Trustee By-Laws Review
Changes from the May meeting were made and the Trustees were given a revised copy. The changes made at this meeting include adding the Trustee Code of Conduct to the main body of the by-laws and changing the way new agenda items are added per the updates in Idaho Code 74-204. These changes will be made, and a current draft will be presented at the July meeting.
1. Trustee Self-Assessment – Discussion
This was tabled for discussion at the next meeting.
2. Trustee Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct was added to the Board By-Laws as Article III.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email informing the Board members about events that have happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 9:10 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday July 17, 2019
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Beth Hanson, and Golden Fulcher (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Pamela Beard and Kathrine Holyoak (Board members) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the agenda. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Preliminary Budget Review
The Director presented a draft of the fiscal year 2019-2020 budget. The final numbers were not available from the county at the time of the meeting so the draft was based on the numbers from the previous budget year. The Director will email the Board a proposed draft with updated numbers when they become available.
B. Investment Policy Review
The Board read and made suggestions for rearranging the order of the paragraphs for ease of reading. The Director will make these changes, email them to the Board, and bring the changed draft to the August meeting for a final reading.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Collection Development Policy Second Reading (Action Item)
This policy was reviewed comparing the new changes to the pervious draft. The changes from the previous meeting were made and found acceptable. Golden motioned to approve the changes to the Collection Development Policy. Beth Seconded; all voted in favor.
B. Trustee By-Laws Review
1. Trustee Self-Assessment – Discussion
Prior to the meeting, Pamela had requested that the Director send the Board a survey they could do online. Not everyone was able to complete it. Golden motioned to table this discussion until the next meeting.
2. Trustee Code of Conduct – Discussion
The Code of Conduct was added to the Board Bylaws as Article 3. All changes from previous meetings were reviewed. The Board accepted the Bylaws. The Director will make the final changes and provide the Board with a copy at the next meeting.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email informing the Board members about events that have happened at the Library over the previous month.
Tony adjourned the meeting at 6:51 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Vice-Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday August 21, 2019
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Beth Hanson, Kathrine Holyoak, Golden Fulcher, and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Tony Derricott (Board member) was absent. It was noted; Pamela left the meeting at 6:30, at which point Golden conducted the meeting.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Due to an emergency situation that was discovered one hour prior to the Board meeting, Kathrine motioned to amend the agenda to create a resolution concerning the financial operation requirements and to approve the agenda as amended. Golden seconded. All voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills; Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Approve Budget for 2019-2020 Fiscal Year (Action Item)
Golden motioned to approve the budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year, Kathrine seconded; all voted in favor.
B. Update Washington Federal Signature Cards
A representative from Washington Federal bank had planned on coming to update the signature cards, one of the new requirements that Washington Federal needed in order for us to continue their services. Instead, he advised us that we would get a better interest rate if we moved to a different bank and suggested that we close the accounts. Fees to close the accounts earlier than scheduled were waived, pending closure of the said accounts.
C. Resolution Concerning Financial Operation Requirements (Action Item)
As per Idaho code 74-204, due to emergency situation, namely money from the closed accounts at Washington Federal needing to be invested as soon as possible, Beth moved to approve Resolution 19-01. Kathrine seconded; all voted in favor.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Investment Policy Review Second Reading (Action Item)
The Board read the Investment Policy aloud. Golden moved to approve the updated policy. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
B. Trustee By-Laws Review
1. Trustee Self-Assessment – Discussion
Golden motioned to table this to the September meeting as two Board members were absent.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Golden adjourned the meeting at 7:19 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday September 18, 2019
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Kathrine Holyoak and Beth Hanson (Board members) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the agenda. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Tony moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Beehive Bank Signature Cards
The Director opened a CD at Beehive Bank as instructed at the last Board meeting. In order for the Board members to become authorized signers they need to contact Beehive and follow their instructions.
B. Trustee Budget Guidelines
The Board has designated a specific amount of money from budget for their specific use. The Director and Pamela will meet and discuss the procedures used by the Staff and how to best adapt them for Board use. The Director will send the draft to the Board prior to the next meeting. This will be added to the Board By-Laws.
C. Policy Development Policy Review
The Board read and reviewed the Policy Development Policy. Revisions include updating the Idaho Code tile and chapter changes as well as policy adoption periods. The Director will make these revisions and bring an updated draft to be read at the October meeting for final approval.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Trustee By-Laws Review
1. Trustee Self-Assessment – Discussion
The Board had previously done an online assessment. The results were brought to the meeting and reviewed by the Board. The Director gave the Board a list of guidelines and expectations based on previous discussions and recommendations from the Idaho Commission for Libraries. It was suggested that a review be done on a regular basis.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 6:30 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday October 16, 2019
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson, Carol Brown and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Patrick Bodily (Idaho Commission for Libraries representative). Kim Muir (Madison County Clerk).
2. Swear in New Trustee
Board Chair Pamela Beard swore in new Trustee Carol Brown pursuant to Idaho Code 59-401.
3. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the agenda. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Pamela moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
6. Public Comment
No comments were made.
7. New Business
A. Discussion with County Clerk – Levy & Special Taxing Districts
Kim explained how money for special taxing districts is collected and distributed. She also explained the forgone amount and how it gets there. The Director informed the Board that Library Districts throughout the state have been having difficulty claiming this for many years. Pamela discussed a conversation with Senator Rice at the Idaho Library Association state conference. The Senator said that he needed data and facts about how not collecting a forgone amount affects the Library Districts and to bring the information to him at a later date. Beth and Carol volunteered to form a sub-committee and meet with the Director to find out more information regarding levies and forgone amounts. (Golden left at 6:00. Kim Muir left at the end of this discussion.)
B. Idaho Commission for Libraries – Trustee Training
Patrick presented an orientation and training on the responsibilities and duties of a Trustee to the Board.
C. Trustee Report of ILA Conference
Pamela and Tony discussed the Idaho Library Association conference they had attended earlier in the month. They shared their favorite sessions and new ideas.
8. Unfinished Business
A. Trustee By-Laws Budget Guidelines Review
The Trustees looked at their by-laws and discussed budget guidelines. These guidelines were added to the existing by-laws and became Article XI. (Beth Hanson left the meeting at 6:50 pm.)
B. Policy Development Policy Review Second Reading (Action Item)
The Board read through the Policy Development Policy. Carol moved to approve the changes to the policy. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
9. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:52 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday November 20, 2019
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson, Carol Brown, and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the agenda. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. New Business
A. Internet Safety Policy Review
The Board read and discussed this policy. They suggested a few updates, such as adding specific links to Idaho Code and referencing other policies. The Director will make these changes and bring them to the next meeting.
B. Executive Session
Pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(a) and after a roll call vote:
Pamela: yes.
Beth: yes.
Tony: yes.
Carol: yes.
Golden: yes.
The Board entered executive session at 6:24 pm. The Board exited executive session at 7:00 pm.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Report of Sub-Committee Meeting
Beth and Carol reported the findings from their research. Carol contacted Patrick Bodily at the ICfL. He was only able to give us contact information for people, but couldn’t help us further as it would be a conflict of interest. Beth contacted Kim Muir at Madison County and together they talked to someone from the Idaho State Tax commission. They were told that it would be a waste of time to pursue this as it would require the public to increase their taxes.
B. Trustee By-Laws Additions & Review
The Board read the By-Laws and a few changes were made such as removing the specific time of the meeting and in Article II Section 3 some sentences were consolidated to avoid redundancy. With these changes made, the Board then approved their By-Laws.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:05 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
December 2019
The Board decided to cancel the regular Board meeting in December and instead volunteered to help with the Library’s Christmas Extravaganza on December 2nd.
- January 17
- February 21
- March 21
- April 18
- May 16
- June 20
- July 18
- August 22
- September 19
- October 17
- November 28
- December
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday January 17, 2018
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Board Chair David Reeser called the meeting to order at 5:10 pm. Those present: David Reeser, Terry Rodino, and Golden Fulcher (Board members), Valerie Lloyd (Secretary), Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director), Tina Leishman, and Brad Reed (representatives from Rudd & Co). Tony Derricott, Pamela Beard (Board members) and Lori Robertson (Accountant) were excused.
2. Approve Bills
Terry motioned to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Terry motioned to approve the minutes from the October and November meetings. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Public Comment No comments were made.
5. Unfinished Business
A. Trustee Blog Next Assignment
Golden wrote the January blog. In the absence of two Board members, assignment of the next blog was tabled until the next meeting.
B. Strategic Plan Discussion
The Director presented and discussed drafts of the Strategic Plan. The results of a community meeting regarding the needs of the public and how the Library could fill those were talked about. These goals were short term goals that have been addressed with plans to continue efforts such as becoming more visible in the community, reaching underserved populations, and signage. This is a work in progress, and the Director will continue working with staff to proceed with these plans.
C. Book Drive – Children’s and Young Adult Books The Board agreed to collect books to help replenish the stock for the book wagon and other outreach programs. No specific duties were assigned. The Director will add this topic to the agenda for the February meeting.
6. New Business
A. Report of Audit – Rudd & Co.
Tina Lishman and Brad Reed from Rudd & Co. presented the findings of the annual audit to the Board. Mr. Reed stated that the Madison Library District was in conformity with general accounting principles. He noted that the checks and balances the Library has set up were working well and recommended these continue. There were no major concerns, and the audit was successfully completed. Golden motioned to accept and approve the audit for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Terry seconded; all voted in favor. (Note: the auditors left the meeting at this point.)
B. Presentation of Annual Statistics to Board
The Director presented the results of 2016-2017 statistics report to the Board. The Board reviewed these and discussed the state and federal use of library statistics. Some interesting statistics are as follows: the collection size was 122,981, while the number of items checked out was 529,853; roughly all the items in the Library checked out 5 times. We are now able to track Wi-Fi sessions; there were 47,817 individual sessions during the year.
7. Director’s Report
The Director discussed the recent posts on the Library’s Facebook page regarding the showing of a PG-13 movie in the Community Room. The need for a Social Media Policy was apparent. The Director will draft a policy and bring it to the February meeting. The Library program On the Same Page will begin on January 19th. This year the featured book is Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling. The Board was given copies of the book along with a calendar of events. The Library’s 100 year celebration will be in 2021. The Director and Assistant Director discussed plans they already have in the works. The Director will put this item on the agenda for the February meeting for further discussion.
David adjourned at 6:51 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
David Reeser, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday February 21, 2018
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Vice Chair called the meeting to order at 5:10 pm. Those present: Terry Rodino, Tony Derricott, Pamela Beard, and Golden Fulcher (Board members), Valerie Lloyd (Secretary), Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director), and Lori Robertson (Accountant). David Reeser (Board Chair) was excused.
2. Approve Agenda
Pamela motioned to approve the agenda. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills
Tony motioned to approve the bills. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes
Golden motioned to approve the minutes from the January meeting. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. Unfinished Business
A. Trustee Blog – Next Assignment
Tony volunteered to write the blog for the month of March.
B. Strategic Plan Review
In order to make an effective strategic plan, the Director suggested more research and meetings with community members, as well as conducting surveys on social media, the Library website, and in-house. The Director will bring sample survey questions to the next meeting.
C. Book Drive Follow-Up Discussion The Director informed the Board that the Foundation book store inside the Library was going to be having a book drive in April. Rather than duplicating these efforts, the Board thought they would help the Foundation individually where possible.
7. New Business
A. Community Room Policy Discussion
The Board discussed an email they had received regarding the use of the room. The patron’s concern and question was regarding reserving/using the room in one hour increments. The Director provided the Community Room Policy to the Board and explained that in the past we did allow reservations in one hour increments but that many using the room didn’t allow enough time for clean up and take down of their events. This caused problems for those using the room after them. No changes to the policy were suggested at this time. The Board Chair will contact the patron regarding their concern.
B. Social Media Policy Introduction
The Board discussed this policy. They suggested revising the draft and bringing the revision to the March meeting. Terry agreed to help with this.
C. Library’s 100 Year Celebration Discussion
2021 will be the Library’s centennial year. The Director suggested creating a committee with staff, trustees, and perhaps community members to begin planning events for this celebration.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent out an email with a summary of things that happened at the Library over the previous month. The report talked about replacing external lights, installing new ballasts, and updating bulbs. It also informed the Board that the Library staff certified for the ICRMP discount program by taking online quizzes and reading the Vehicle Use and Personnel policies. There were no questions from the Board.
Terry moved to adjourn at 7:08.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Terry Rodino, Vice-Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday March 21, 2018
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Board Chair called the meeting to order at 5:04 pm. Those present: David Reeser, Terry Rodino, Tony Derricott, Pamela Beard, and Golden Fulcher (Board members), Valerie Lloyd (Secretary), Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director), and Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Agenda
Tony moved to amend the agenda to add a discussion of a patron complaint. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills
Golden motioned to approve the bills. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes
Terry motioned to approve the minutes from the February meeting. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. Unfinished Business
A. Trustee Blog – Next Assignment
Pamela accepted the invitation to write the blog for the month of April. The Board also asked if there was a way to track the number of people looking at the blog. The Director will follow up with this question and bring the results to the next meeting.
B. Strategic Plan Discussion
Following up from last month’s meeting, the Director brought sample survey questions to review. She also informed the Board that she had discussed this with the staff. At this meeting a staff member suggested getting advice from her husband, a professor of sociology at BYU-I. He teaches how to best do surveys. She said he would be willing to consult with the Library on how to produce a successful survey for the strategic plan. The Board thought that working with him would be wise. The Director will keep the Board informed on the progress.
C. Social Media Policy Discussion
With the help of Terry Rodino, the Director presented a condensed and streamlined draft of this policy. The Board changed some headings for clarification. There was a discussion about free speech and constitutional law and how that fits with this policy. The Director will make the changes suggested in the meeting and bring in a new draft for a first reading in April.
7. New Business
A. Library Advocacy with Legislators
The Idaho Library Association Trustee division chair notified the Director that she will be issuing a challenge to all public library trustees in Idaho. The charge is to contact their legislators three times before the start of the next legislative session, which begins in January 2019. The Director will add this to the agenda for the April meeting to discuss ideas on how to do this.
B. Schedule Date for Budget Hearing in August
Tony motioned to set the budget hearing for August 22, 2018. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor. The Director will certify this date with the Madison County Clerk as soon as possible.
C. Patron Complaint
Tony informed the Board of a discussion he had with a person at the Farmers Merchant Banquet he attended. This person was upset that they couldn’t get a library card because they live out of the district. The Director informed the Board that through the Libraries Linking Idaho program, people who pay a tax to a library in Idaho can get a card here. They have limited use, but they do have access to what is available here.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent out an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month. Pamela suggested adding an executive session to the April agenda to discuss the annual evaluation of the Director.
Dave moved to adjourn at 7:39 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
David Reeser, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday April 18, 2018
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Dave called the meeting to order at 5:08. Those present: David Reeser, Tony Derricott, and Golden Fulcher (Board members), Valerie Lloyd (Secretary), and Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Terry Rodino, Pamela Beard, (Board members), and Lori Robertson (Accountant) were excused.
2. Approve Agenda
Golden motioned to accept the agenda as written. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills
Tony motioned to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes
Golden motioned to approve the minutes from the March meeting. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. Unfinished Business
A. Trustee Blog – Next Assignment
In the absence of two Board members this assignment was tabled.
B. Strategic Plan Discussion
The Director reported the continuing progress being made with the strategic plan. She will be meeting with a sociology professor regarding a survey.
C. Social Media Policy Discussion
This was tabled and will be brought to the May meeting.
D. Library Advocacy with Legislators
The Director gave the Board members a copy of a letter that was sent out from the Trustee Division of the Idaho Library Association. This letter issues a challenge to library boards across the state to contact their legislators three times before the start of the 2019 legislative session. The Director will put this on the agenda for discussion at the May meeting.
7. New Business
A. Personnel Policy Review
The Board reviewed the Personnel Policy. A few changes to the policy were suggested. These included bereavement leave, military leave, and jury duty. There was also a question regarding a clause about a Director’s contract under Powers and Duties the Board. The Director will make a new draft of the policy and bring it to the May meeting.
B. Executive Session – Director’s Annual Review
The executive session was tabled to the next meeting in order to have more Board members in attendance. The Board watched a short clip ‘Evaluating the Library Director’ from the American Library Association’s Trustee Division. This video interview covered different ways of gathering information, tools to use, and suggestions on how to conduct a Director’s review. Tony agreed to look into potential questions to use in the upcoming review and will bring those back to the Board at the next meeting.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent out an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month. Some discussion was had regarding public use of the community room.
Dave moved to adjourn at 7:00 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
David Reeser, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday May 16, 2018
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Dave called the meeting to order at 5:06 pm. Those present: David Reeser, Tony Derricott, Terry Rodino, and Pamela Beard (Board members), Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director) and Lori Robertson (Accountant). Golden Fulcher (Board member) was excused.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Terry motioned to accept the agenda as written. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Pam motioned to approve the bills. Terry seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Trustee Training
The Board watched a ten minute training video from the training series “Short Takes for Trustees” titled “Library Advocacy.” Access to this training has been paid for by the Idaho Commission for Libraries and was produced by the American Library Association.
5. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
David motioned to approve the minutes from the April meeting. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
6. Public Comment
No comments were made.
7. Trustee Chair Appointment and New Vice-Chair Election (Action Item)
As per the Trustee bylaws the new Board Chair is the Vice-Chair from the previous year. Tony nominated Pamela to be the new Vice-Chair. Terry seconded; all voted in favor.
8. Unfinished Business
A. Trustee Blog – Next Assignment
Pamela volunteered to present the next Trustee blog.
B. Strategic Plan Discussion
It was suggested that all Board members should watch the “Trustee Short Take” regarding strategic planning. Tony was wondering if this was an action item. The Director will call Patrick Bodily from the ICfL to find out this information and will bring the answer back to the June meeting.
C. Social Media Policy First Reading
The Board read through this policy. Minor changes were made for clarity. The Director will bring these changes to the next Board meeting for a second and final review.
D. Library Advocacy with Legislators
Pamela expressed a desire to become a member of the Idaho Library Association. The Director will sign her up.
E. Personnel Policy Review
The Board reviewed the Personnel Policy. Changes were suggested regarding bereavement leave and compensatory time vs flex time. Grammatical changes were also noticed. The Director will make these changes and bring that draft to the June meeting.
F. Executive Session – Director’s Annual Review
The Executive Session was tabled. The Board discussed how to best perform their review in order to establish a format for future use. Tony brought sample questions. The Director will send them out to the rest of the Board for review.
9. New Business
David Reeser announced his resignation from the Board. He and his family have moved out of the Library District boundaries, which disqualifies him from serving on the Board. The other Board members accepted his resignation and will now look to appoint a new Trustee.
10. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 7:53 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Terry Rodino, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday June 20, 2018
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Board Chair Terry Rodino called the meeting to order at 5:06 pm. Those present: Terry Rodino, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); and Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Tony motioned to accept the agenda as written. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Pamela motioned to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Trustee Training
The Board watched a ten minute training video from the training series “Short Takes for Trustees” titled “Strategic Planning.”
5. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Pamela motioned to approve the minutes from the April meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
6. Public Comment
No comments were made.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Trustee Blog – Next Assignment
Pamela and the Director will meet to complete the blog entry.
B. Strategic Plan Discussion
The Strategic plan is something that will continue to be on the agenda as it is a work in progress. Tony volunteered to attend a City Council meeting and report on what he finds. It was suggested that Pamela and the Director attend a Community Council coalition meeting or meet with someone from the city of Rexburg regarding population growth and what the city has in mind.
C. Social Media Policy Second Reading (Action Item)
The Board read and reviewed this policy. Golden moved to approve the Social Media Policy as it was read. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
D. Personnel Policy Revision First Reading
This was tabled until the next meeting. Terry and Valerie will meet to review this policy and bring their findings to the next meeting.
E. Board Bylaws Questionnaire Review
Library Director reviews from several different libraries were presented. The Board concluded that it would be best for each member to take these reviews home and bring back their top five questions to the meeting in July.
8. New Business
A. New Trustee Appointment Discussion
Tony had asked Carol Brown if she would be willing to serve on the Board. For the record, she is willing to help, but not at this time. Katherine Holyoak has accepted the invitation to serve on the Board. She won’t be able to make it to the July meeting. However, she plans to be in attendance at the August meeting, where she will be sworn in.
B. Little Free Libraries
Pamela saw how the Valley of the Tetons Library in Driggs is sponsoring their Little Free Libraries throughout their area. She was interested in perhaps having something similar in our area. As the Board had previously researched and agreed that this wouldn’t be something the Madison Library should take on at this time, it was suggested that the Madison Library District Foundation could perhaps be interested in it. The Director will contact Susan Thomas, Chair of the Foundation, and invite her to the July meeting.
9. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Terry moved to adjourn at 8:15 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Terry Rodino, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday July 18, 2018
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Board Chair Terry Rodino called the meeting to order at 5:07 pm. Those present: Terry Rodino, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Patrick Bodily (Idaho Commission for Libraries); and Susan Thomas (Madison Library District Foundation President).
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Pamela motioned to accept the agenda as written. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Tony motioned to approve the bills. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Trustee Training
As Patrick Bodily from ICfL was in attendance, the Board used this time as a question and answer session with him. Questions and discussions were regarding Trustee duties, budgeting, and forgone amount issues.
5. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Golden motioned to approve the minutes from the June meeting as edited. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
6. Public Comment
No comments were made.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Little Free Libraries –Discussion with Foundation Representative
Pamela presented information from the Driggs newspaper article covering the Little Free Library program they have in that area. Susan said she would be willing to take this information to the Foundation Board. Their next meeting is in September. Pamela volunteered to be liaison to the Foundation from the Library Board regarding this. Susan will bring results of this meeting to the October meeting. Susan left the meeting.
B. Trustee Blog – Next Assignment
The Trustees decided to make a schedule for the blog posts. The assignments are as follows: Terry – August; Golden – September; Kathrine – October.
C. Strategic Plan Discussion
Tony will attend a city council meeting and report back at the next meeting. Pamela and Valerie will meet with a city planner and report at the next meeting.
D. Personnel Policy Revision First Reading
The Board reviewed this policy and made suggestions for changes. One such suggestion was to remove the section regarding powers and duties of the Board and place it into the Board bylaws. The Director will make these changes and bring the edited version to the August meeting.
E. Board Bylaws Questionnaire Review
The Board discussed annual reviews and how they are performed at the Commission. Patrick explained how reviews were conducted by his supervisor on an annual basis. He said they also look at the previous year’s review to see if the goals they set were met. Patrick pointed out the section in the trustee manual about director evaluations and suggested all the Trustees read this.
8. New Business
A. New Trustee Appointment (Action Item)
Tony motioned to appoint Kathrine Holyoak to fill the Trustee vacancy. Golden seconded; all voted in favor. She will be sworn in at the August meeting.
B. Budget Discussion
Budget L-2’s from the county and the forgone amount were discussed. Lori and Patrick talked about the Idaho State Tax Commission and how the rules of claiming a forgone amount have changed. The budget for the forthcoming year is based on the budget numbers we used in fiscal year 2017-2018. The county has not sent out the L2’s, so no true numbers were available yet from the County. The Library anticipates getting these in the first week of August. The Director will go over these numbers with Lori and bring the proposed budget to the hearing in August.
9. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Terry moved to adjourn at 7:55 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Terry Rodino, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday August 22, 2018
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:04 pm. Those present: Golden Fulcher and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Tony Derricott (Trustee) participated via speaker phone. Terry Rodino (Trustee) and Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Golden motioned to accept the agenda as written. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Tabled to next meeting.
4. Trustee Training
Tabled to next meeting.
5. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Pamela motioned to approve the minutes from the July meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
6. Public Comment
No comments were made.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Strategic Plan Reports
Tabled to next meeting.
B. Personnel Policy Revision First Reading
Tabled to next meeting.
C. Discussion – Establishing Guidelines for Director Review
Tabled to next meeting.
8. New Business
A. Approve Budget for 2018-2019 Fiscal Year (Action Item)
Tony motioned to approve the budget for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
9. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 5:20 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Terry Rodino, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday September 19, 2018
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm. Those present: Golden Fulcher, Tony Derricott, Kathrine Holyoak, and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Patrick Bodily; (Idaho Commission for Libraries). Terry Rodino (Trustee) was absent.
2. Swear In New Trustee Kathrine Holyoak (Action Item)
Vice Chair Pamela Beard swore in new Trustee Kathrine Holyoak pursuant to Idaho Code 59-401.
3. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Tony motioned to accept the agenda as written. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden motioned to approve the bills for July and August. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Pamela motioned to approve the minutes from the August meeting. Tony seconded; majority passed.
6. Public Comment
No comments were made.
7. Trustee Training – Patrick Bodily ICfL
Patrick presented an orientation on Trustee duties.
8. Unfinished Business
A. Strategic Plan Reports
Pamela and the Director reported their meeting with Daniel Torres, Assistant Economic Developer from the City of Rexburg. More information was requested; the Director will ask Mr. Torres to come to the next meeting to discuss the recent strategic plan he and his team put together.
B. Personnel Policy Revision First Reading
The Board read through this policy. Details of the powers and duties of the Board of Trustees was removed and replaced with a link to the Idaho Code, which details this information. Bereavement leave was revised, adding more time off for an employee should a member of their immediate family die.
C. Discussion – Establishing Guidelines for Director Review
Pamela and the Director will meet and discuss questions pertaining to a Director review and bring the results back to the October meeting.
9. New Business
A. Recruit New Trustee
There was no discussion of recruitment at this time.
B. Audit – Letter of Engagement
Rudd & Company will be doing an audit in October. The Director presented the Board with this preliminary letter to get a signature from them to begin the process.
9. Director’s Report
The Director will send an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 7:53 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Terry Rodino, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday October 17, 2018
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:15 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Terry Rodino (Board member) participated via Skype; Golden Fulcher and Kathrine Holyoak (Board members) were absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Tony motioned to accept the agenda as written. Terry seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Tony motioned to approve the bills for September. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Pamela motioned to approve the minutes from the August meeting. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. Unfinished Business
A. Strategic Plan Discussion Daniel Torres – City of Rexburg
This was tabled until the November meeting.
B. Personnel Policy Revision Second Reading and Adoption (Action Item)
The Board read through the changes of the Personnel Policy. Terry motioned to approve the revisions. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
C. Discussion – Establishing Guidelines for Director Review
Pamela will come to the next staff meeting and have the staff fill out a review of the Director. She will bring these results to the November meeting. An executive session will be added to the agenda for the annual Director review.
7. New Business
A. Circulation Policy Discussion – LiLI Program (LiLI)
The Director discussed the Libraries Linking Idaho Program with the Board. Clarification was made regarding prospective patron qualifications. To be eligible to get a library card here the patron must pay a library tax where they live or pay the out-of-district fee.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month. Adjustment of the November meeting date was discussed. The Board decided to reschedule the November meeting to Wednesday the 28th to avoid the Thanksgiving holiday.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 6:02 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Acting Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday November 28, 2018
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Kathrine Holyoak, and Pamela Beard (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Terry Rodino (Board member) was absent.
2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
Kathrine motioned to approve the agenda. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Tony motioned to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Pamela motioned to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. Unfinished Business
A. Strategic Plan Discussion Daniel Torres – City of Rexburg
Mr. Torres presented information on how the City worked with the Research and Business Development Center. Their representative, Brady Adams, explained that students do research and legwork to help create a strategic plan. This would cost approximately $3,500. Kathrine suggested that the Board hold a separate work meeting to consider the best options of when and how this would take place.
B. Little Free Libraries – Madison Library Foundation
The Board discussed Little Free Libraries in September of 2017, and again in May and July of 2018. The consensus at this meeting was that the Board wasn’t going to proceed with this any longer. They would instead turn it over to the Foundation to do as they see fit.
Tony exited at 7:00
C. Executive Session – Director’s Annual Review
Pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 (b), and after a rollcall vote: Golden, yes; Pamela, yes; Kathrine, yes, the Board moved into executive session. Miranda was excused. The Board exited executive session at 8:45 pm.
7. New Business
No new business was discussed.
8. Director’s Report
The Director sent an email to Board members with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month. Since the Board members volunteered to help at the Christmas Extravaganza, they decided to cancel the December Board meeting. The next regular meeting will be held as scheduled on January 16th.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 8:45 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Acting Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
December 2018
The Board decided to cancel the regular Board meeting in December and instead volunteered to help with the Library’s Christmas Extravaganza on December 3rd.
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday January 18, 2017
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
In the absence of the Board chair, vice chair David Reeser called the meeting to order at 5:07 pm. Those present: David Reeser, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Cody Gamboa, Tina Leishman, and Brad Reed (representatives from Rudd & Co). Board members Pamela Beard and Katie Baird were excused.
2. Approve Bills
Golden moved to approve the bills. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Tony moved to approve the minutes from the November meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Public Comment
No comments were made.
5. Report of Audit – Rudd & Co.
Brad Reed from Rudd & Co. presented a draft to the Board and discussed the audit report. He stated that the Madison Library District was in conformity with general accounting principles. He noted that the checks and balances that the Library has set up were working well and suggested to maintain these. Mr. Reed informed the board that the Library was now beginning to depreciate. There were no major concerns, and the audit was successfully completed. Tony motioned to approve the audit for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
6. Presentation of Annual Statistics to Board
The Director handed out copies of the fiscal year 2015-2016 to the Board. The Board reviewed these and discussed the state and federal use of library statistics with Patrick Bodily, who is the State Data Coordinator.
7. Strategic Planning Discussion Patrick Bodily Idaho Commission for Libraries
Patrick Bodily reviewed and evaluated the work done previously in focus groups. The general consensus was that the goals reached at the focus group meeting were enough to move to the next step. Miranda volunteered to help the Director write the long range plan.
8. Madison Library Board Bylaws
The Board has discussed formalizing bylaws. The Director presented the suggested bylaws from the Idaho Commission for Libraries, as well as examples from several public libraries. The Director will modify the sample from the Commission and bring a draft to the next meeting ready for discussion.
9. Trustee Election Laws Update
The Director reminded the Board that 2017 is an election year for the Library Board Trustee seat E. Katie Baird currently holds that position but does not plan to run again. The Director suggested that the vacancy be advertised. The Deadline for Declaration of Candidacy is March 17, 2017.
10. Change location of February meeting to Activity room.
The Director informed the Board that the February meeting will need to be held in the Activity room inside the Library. There will be an event for the Library sponsored program On the Same Page in the Community Room that night.
11.Director’s Report/Discussion
The Director told the Board about the Niche Academy Platform that provides ready-to-use tutorials and online learning platforms to help promote resource utilization, patron awareness, and staff efficiency. Niche Academy has ready training modules available as well as being willing to help the Library create tutorials to meet specific in-house needs.
David moved to adjourn at 6:20 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday February 15, 2017
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Chairperson Katie Baird called the meeting to order at 5:06 pm. Those present: Katie Baird, David Reeser, Pamela Beard, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Bills
David moved to approve the bills. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Tony moved to approve the minutes from the November meeting. David seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Public Comment
No comments were made.
5. Trustee Election Discussion
The Board discussed several people who might be able to run as a Trustee. March 17, 2017 is the deadline to get declaration of candidacy to the County Clerk. This is a six year term.
6. Madison Library Board Bylaws First Reading
The Board reviewed the sample bylaws from the Idaho Commission for Libraries. The Board discussed items and made suggestions specific for this Library. The Director will make these changes and bring a second draft to the next Board meeting in March.
7. Strategic Plan First Reading
Due to time constraints Tony motioned to table this until the next month.
8. Director’s Report/Discussion
The Director referred to the email she had sent to the Board. She reminded them about the events for the On Same Page Community Reading Program – Murder on the Orient Express.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 7:05 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Katie Baird, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday March 15, 2017
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Chairperson Katie Baird called the meeting to order at 5:20 pm. Those present: Katie Baird, David Reeser, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Pamela Beard and Golden Fulcher (Board members) were absent.
2. Approve Bills
David moved to approve the bills. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Tony moved to approve the minutes from the February meeting. David seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Public Comment
No comments were made.
5. Trustee Election Discussion
The Director informed the Board that Terry Rodino has declared candidacy for the Trustee position. He is the only person running at this point. The last day for write in candidates is April 3rd. If in the event there are no other candidates, an election will not be necessary.
6. Trustee Training Opportunities
The Idaho commission for Libraries has purchased access to Short Takes for Trustees, a series for Trustees and library directors, of 10 short videos (8-10 minutes each). These will be accessible through June, 2017. The Board members in attendance thought that this ought to be viewed individually, and suggested that they bring what they learn back to the Board meetings for discussion. The Library will be hosting a Trustee Connection Workshop on Friday August 11th. This will be sponsored by the Idaho Commission for Libraries, and they are in charge of all activities the Library is just providing the room. This will be open for all Library Trustees and Directors in the South East Idaho Region.
7. Schedule Date for Budget Hearing in August
The Board scheduled August 16th, 2017 at 5:00 in the Library’s Community Room. The Director will certify this date with the County Clerk by the end of the Month.
8. Eclipse August 2017 Discussion
Fifty to eighty thousand visitors are expected for the solar eclipse on August 21st, 2017. If in fact this were the case, the following are reasons not to be open: to prevent becoming just a bathroom facility, to protect the building, parking issues, the high volume of traffic on the roads, and the employees should get to view the eclipse too. The Director suggest that the Library be closed on Saturday, August 19th and on Monday, August 21st. With other days as needed to be determined by the Director.
9. Madison Library Board Bylaws Second Reading
The Board reviewed the bylaws. A few changes were suggested including cutting information already in the personnel policy and referencing it in the document. A few sentences were combined to facilitate ease of reading. The Director will make these changes, send them to the Board members to review and bring the final draft to the next meeting in April.
10. Trustee Fourth of July Parade Float
Since all Board members were not in attendance this subject was tabled until the April meeting.
11.Director’s Report/Discussion
Katie moved to adjourn at 6:40 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Katie Baird, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday April 19, 2017
5:00 pm Community Room
No meeting was held due to illness.
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday May 17, 2017
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Chairperson Katie Baird called the meeting to order at 5:02 pm. Those present: Katie Baird, David Reeser, Pamela Beard, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant) was absent. Toni Rodino future Board member attended as a visitor.
2. Approve Bills
Pamela moved to approve the bills. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Dave moved to approve the minutes from the March meeting. Tony seconded; all voted in favor. There are no meeting minutes for April as the meeting was canceled.
4. Public Comment
No comments were made.
5. Madison Library Board Bylaws Final Reading
The Board read the draft of the bylaws. They made revisions including changing a few words and adding sentences for clarification. Golden motioned to approve the Board bylaws. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
6. Trustee Fourth of July Parade Float
The Trustees discussed being in the parade on the Fourth of July. Terri was asked to obtain an application from the Chamber of Commerce and complete the paperwork for that. Pamela was asked to contact Stones to see if they sponsor the Trustees and allow them to use a vehicle for the parade. Further details will be discussed at the June Board meeting.
7. Records Retention Policy Review
The Director added Trustee election documents and the annual audit reports to the permanent records list. Pam motioned to approve the updates to the records retention policy. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
8. Disc Repair Machine Purchase
The Director discussed plans to purchase a disc repair machine. This was brought to the attention of the Board because half of the payment for this purchase would be made in this fiscal year and the final payment in the next fiscal year. The Trustees agreed that this was a wise purchase for the Library. The Director will continue steps for this purchase.
9. Director’s Report/Discussion
The Idaho Commission for Libraries announced their decision to extend access to Short Takes for Trustees through June of 2018. So that will continue to be available.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 7:04 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
David Reeser, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday June 21, 2017
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Chairperson David Reeser called the meeting to order at 5:06 pm. Those present: David Reeser, Terry Rodino, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Pamela Beard and Golden Fulcher (Board members) and Lori Robertson (Accountant) were absent.
2. Swear In New Trustee Terry Rodino
Pursuant to Idaho Code 59 – 401, Chairperson Reeser swore in new Board member Terry Rodino.
3. Approve Agenda
No changes were proposed.
4. Approve Bills
Terry moved to approve the bills. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Approve Minutes
Tony moved to approve the minutes from the May meeting. Terry seconded; all voted in favor.
6. Public Comment
No comments were made.
7. Unfinished Business
- Trustee Entry for Fourth of July Parade
The Board discussed the possibility of being in the parade. Several of the Board members were not going to be available on that day. Those present decided to cancel plans.
8. New Business
- Nomination for Vice-ChairTony nominated Terry for the position of Vice-Chairperson. Terry accepted the nomination; all voted in favor.
- Parking IssuesThe Director informed the Board about the difficulty Library patrons and Family History Center patrons were having with parking. The grass north of the School District was discussed but quickly dismissed given the asking price. In effort to discourage people from leaving their vehicle here for extended periods of time, two or three hour parking signs were suggested, in the library parking area depending on what is sanctioned by the City. These would have to be patrolled by the Rexburg Police Department. The Director will contact the City/Police to see what needs to be done to make these changes to the parking lot.
9. Patrick Bodily Idaho Commission for Libraries
Patrick discussed the roles and responsibilities of Library Trustees. He also covered the Freedom to Read statement and the Library Bill of Rights. He reminded the Board about access to Short Takes, an online Trustee training series paid for by the ICfL. The Idaho Commission for Libraries has other training on their website as well as information about the Idaho Code and Library Laws. Mr. Bodily also reminded the Board about the upcoming regional Trustee training meeting to be held Friday, August 11, from 8:45 am to 3:15 pm in the Madison Library Community Room.
10. Director’s Report
The Director discussed the Library policy and the challenged book And Tango Makes Three. The Director and Board will follow steps as outlined. The Director also informed the Board about the amazing record breaking statistics from the Summer Reading Program. 2,000 people visited the Library on the first day alone.
David moved to adjourn at 7:03 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
David Reeser, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday July 19, 2017
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Chairperson David Reeser called the meeting to order at 5:11 pm. Those present: David Reeser, Terry Rodino, Tony Derricott, Pamela Beard (entered meeting at 5:45 pm) and Golden Fulcher (entered meeting at 5:40 pm) (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Agenda
No changes were proposed.
3. Approve Bills
Tony moved to approve the bills. Terry seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes
Tony moved to approve the minutes from the June meeting. Terry seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. Unfinished Business
A Board member asked if the patron who had suggested a review of the book And Tango Makes Three has contacted the Director for further discussion. No contact had been made.
7. New Business
- Preliminary Budget Discussion
The Library had not yet received the L-2’s from the County Clerk at this point. Therefore, projected numbers were used based on the tax money income from fiscal year 2015-2016. Valerie and Lori explained the line items and bond repayment issues. Since we refinanced the bond last year, our payment schedule has changed slightly. Due to the lowered interest rate, we will now be asking for less money from our tax payers. When the final numbers become available, the Director will make these adjustments and bring the results to the August Budget Hearing for approval for the Board. - Little Free Library Proposal
Tony introduced the idea of a Free Little Library, maintained by the Board members, to be set up in their neighborhoods. They discussed the logistics of something like this, including cost, city codes, and who would be responsible for building or purchasing them. Tony said he will look into this. David will contact Alpha Graphics about a banner/sign to be used as advertising for the Board members.
8. Director’s Report
The Director reminded the Board members about the Trustee meeting presented by the Idaho Commission for Libraries on August 11th, here at the Library. The Director will email the Board information about a list-serv for trustees. Parking continues to be a problem. After the School District Bond election, the Madison School District, owners of the property, might be willing to negotiate a lower price for a piece of land west of the Library to be used as parking. The Board will wait until after the election to discuss this further. The Library will be closed Saturday, August 19, and Monday, August 20, for the eclipse. As previously noted in a prior Board meeting, the Director has been given permission to close other days as she sees fit in order to protect the staff and building.
David moved to adjourn at 6:30 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
David Reeser, Chairman Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday September 20, 2017
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
David called the meeting to order at 5:20 pm. Those present: David Reeser, Terry Rodino, Tony Derricott, Pamela Beard, and Golden Fulcher (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Agenda
Pam motioned to approve the agenda as amended: texting added as item C to New Business. Golden seconded, all in favor.
3. Approve Bills
Tony motioned to approve the bills from the August meeting. Terry seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes
Terry motioned to approve the minutes from the August meeting. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. Unfinished Business
- Parking Issues – David Reeser
Dave contacted the school district and was told there was not a possibility to purchase a portion of the school district property for parking. - Alpha Graphics – David Reeser
It was decided to wait to discuss this until later in the meeting, after the conversation about outreach, to see if a banner is necessary or what other type of signs may be needed. - Little Free Libraries – Tony Derricott
Tony played two short videos showing what a Little Free Library is and how they are built. He also presented answers to FAQ. Concerns about liability were raised. Other questions about costs involved were asked. It was suggested that this may become an Eagle Scout project to build the book box, gather books, and obtain permits, etc. More discussion about locations and number of “libraries” will be needed to decide how to proceed. - Internet Safety Policy and Public Internet Computer Use Policy Second Reading
Second reading of the policy. Pam motioned to accept policy changes. Golden seconded, all in favor.
7. New Business
- Outreach – Tony Derricott
The Board discussed the role of the members and how it correlates to the needs of the Library. Board members are needed to create policy and oversee the budget. Valerie talked about the ways Board members can help with outreach, including coming to the Library frequently and being aware of what the Library already offers, such as programs and other resources.Terry suggested that the Board members could each write a newspaper article on a regular basis. It was also suggested that Board members write book reviews and other blog posts for the Library blog, which can then be posted to the Library Facebook page. These will be written once a month by alternating Board members. David will write the first post. Golden will call The Standard Journal to ask about printing material written by the Board. He will also call the Post Register to see what can be done with that paper.Pam suggested placing flyers on bulletin boards around town, including the grocery stores and other businesses who will allow them. Other locations include the high school, the alternative high school, and the college.Terry suggested doing a book drive to gather books to send to smaller libraries affected by the hurricane in the Houston area. This will be discussed more in the October meeting. - Library Infrastructure
Currently the staff infrastructure of employee duties is not working. It was suggested that the employee categories be adjusted to better fit the needs of the Library. The Library is losing good employees because the current payroll schedule is outdated. The Board agreed that this needed addressed. Valerie and Miranda will calculate options and work with Lori to create a better payroll schedule, which will be presented at October’s meeting. - Discussion of Texting as Public Record
Texts between Board members becomes public record. All communication should go through Valerie to avoid having Board members discuss or share information directly. Alternative methods for communicating when the Director is unavailable were discussed, including communicating through the Assistant Director.
8. Director’s Report
Valerie shared information about the fall PRIMA conference that will take place in October. Day-end and the computer that calls/emails patrons for holds and overdues is still having issues, requiring contact with offices in Canada and New Zealand.
David adjourn at 7:35 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Terry Rodino, Vice Chair Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday October 18, 2017
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Vice Chair Terry Rodino called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Terry Rodino, Tony Derricott, Pamela Beard, and Golden Fulcher (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). David Reeser (Board Chair) was absent.
2. Approve Agenda
Pamela motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Tony seconded, all in favor.
3. Approve Bills
Tony motioned to approve the bills from the September meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes
Golden motioned to approve the minutes from the September meeting as amended. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. Unfinished Business
- Trustee ReportDavid Blog/Web Article
In David’s absence, the Board discussed publishing the Trustee blog on the Library’s Facebook account and also in the newspaper. Terry will write the next article.Golden Newspaper
Golden spoke with the editor of the Standard Journal and they have given us permission to send articles and information about the Library. The Director will be the contact person on these articles in case changes or editing are necessary. Send information to the Director and she will forward the article for submission to the appropriate person.Pamela Newsletters
Flyers highlighting selected events will be printed at the end of the month. The Director will notify Pamela when they are ready for distribution.Terry Book Drive
Terry will write an article to promote a book drive for local usage such as Central High School and the book wagon.Tony Little Free Library
Tony visited current Little Free Libraries in town. He will contact the owners and get more details from them. - Library Infrastructure
The Director proposed that a change in the salary schedule was necessary to be competitive and retain employees. These changes would also include redefining current job descriptions, which would also help streamline efficiency. These changes should not affect the current budget.
7. New Business
Vehicle Use Policy Review
The Board read this policy out loud. They made suggestions for changes, outlining the Director’s right to refuse or revoke driving privileges, and added guidelines for personal vehicle use for Library related business. This was the first reading of this updated policy. The Director will bring the revised copy to the November meeting for second reading and approval.
8. Director’s Report
There is an Eagle Scout project to add the Library’s name on the northwest corner of the building. Riley Gilbert is earning money to pay for powder coating letters to be professionally cut and will have the troupe read and have people sponsor them for the hours they read. He has been working closely with the Director to make sure the sign placement and material are correct. It is anticipated that this will be completed before the end of the year.
Terry adjourned at 7:30 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Terry Rodino, Vice Chair Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday November 15, 2017
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Board Chair David Reeser called the meeting to order at 5:15 pm. Those present: David Reeser, Terry Rodino, Tony Derricott, Pamela Beard, and Golden Fulcher (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Lori Robertson (Accountant) was absent.
2. Approve Agenda
Tony motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Pam seconded, all in favor.
3. Approve Bills
Golden motioned to approve the bills from the October meeting. Terry seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes
No minutes were available. The minutes for the October meeting will be brought to the next
Board meeting.
5. Public Comment
No comments were made.
6. Unfinished Business
A. Trustee Blog Next Assignment
Terry will write the Trustee Blog for the month of December. Golden will take the month of January. The next assignment will be made at the January meeting. The Board decided that the subject for the next cycle of Trustee Blogs will be their favorite reads.
B. Vehicle Use Policy Second Reading
After reading through this policy for a second time, Pam motioned to approve the changes to this policy. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
7. New Business
A. Cancel December Meeting?
The Board decided to forgo the regular Board meeting in December and instead volunteered to help with the Library’s Christmas Extravaganza on December 4th. The Director will notify the staff person over the event and they will contact the Board members for specific information.
8. Director’s Report
The Board was informed that the Director and Assistant Director are currently performing employee evaluations. There was discussion about how that process was going and comments regarding employee concerns and cohesiveness.
Dvae adjourned at 6:55 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
David Reeser, Vice Chair Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
December 2017
The Board decided to cancel the regular Board meeting in December and instead volunteered to help with the Library’s Christmas Extravaganza on December 4th.
- January 20
- February 17
- March 16
- April 20
- May 18
- June 6
- June 22
- July 20
- August 17
- September 21
- October 19
- November 16
- December
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday January 20, 2016
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:02 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Katie Baird, David Reeser, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Brad Reed (Auditor). Visitor: Mr. Frogue.
2. Approve Bills
Pamela moved to approve the bills. David seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
The board discussed Katie volunteering in December’s meeting to be the liaison to the Library Foundation and to attend their meetings. This will be changed and brought to the next meeting for Tony’s signature. David moved to approve the December meeting minutes as amended. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Auditor’s Report Rudd & Co.
Brad Reed from Rudd & Co. presented a draft to the Board and discussed the audit report page by page. FDIC will only cover $250,000 per entity not per account as we previously thought. Perhaps moving some accounts to a different bank would be a good idea? The Board will address this at a later time, after gaining more information. Mr. Reed suggested spending the bond money noting that it is bound by covenants as to what we can spend it on. Rudd & Co. will finalize the report at bring it to the next board meeting.
5. Timothy Frogue – Concerned Patron
Mr. Frogue, an out of District LiLI borrower, addressed the Board. He expressed concerns about the procedure for a damaged book for which he was charged. He was unsure of the grievance process and had requested to address the Board. His concern was regarding the ability of Library staff to assess patron-caused damages to items and then notification to the patron regarding damages. Library policy is for damages to be charged to the patron and library cards blocked until payment is received. He thanked the Board for listening to him.
6. Community Room Policy (Policy III) 2nd Reading
The Board read through the policy. There was a discussion of extending the hours of availability for the Community Room. While some thought it would increase revenue, others thought it would be difficult to sustain given the shortage of Library staff. The changes made were regarding the Library’s right to assess penalties for damages to the facility or equipment, cleaning fees as outlined, and contacting Library staff outside Library hours. Katie moved to approve this policy as amended. Dave seconded; all voted in favor.
7. Internet Safety Policy (Policy XII) 1st Reading
The Board read through this policy. There was a question regarding which Library Board, State level or district level, the document was referring to under Section F. Implementation Requirements, paragraph 2. The Director will contact Patrick Bodily, the Southern Field Representative, about this and bring the answers back to the next meeting for the second reading.
8. Executive Session – Director’s Annual Review
Pam moved to table this agenda item as many people needed to leave.
Tony moved to adjourn at 7:43 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday February 17, 2016
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:02 pm. Those present: Katie Baird, David Reeser, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Brad Reed (Auditor); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Patrick Bodily (ICfL field representative.) Board Member Pamela Beard had asked to be excused due to illness.
2. Approve Bills
Katie moved to approve the bills. David seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
David moved to approve the January meeting minutes. Katie seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Auditor’s Report, Rudd & Co.
Brad Reed presented the official report of the auditor’s findings for the fiscal year 2014-2015. Since Mr. Reed had presented the audit in depth at the January meeting, this was a quick review to confirm any changes that had been made. He stated that the Madison Library District was in conformity with general accounting principles. There were no major concerns, and the audit was successfully completed.
5. Patrick Bodily Idaho Commission for Libraries
Mr. Bodily presented information to the Board members regarding Trustee training opportunities, both online and upcoming meetings. He led a discussion and provided handouts with links for further information.
6. Internet Safety Policy (Policy XII) 2nd Reading
The Board read through this policy. Patrick Bodily answered questions the Board members had about the document and regarding the relationship between this policy and the 2009 Public Internet Computer Use Policy (Policy VI.) This document, Policy XII, was created in response to a 2012 law that required public libraries to have filtered internet. However, it was included in Policy VI and is now becoming its own policy. After reading and inspecting the document David moved to accept the Internet Safety Policy. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
7. Executive Session – Director’s Annual Review
Pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 (1) (b) and after a roll call vote; Katie, yes; Golden, yes; Tony, yes; David, yes the Board entered into executive session at 6:21pm. Valerie and Miranda left the room.
The Board exited executive session at 6:43pm.
Golden made a motion to adjourn at 6:43pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday March 16, 2016
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:04 pm. Those present: David Reeser, Pamela Beard, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Board member Katie Baird was absent.
2. Approve Bills
Pamela moved to approve the bills. David seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
David moved to approve the February meeting minutes. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Set Date for Budget Hearing
The Board chose August 17, 2016 to be the Budget Hearing. The Director will complete the paperwork and give it to the County Clerk for certification.
5. Public Records Request Policy Discussion
The Board read through the draft that the Director presented. Changes to the draft included altering the format to match the Library’s other policies. Questions about certain words and phrases used in this policy were brought up. The Director will contact Jim McNall from ICRMP for answers and will email her findings to the Board. The Director will bring the changed draft as well as the answers from Mr. McNall to the April meeting.
6. Community Room Use Policy Revision 1st Reading
The policy was updated to include a phrase about open flame in the Community Room. One additional sentence was added under section F number twelve. The Board read that specifically. The Director will bring the final draft of this to the April meeting ready for second reading and adoption.
7. Pamela made a motion to amend the agenda to include discussion regarding the Board training meeting and future plans for the Board. Good faith reason: the Board needed to talk about future events with enough time to carry out decisions or make further inquiries. Golden seconded; all voted in favor. The Board talked about participation in the Fourth of July parade. Some Board members could ride in a float or drive a vehicle. Others suggested walking through the parade in matching shirts advertising that they were Board members and passing out flyers for the Library. General rules for public participation at Board meetings was also brought up. No final decisions were made at this time. It was requested that this be added to the April meeting agenda to allow more time for additional discussion and review.
Tony made a motion to adjourn at 6:43pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday April 20, 2016
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Those present: David Reeser, Pamela Beard, Katie Baird, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Christian Anderson (Zions Bank Representative).
2. Approve Bills
Pamela moved to approve the bills. Katie seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Katie moved to approve the March meeting minutes. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Proposal to Refinance Bond Zions Bank Christian Anderson
Christian Anderson from Zions Bank presented information regarding the 2008 Bond. That Bond had three total borrowers. The Idaho Bond Bank made the loan in 2008. The Library was one of three entities to be in that loan, and the other two of these loan holders have either refinanced or are in the process of being refinanced. Mr. Anderson suggested that by refinancing now while interest rates are low the taxpayers would be able to save hundreds of thousands of dollars. He then presented different methods of sale and went over market conditions. He gave three scenarios of the good, better and best outcomes. After some questions from Board members, Pam moved to adopt a resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of the general obligation refunding bond. Katie seconded; all voted in favor. David motioned to hire Zions Bank as municipal advisor to the Library. Katie seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Community Room Use Policy Revision 2nd Reading
The Board read through the proposed addition to the Community Room policy about no open flame in the Community Room. Pam moved to approve the change and adopt the revision. Katie seconded; all voted in favor.
6. Rules for Visitor Conduct in Board Meetings
The Board discussed this, but it was decided that this resolution would fit better in a general Patron Behavior Policy. The Director will bring samples of Patron Behavior Policies from other libraries for the Board to peruse at the May Board Meeting. Pam said she thought it would be a good idea for the Board members to be able to be easily identified and tied to the Library. It was suggested that since the Board had planned to participate in the Fourth of July parade, they should have matching shirts. The Director told the Board about the Summer Reading t-shirts that the staff wears. The Board was going to look at that information after the meeting and make a choice from there. They also wanted to have another type of shirt, polo style, for more formal occasions. Tony asked Pam and Katie to look at a selection of shirts and the Director will let others know what they had decided.
7. Needs Assessment Survey Discussion
Golden discussed the need for a survey. He wanted to get the community’s input on what the Library can/ought to/should do. He also said that it needed to be positive and specific. Other members were concerned that we would only hear negative comments. The Board members all agreed that a survey would be a good idea. Since the Director had discussed this idea with Golden earlier in the month she got input from Patrick Bodily, the representative from ICfL. The Director read the email she received in response. The email stated that a needs assessment and long-range or strategic plan work hand in hand with a needs assessment survey. He gave links to the Library Commission’s website and additional suggestions. He also offered his help in this task. The Director will invite Patrick to the May 18th Board meeting for further instructions on beginning this process. Note: Golden had to leave the meeting at this point.
8. Executive Session – Director’s Annual Review
Pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 (1) (a) and after a rollcall vote Tony, yes; Pam, yes; Katie, yes; David, yes. The Board moved into executive session at 7:33 pm.
The Board exited executive session at 8:25 pm.
Tony made a motion to adjourn at 8:25 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday May 18, 2016
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:03 pm. Those present: David Reeser, Pamela Beard, Katie Baird, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Christian Anderson (Zions Bank Representative). Patrick Bodily (ICfL field Representative).
2. Trustee Chairperson and Vice Chairperson Election
Katie was elected Chairperson. David was elected Vice-Chairperson. Katie then conducted the meeting.
3. Approve Bills
Tony moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes
Pamela moved to approve the April meeting minutes. David seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Proposal to Refinance Bond Zions Bank Christian Anderson
Mr. Anderson discussed the bond refinance. Zions sent out a formal request to over thirty banks. Four banks responded to the refunding bids. D.L. Evans Bank was the clear standout. Christian reviewed the information with the Board. By making this change, the Library should save an approximated amount of $232,073. Christian will contact us as things progress with D.L. Evans Bank and notify us of anything we need to do to move the process along. Closing date is anticipated to be June 15, 2016.
6. Strategic Planning Discussion Idaho Commission for Libraries Rep. Patrick Bodily
Patrick presented a slide show and discussed the importance and reasoning behind having a strategic plan. He gave examples of how he did this in his former library. He helped the Board reevaluate the existing mission statement and simplify it for the future. The Board came up with “Empowering Our Community” as the new vision statement. Patrick will be back to advise us as this process continues.
7. Public Records Request Policy
The Board read though the request policy. This was the first reading. The Director will put this on the June agenda for a second reading and adoption.
8. Patron Behavior Policy Discussion
A policy addressing Patron Behavior was introduced to the Board by the Director. This policy would address situations that have come up or that may come up with regards to proper behavior in the Library. This policy was suggested to provide clarity for both employees and patrons to assist them in having a positive library experience.
9. Director’s Report/Discussion
The Director requested that the date of the June meeting be moved to the 22 nd at 5:00 pm in the Community Room. The date change will accommodate receiving and payment of bills. Golden gave the rest of the Board the information he had regarding the parade float. The board would like to hand out book marks that have the new vision statement “Empowering the Community” on them, along with Library information.
Golden moved to adjourn at 8:42.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Katie Baird, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Special Meeting
Monday June 6, 2016
1:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Chairman Katie Baird called the meeting to order at 1:07. Those present: David Reeser and Katie Baird, (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary). Pamela Beard was present via speaker phone.
2. Zions Bank Bond Refinance Resolution
This meeting was called by request from Christian Anderson from Zions Bank. The Bank found a couple of minor items in the resolution that need to be addressed in an amendment so that the bonds will comply with the parameters set forth in the Bond Resolution. The Board read the refinance resolution from Zions bank. Dave moved to approve the changes the Bank suggested.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Katie Baird, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday June 22, 2016
5:00 pm Community Room
This meeting was canceled due to lack of a quorum. Tony and Golden signed checks. All items were tabled until the July 20 th meeting.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Katie Baird, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Special Meeting
Wednesday July 20, 2016
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Golden called the meeting to order at 5:04 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Patrick Bodily (ICfL field Representative). David Reeser was absent. Katie Baird arrived at 5:08 and conducted the meeting at that point.
2. Approve Bills
Pamela moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Golden moved to approve the minutes as amended. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Bond Refinance Update
The Director notified the Board that the bond refinance officially closed on June 15th. Christian Anderson from Zions Bank sent out an invitation to dinner for the Board, the Director, the Assistant Director, and their spouses. The Board decided on Thursday, July 28th to go to Idaho Falls for the dinner. The Director will be contacting everyone for a time and location.
5. Public Records Request Policy Second Reading
Pamela moved to table agenda items Public Records Request Policy and Patron Behavior Policy to be addressed at the August meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
6. Patron Behavior Policy Second Reading
Tabled as noted above.
7. Strategic Planning Discussion Patrick Bodily Idaho Commission for Libraries
Mr. Bodily made suggestions on the next steps in the strategic planning for the library. Involving a group of people who could be involved in focus group discussions was suggested. Mr. Bodily assisted the Board in making a list of possible community members to invite for involvement.
8. Preliminary Budget Discussion
The Board reviewed the preliminary budget presented by the Director and accountant. The Board suggested adding money to the budget for Board training. The Board also discussed attending ILA in October.
9. Director’s Report/Discussion
The Director gave a brief review of the events of the Summer Reading Program to the Board.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 7:02
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Katie Baird, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Special Meeting
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Katie called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, David Reeser, Golden Fulcher, Katie Baird, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Bills
David moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Pamela moved to approve the minutes from the July meeting. David seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Budget for 2016-2017 Fiscal Year
Pamela moved to approve the budget and resolution to capture forgone amounts for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. David seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Public Records Request Policy Second Reading
The Board read through the Public Records Request policy. Golden moved to approve the policy. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
6. Patron Code of Conduct Policy Second Reading
The Board read through this and made suggestions for changes. The Director will make the adjustments and send out an email of the draft to the Board members. This will be on the agenda for approval in the September meeting.
7. Long Range Plan Step One Discussion
Pam moved to table this discussion as some Board members were leaving the meeting, resulting in a lack of quorum.
8. Contracts and Local Businesses Discussion
Changes in the janitorial company have necessitated the need to look for other options. The Director will contact the current company to inform them that their services will no longer be needed. She will also take bids for new janitorial companies.
9. Director’s Report/Discussion
There were no questions about the report that the Director had emailed to Board members.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 7:03
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Katie Baird, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Special Meeting
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Katie called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, David Reeser, Katie Baird, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Board member Golden Fulcher was excused. Garon Miskin; Visitor.
2. Approve Bills
Pamela moved to approve the bills. David seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Tony moved to approve the minutes from the August meeting. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
The Board Chair acknowledged visitor Garon Miskin and invited him to speak to the Board. As owner of Miskin Cleaning, he expressed his concerns about the cleaning contract his company had had with the library the previous year. He also addressed his internal business issues regarding a former employee. The Board Chair thanked him for coming in and let him know that the Board would take his concerns into consideration when selecting a new janitorial contract. Mr. Miskin left the meeting.
4. Patron Code of Conduct Policy Second Reading
The Board read through and made minor changes to this policy. The Director will add a section for public comment to each agenda. Pamela moved to adopt the Patron Code of Conduct Policy. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Personnel Policy Update
The Director brought this policy to the attention and consideration of the Board to update and remove a former employee’s name. The Board agreed. The Director will look at this policy and bring suggested changes to the October Board meeting.
6. Long Range Plan Step One Discussion
The Board agreed that creating focus groups was the next step. Several people from the area, including Library patrons as well as a representative from the staff and the Board should be involved in this discussion. The Director took notes of who volunteered or was assigned to invite people to participate in the focus groups. It was requested that the Director contact Patrick Bodily from the Idaho Commission for Libraries and ask for a script with suggested ways to invite people to participate. The Director will bring both the list of assignments and the suggestions from Mr. Bodily to the October meeting.
7. Janitorial Bid Review
The Director presented bids from two different cleaning companies. The Board did not award the contract to any company at this time. Instead, they decided to seek more bids. The Director will gather more bids and bring them to the Board meeting in October. The Library will use Honestly Clean for janitorial services on a month-to-month basis until the Board makes a decision.
8. HVAC Bid Review
During an annual HVAC inspection it was discovered that the HVAC units were no longer viable for heating. After confirming this with another company, the Director requested bids from four heating/cooling/plumbing companies for a new HVAC system. Three of those companies submitted bids. These were reviewed and compared for commercial vs. residential experience as well as the time frame of the expected delivery of the rooftop units. Tony moved to accept the bid from Modern Plumbing. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
9. Director’s Report/Discussion
The Director sent out a summary of the previous month’s library events to the Board. During the month of September the Library will be taking exchanging one dollar in fines for a new pair of socks, up to ten dollars per card. The socks will be donated to the Family Crisis Center. As part of Teen Read Week, the Library is partnering with the Rexburg Teen writers conference to provide a space for a writing workshop. Board members Tony and Pamela would like to attend the Idaho Library Association Conference and are planning to do so.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 7:58.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Katie Baird, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Special Meeting
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
In the absence of the Board chair and vice chair, Tony called the meeting to order at 5:04 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Board members David Reeser and Katie Baird, were excused. Mysha Wolf; Visitor.
2. Approve Bills
David moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Golden moved to approve the minutes from the September meeting. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Public Comment
No comments were made.
5. Mysha Wolf – Janitorial Concerns
Tony invited Ms. Wolf to speak. Mysha explained her former status as sole owner of Miskin Cleaning for many years. She said that she has been cleaning the library for almost a decade. Mysha informed the Board that she divorced Garon Miskin in early 2016, and at that time the state of Idaho divided the business fifty-fifty. She made clear that she is no longer working with, nor affiliated with, Miskin Cleaning. She is currently employed with a different cleaning company. This company has submitted a bid to the Library. Their services would include window cleaning four times a year as well as the inclusion of carpet cleaning in the bid. The Board thanked her for her time and Mysha left the meeting.
6. Report of the Idaho Library Association Conference from Attendees
Pamela and Tony discussed various sessions they attended and reviewed from the handouts that they had and made copies for other Board members. They felt it was worth going and think it was a good idea to dedicate a portion of the budget to make this training available to Board members.
7. Personnel Policy Update – First Reading
This policy was reviewed. Changes made include the removal of a former employee’s name, allowing holiday pay for part time employees, and rules governing compensatory time. The Director will make these adjustments and bring them to the Board meeting in November.
8. Long Range Plan/Standards for Idaho Public Libraries Discussion & Progress Report
Rebekka Hanson entered the meeting. She is a Library employee and formerly was the chairperson of the Public Libraries Division of the Idaho Library Association. While in this capacity, she helped finish and adopt the Standards for Idaho Public Libraries document that was over a decade in the making. She presented copies of the document to the Board. Rebekka volunteered to work with the Director and the Board on this project and plans to attend the focus group meeting in November. Rebekka then left the meeting.
9. Janitorial Bid Review
Submissions for the janitorial contract were assessed. The Board suggested an optional trial basis for two companies. The Director will contact these companies and discuss this with them.
10. Library Layout Discussion
The Board discussed rearranging the Library to make it more conducive to a quiet study area, as well as being more inviting to people with children on the general side of the Library. It was pointed out that the employees have been discussing ideas for change for many years. The Director expressed the difficulty of balancing the needs of the community with budgetary constraints. It was suggested that the Board might have a better idea of what the community is asking for after the focus group meeting. Golden suggested changing the signs from quiet area to study area to be more inviting to people with children as well as customer service training for employees.
11. Director’s Report/Discussion
The Board had read the email the Director sent out with a summary of the previous month’s activities. The Library will add five more seats to its Google account to make separate library email accounts for the Board members.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 7:28.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Katie Baird, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
In the absence of the Board chair, vice chair David Reeser called the meeting to order at 5:04 pm. Those present: David Reeser, Pamela Beard, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Board member Katie Baird, was excused.
2. Approve Bills
Pamela moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Pamela moved to approve the minutes from the October meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Public Comment
No comments were made.
5. Personnel Policy Update Second Reading
The Board read through and reviewed the changes to this policy. There was also some discussion about closing the Library for Veteran’s Day. This change in policy will allow part-time employees paid holidays. Golden moved to accept the Personnel Policy updates as written and edited. Tony seconded. All voted in favor.
6. Report of the Long Range Plan Focus Group Meeting
The meeting was held on November 2nd in the Community Room at the Library. There was a total of five people from the community, the Library Director, a staff member, and Patrick Bodily from the Idaho Commission for Libraries there. Each represented a different demographic. This group discussed goals that the Library can realistically achieve during the next three to five years. The result of the meeting was three main directives. These include partnering with the community, expand the digital/physical presence in the community, and create additional/alternative programming for underserved populations as determined by the Library. The Library Board and the Director will be using the information from this meeting to continue to develop the Long Range Plan.
7. Possible Cancellation of December Board Meeting
The Director suggested that the December Board meeting be canceled as it is so close to the holidays and many people would be gone. The Board agreed and the meeting was canceled.
8. Director’s Report/Discussion
The Director reported that she has been working with auditors from Rudd and company to complete the fiscal year 2015-2016. The Director also discussed the issues of the janitors and the eventual resolution. The HVAC units were successfully installed and completed on October 31st.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 6:16 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Katie Baird, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
No meeting was held in December
- January 21
- February 18
- March 18
- April 15
- May 20
- June 17
- July 22
- August 19
- September 23
- October 21
- November
- December 16
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday January 21, 2015
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Board Chairman Pam Beard called the meeting to order at 5:03. Those present: Pam Beard, Blaine Robertson, Gordon Timothy, Christie Bryant (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Brad Reed and Dayle Dalling from Rudd & Company were also in attendance. Brady Adams from Zions Bank arrived at 5:22. Board member Tony Derricott arrived at 6:35. Board member Christie Bryant left at 6:45.
2. Approve Bills
Blaine moved to approve the bills. Christie seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Gordon moved to approve the minutes. Blaine seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Auditor’s Report Rudd & Co.
Brad Reed and Dayle Dalling from Rudd & Co. reported to the Board the findings of the 2013-
2014 audit. Brad presented bound copies of their report to the Board. The report was read by Brad, who answered questions from the Board and Director as he went. Mr. Reed said this was a clean audit. He suggested we use the money that is left from the bond sooner than later, and that we should make sure we are using this money for qualified purchases rather than the money from the general account. Mr. Reed discussed the changes that were going to be taking place with the way we currently report our PERSI. There were no major concerns, and the audit was successfully completed.
5. Brady Adams – Zions Bank Account Options
Mr. Adams from Zions Bank presented various options offered regarding Merchant Services. He explained check fraud products and the pros and cons involved with each. He discussed switching providers for the debit/credit card machine and showed how Zions can save the
Library money each month. Zions Bank is a local company versus what we currently have, the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBI). Switching providers would make customer service faster and easier. Brady explained the new Europay, MasterCard, and Visa (EMV) credit card system. This will read cards using a microchip, which increases the security of each transaction. We will need to be in compliance by October, 2015. Though no action was required by the Board, they agreed with the Director to change from RBI to Zions Bank.
6. Director’s Report
The Director talked about On the Same Page, the community read of True Grit. She gave schedules of events to the Board Members. Several flyers from the Idaho Commission for Libraries regarding the available continuing education opportunities for staff and Board were also given out. Grants are available from ICFL to help pay for the costs, but only if the Library
contributes a certain percentage as well. The Director discussed the new online audio book collection from One Click Digital and how to log in to it. SRV-IT is continuing to update the computer software and is making sure the computers are all set up and are functional. The
servers have been relocated in the basement to a safer location. The Director asked if there was a specific schedule to follow regarding accepting bids regarding janitorial contracts.
7. Executive Session
Pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345(1) (c) and after a roll call vote; Blaine; yes, Tony; yes, Gordon; yes and Pam; yes, the Board moved into executive session at 6:50. The Board exited from executive session at 7:42.
8. Professional Development Policy Reading
Blaine moved to table discussion of the Professional Development Policy to the next meeting. Gordon seconded. All voted in favor.
Tony moved to adjourn at 7:45.
______________________________ _________________________
Pam Beard, Board Chair Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday February 18, 2015
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pam called the meeting to order at 5:00. Those present: Pam Beard, Blaine Robertson, Tony Derricott, Gordon Timothy, Christie Bryant (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director).
2. Approve Bills
Tony moved to approve the bills. Christie seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Blaine moved to approve the minutes. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Director’s Report
The Director updated the Board about our annual community read; On the Same Page and the events that were occurring. The rate of the community room and other available rooms in the area was discussed. The Library’s room is the lowest price for the longest amount of time in the area. More information is to be gathered by the Director and employees for further discussion later in the year. The Director reported to the Board about annual employee evaluations. Most of the employees have met with the Director and the Assistant Director for this review. These will be completed as soon as possible.
5. Upcoming Board Elections
The Director discussed with the Board the upcoming elections and noted the 5:00 Friday March
20th deadline. There are two seats, C & D, which will expire in May; these are for the full 6 year term. There are two seats that need to be filled due to resignations which need to be officially elected. One is to fill a four year term; seat B. The second is a two year term; seat E. The
Director will advertise within the community about these.
6. Executive Session
This was no longer necessary as the subject of the employees and their benefits pertaining to
Professional Development did not need to be discussed in an executive session.
7. Professional Development Policy Reading
The Board read and discussed this policy. Some changes were made and a clean policy will be brought to the next board meeting in March.
Gordon moved to adjourn at 6:30.
______________________________ _________________________
Pam Beard, Board Chair Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday March 18, 2015
5:00 pm Activity Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pam called the meeting to order at 5:00. Those present: Pam Beard, Blaine Robertson, Tony Derricott, Gordon Timothy (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Board member Christy Bryant was absent and had asked to be excused for a family event.
2. Approve Bills
Gordon moved to approve the bills. Blaine seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Blaine moved to approve the minutes, as amended. Gordon seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Director’s Report
The Director informed the Board on the recent declarations of candidacy for the Trustee election coming up. Gordon confirmed that he would not be running again. The grants for a new vehicle for the library were discussed. It was suggested that the Director contact Mitch at Stones to ask for a match/donation similar to the one we received a few years ago from them for the Durango. The Director will report on this at the next meeting. Upgrading the sound system and projection screen in the community room was discussed next. The Director will receive bids from local businesses for comparison and will bring these to the next meeting. The price for landscaping has increased. Other options, such as volunteers, were brought up for consideration.
5. Interlibrary Loan Policy Amendment – Junior Requests
The Director discussed with the Board the need for our official policy to indicate that only adults who reside in district boundaries and patrons who have paid for a non-resident cards could request interlibrary loans. The Board agreed. The Board added the words “with an adult card” into the Circulation Policy with regards to Interlibrary Loans. The Director will make these changes and bring a clean copy to the April meeting for a second reading.
6. Community Room Policy Amendment – Advertising
Fees and advertising for events happening in the community room was discussed. A recent event posted flyers and posters that did not have any of their information on it. Instead, it said “at the Madison Library.” This made it look as if the library were sponsoring the event. The Director suggested updating the Policy to say all advertising for events must say in/at the Madison Library Community Room as the location. Fees for the Community Room were also discussed. Due to the low cost of the room and the volume of events scheduled, the Library is having a challenge scheduling events. At the price we currently charge, the Library is also having difficulties covering the expenses to operate it. It was also noted that events in the community room after regularly scheduled library hours were posing more problems than events held when Library employees were on site. A solution was suggested to increase the fees and adding additional cost to events scheduled after library hours as a solution. The Director will make the suggested changes and bring a copy to the April meeting for reading.
7. Blaine moved to add an item to the agenda to talk about the Professional Development Policy. Gordon seconded; all voted in favor. The Board then discussed and read through the policy with the suggested changes from last month. Tony moved to accept the changes made. Blaine seconded; all voted in favor.
Gordon moved to adjourn at 6:37.
______________________________ _________________________
Tony Derricott, Vice-Chair Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District Trustee
Board Meeting
Wednesday April 15, 2015
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Vice Chair Tony Derricott called the meeting to order at 5:04. Those present: Tony Derricott, Christy Bryant, Gordon Timothy (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director) and Golden Fulcher (Board member elect). Board members Pam Beard, Blaine Robertson were absent and had asked to be excused from the meeting.
2. Approve Bills
Gordon moved to approve the bills. Christie seconded; all voted in favor. It was noted that the bill for Mity-Lite Tables and Chairs was to be paid from the bond account.
3. Approve Minutes
Christie moved to approve the minutes. Gordon seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Director’s Report
The Director briefly discussed the upcoming trustee election to be held on May 19th. This election is also including the school board elections at the regular voting locations.
5. Interlibrary Loan Policy Second Reading
The Board read the change in this policy. Gordon moved to accept the policy as amended. Christie seconded; all voted in favor.
6. Community Room Policy Second Reading
Christie moved to table items 6, 7, and 8 until the May 20th, meeting as the Director was not feeling well.
7. Rules of Conduct Policy Introduction
This item was tabled as indicated above.
8. Fines and Fees Recovery Policy Addition
This item was tabled as indicated above.
Gordon moved to adjourn at 5:26.
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Board Chair Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday May 20, 2015
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:10. Those present: Pamela Beard, Blaine Robertson, Tony Derricott, (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Katie Baird, David Reeser, and Golden Fulcher (Board members elect); Lori Robertson (Treasurer).
2. Swear in New Trustees / Trustee Election
Blaine Robertson swore in new Board members Katie Baird and David Reeser. Golden Fulcher was sworn in by Pamela Beard. The Board members then held an election. Dave nominated Tony as Chairperson. Tony nominated Pam for Chairperson. A vote was called. Tony Derricott was voted as Chairperson. Katie nominated Pamela Beard as Vice-Chairperson. Dave seconded. Pamela nominated Golden as Vice-Chairperson. A vote was called. Pamela was elected ViceChairperson. Former Board member Blaine Robertson then left the meeting. Tony then began to conduct the meeting.
3. Approve Bills
After some discussion and orientation about the process of how bills are paid, Pam moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Minutes
Tony moved to approve the April meeting minutes. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Director’s Report
The Director told the Board about the situation with the lights at the circulation desk. They hold heat and blind the patrons across the desk. They are a fire hazard and can burn people because the light switch and screws get so hot. Ron Pena will replace them before next meeting.
6. Patrick Bodily Idaho Commission for Libraries Trustee Orientation
Patrick Bodily, the Southern Idaho Field Representative from the Idaho Commission for Libraries, gave a presentation to the Board. Patrick presented an activity about a failed moon landing with NASA that stressed the importance of group discussion and decision making abilities. We discussed the difference between procedure and policy, and what the Board does vs what the Director does. He gave the Board information from the ICFL and told them about available training.
7. Community Room Policy Second Reading
Due to the number of new Board members, Pam moved to table agenda items 7, 8, and 9 until the next meeting so more information could be obtained. Golden seconded; all voted in favor. The Director will email the Board with the current policy and suggested changes/additions that are being discussed.
8. Rules of Conduct Policy Introduction
The Director suggested that each Board Member review other Behavior/Rules of Conduct Policies and bring examples and ideas to the next Board meeting.
9. Fines and Fees Recovery Policy Addition
This was tabled as indicated above. Dave moved to adjourn at 7:23.
Dave moved to adjourn at 7:23.
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday June 17, 2015
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:36. Those present: Pamela Beard, Katie Baird, David Reeser, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director).
2. Approve Bills
Pamela moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Dave moved to approve the May meeting minutes. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Director’s Report
The Director informed the Board about current events and things happening at the library in the last month. The summer reading program is in full swing and so far the highest traffic count numbers this year are over 400 more people than last year’s highest number. The track lighting at the Circulation desk has been removed and replaced with energy efficient LED can lights. The plumbers came to fix the water fountain and the urinal in the east side men’s rest room. Inspectors from Fire Systems of Idaho and Omni Security came to inspect and certify the fire riser, fire suppression system, and fire alarm for the year. It was noted that the fire riser had not been inspected since its installation in 2010, but that it was in good working order.
5. Zions Bank Signature Cards
The Director presented the signature cards from Zions Bank. These were signed by all qualifying people. It was noted that Katie’s last name was misspelled. The Director will take the cards to the bank and check with them about the error and let Katie know if they will need to be re-done.
6. Board of Trustees By-Laws
The Director provided examples from two library districts in Idaho and the sample provided on the Idaho Commission for Libraries website. It was suggested to follow the ICFL’s sample and make a few changes to fit our specific needs. Tony Dericott used this sample on a laptop in the meeting and projected it on the wall. He cut and pasted as the Board reviewed. Tony then made the suggested additions and changes. The Director will bring a copy of this to the July meeting for further discussion.
7. Rules of Conduct Policy Introduction
Katie moved that this be tabled to the July meeting. Pamela seconded. All voted in favor.
8. Circulation Policy – Fines and Fees Recovery Policy Addition
The Director explained that the present Fines and Fees Recovery Policy does not address bankruptcy and discussed the need to add a section regarding bankruptcy. She provided examples of other library’s policies regarding bankruptcy and the Library’s current Circulation Policy for the Board to look at. It was suggested to add two sections. One states our policy for recovery of lost items and specifies that the main goal is to recover the items or be reimbursed the cost. The second states the specific Idaho Code titles and chapters regarding bankruptcy and libraries. The Director will bring a copy of this Policy, with the changes noted, to the July meeting.
9. Community Room Policy
The Director informed the Board about the fees for the Community Room. She brought up the discussion from the March meeting. Due to the low cost of the room and the volume of events scheduled, the Library is having a challenge scheduling events. At the price we currently charge, the Library is also having difficulties covering the expenses to operate it. It was noted that events in the Community Room after regularly scheduled Library hours were posing more problems than events held when Library employees were on site. A solution was suggested to increase the fees, and add additional cost to events scheduled after Library hours as a solution. The Director will make the suggested changes and bring a copy to the July meeting for reading.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 9:03.
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday July 22, 2015
5:30 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:37. Those present: Pamela Beard, Katie Baird, David Reeser, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Bills
Pamela moved to approve the bills. Katie seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Katie moved to approve the June meeting minutes. Dave seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Director’s Report
The Director took the Board on a field trip to the staff area of the Library. This included a general run down on the operations of the Library staff and each person’s job duties. The Director reported to the Board about the Books for Young Readers Conference she and two other staff members attended.
5. Budget Discussion
The Board looked at the proposed budget for fiscal year 2015-2016. The official numbers have not yet arrived from the County. Materials budgets will remain the same. Increases in professional services like payroll and janitorial will be made as they have increased in cost. This year the Library has asked for the “forgone” amount from the State. It was suggested to add a line item for Trustee Professional Development. The Director will contact Patrick Bodily at the Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICFL) for more information. Corrections to fix a typo for the janitorial supplies and money to contingency fund were made.
6. Circulation Policy – Fines and Fees Recovery Policy First Reading
The Board read through the policy. They suggested some minor punctuation changes for ease of reading and clarity. They focused specifically on the suggested addition under section I. Fines and Fees Recovery Policy. This creates a policy for the Library to follow when patrons declare bankruptcy. It was also suggested that the Fee Schedule discussed in this policy be very obvious on our web page. The Director will make the suggested changes and have this policy ready for a second reading and approval at the August meeting.
7. Community Room Policy – First Reading
The Board reviewed this policy. Changes include increasing the rental rate per hour and requiring the inclusion of “Community Room” in all advertising notifications. The Director will make the suggested changes and have this policy ready for a second reading and approval at the August meeting.
8. Board of Trustees By-Laws
Golden moved to table items 8 and 9 on the agenda due to time constraints. Katie seconded; all voted in favor.
9. Rules of Conduct Policy Introduction
This was tabled as indicated above.
10. Trustee Liaison Discussion
Pamela discussed the Board’s involvement in the community. She suggested floats in the parade. A closer working relationship with the Madison Library District Foundation Board was also suggested.
11. New Business
The Director will contact Patrick Bodily from ICFL and ask him about budgeting money for Trustees to use for conferences/hotels/food/travel. She will report her findings at the next meeting.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 8:53.
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Vice-Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Annual Budget Hearing
Wednesday August 19, 2015
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
In the Chairman’s absence, Vice-Chairman Pamela Beard called the meeting to order at 5:07. Those present: Pamela Beard, Katie Baird, and David Reeser, (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Board members Golden Fulcher and Tony Derricott were absent and had asked to be excused.
2. Approve Bills
David motioned to approve the bills. Katie seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Katie motioned to approve the July minutes. David seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Approve Budget for 2015-2016 Fiscal Year
After a brief review, Katie motioned to approve the budget for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Dave seconded; all voted in favor.
5. Director’s Report
The Director noted that the current edition of the Envoy was published. She highlighted our library’s role and activities in response to some of the articles listed. The Board and the Director discussed training opportunities for Board members. After reviewing the budget, it was decided that the funds are better allocated for employee training rather than Trustee out of area training. In order to accommodate the Board members’ desire for more training, the Director will contact Patrick Bodily from the Idaho Commission for Libraries, who will come to our library at our convenience and train the Board for free.
6. Circulation Policy – Fines and Fees Recovery Policy Second Reading
The Board read through the policy. All changes from the previous meeting had been made. David motioned to accept the Circulation Policy as amended. Katie seconded; all voted in favor.
7. Community Room Policy –Second Reading
The Board read through the policy. The requested changes that were made at the last meeting had been noted and discussed. Katie motioned to accept the Community Room Policy as revised. David seconded; all voted in favor.
8. The Director received a letter from Ann Joslin, the State Librarian and Director at the Idaho Commission for Libraries. She requested that directors show their library trustees a video presentation she made for the Idaho Legislature. This describes the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ support of publicly funded libraries in 2014. The video highlights some of the valuable work that Idaho libraries are doing and offers a statewide perspective on the important role of libraries. The Director reminded those present of the request to complete a survey after watching the video. The Director will send out an email regarding the 5:00 or 5:30 time preference of Trustee members for Board meeting.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 7:33.
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday September 23, 2015
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:05. Those present Katie Baird, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Pamela Beard and David Reeser asked to be excused.
2. Approve Bills
Katie moved to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Golden moved to approve the August meeting minutes. Katie seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Director’s Report
The Director and the Board discussed training for Board members. The Director will contact Patrick Bodily about training here at the library, with training dates to be sometime in November or January. The LCEI meeting was a success. Lots of South East Idaho libraries came and attended this day-long training. The Library needs a new signature card at Washington Federal. All Board members please stop by this bank to get this set up. The lighting issues throughout the Library were discussed. Because all the bulbs were installed at the same time they are now going out at about the same time.
5. Discussion of 2015-2016 Board Meetings Date and Time
The Board discussed the date of the upcoming Board meetings. While each Board member won’t be able to attend each meeting, leaving the meetings at 5:00 on the third Wednesday of each month still worked the best. We will adjust as needed.
6. Public Internet Computer Use Policy Review
In order to have more Board members available for the review, it was suggested that these be postponed to a later meeting. Katie motioned to table items 6 and 7. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.
7. Internet Safety Policy Review This was tabled, as indicated above.
Golden moved to adjourn at 5:58.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday October 21, 2015
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:14. Those present: Pamela Beard, Katie Baird, David Reeser, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant).
2. Approve Bills
Pamela moved to approve the bills. Katie seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
Golden moved to approve the September meeting minutes with approved changes. Dave seconded; all voted in favor.
4. Director’s Report
The Director reported the happenings of the Staff Training on October 16th, from the ICFL. Bekka, Lorna and Valerie went to ILA. Valerie & Miranda went to the PRIMA training in Idaho Falls. Miranda received her certification. The Director also discussed 3M billing and the beginning fiscal year.
5. Policy Review & New Policy Schedule/Protocol Discussion
The Director would like have an outline of how policies are to be introduced, reviewed, and/or updated. Ideally, a new policy would be introduced in one meeting, then have its first reading at the next meeting. The following month the second reading would happen, and the policy would be adopted and in effect. A new policy would take three months from introduction to approval. An existing policy up for renewal could be reviewed (this means no changes are made) and noted in the same meeting and completed. An existing policy needing updates would be addressed in one meeting, with needed revisions made and brought back for a second review. Therefore, a revised existing policy would take two months for completion. The Director will set up a cascading system of reviewing policies starting with the ones that have not been updated or reviewed in the longest time frame.
6. Public Internet Computer Use Policy Review
The Board read and reviewed this policy. It was suggested to remove the words ‘Trojan horses’ and ‘diskette.’ The Director will make these changes and bring this to the next meeting for final approval.
7. Internet Safety Policy Review
The Board read and reviewed this policy. There was some question as to whether these two could be combined. The Director will contact the ICFL field representative Patrick Bodily to see what the best solution would be. She will send out an email to the Board with the answer by Friday October 30th.
8. Public Records Request Policy Introductory Discussion
The Director discussed the need for a Public Records policy. She presented sample forms from the ICRMP website and other Idaho District Libraries policies. The Board Chair suggested that a committee should be formed to do more research into this. Golden and Tony volunteered to be on this committee. They will bring their information to the next Board Meeting.
9. Community Partnering & Community Room Use Discussion
Pamela received a phone call from a patron who wanted to partner with us regarding using the Community Room. Pamela then asked to discuss how the Library decides to partner with people in the community at this meeting. Tony wanted to know what partnering means and how that affects the Library. The discussion then became centered on the difference between procedure vs. policy of the Library. In the past several years a minimal number of people have asked the Library to help them co-sponsor an event. An example of this was the recent Teen Literature Symposium. Some on the Board felt that it would be wise to nail down how that happens. Other Board members could see that putting in the policy could possibly steer people to try to partner with the Library in order to avoid paying room fees. The Director listed the guidelines used when determining if the Library should partner with an entity. These include: non profit /government organization for furthering education service oriented general community benefit open to the public, and the event must be free of charge. Rebekah Layton, the employee over the Community Room, came in to discuss current benefits and problems partnering has presented in the year she has been tasked with this duty. The Board read through the policy again and found several places that they would like to make additional amendments or changes. After an extensive discussion it was suggested that this item be put on the agenda for the November meeting.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 7:45.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
No meeting was held in November
Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday December 16, 2015
5:00 pm Community Room
1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:07 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Katie Baird, David Reeser, Golden Fulcher, and Tony Derricott (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Visitor: Susan Thomas a Foundation Board Member.
2. Approve Bills
Pamela moved to approve the bills. Katie seconded; all voted in favor.
3. Approve Minutes
David moved to approve the October meeting minutes. Pamela seconded; all voted in favor. It was noted that the November meeting was canceled as several people could not attend.
4. Director’s Report
In the interest of time, the Director emailed this out to the Board members earlier. Board members agreed this was a good idea and that the Director should continue to do this.
5. Susan Thomas Library Foundation Board
The Board discussed ideas for fundraising and volunteer help with Susan Thomas, a member of the Library Foundation Board. The difference between a Foundation and a Friends group was also discussed. It was suggested that Susan look at how other libraries use their Foundation and Friends groups to get ideas from. Tax information about donating to a 501(c)(3) – was provided to her. Katie volunteered to be the liaison to the Foundation and attend their meetings.
6. Policy Review & New Policy Schedule/Protocol Discussion
The Director presented this Policy Schedule to the Board. She will add additional words for clarification to the Policy Schedule. This will be included in the binders for each Board member.
7. Public Internet Computer Use Policy Review
The policy was read aloud. Pam motioned to accept the policy as revised. Golden seconded; all voted in favor. The Director will note the date of review and make the revisions as noted.
8. Internet Safety Policy Review
The Director will call Patrick Bodily from the ICFL and ask about changes that can be made to this policy. She will bring the results of her conversation to the next Board meeting.
9. Public Records Request Policy Introductory Discussion
The Director contacted Sue Bagley at the Madison County Clerk’s office to ask what policy they have in place. Sue said they have a form to fill out but the policy the County follows is from Idaho Code 74. The Director brought in a copy of the form used by the County.
10. Community Partnering & Community Room Use Discussion
The Board discussed this policy. The discussion included extending the hours of operation for the Community Room. The discussion also addressed the Library Director’s right to allow or deny partnerships between government and/or non-profit organizations that include the use of the Community Room. The changes discussed will be made and a draft will be brought to the January meeting for approval.
11. Certification of Statistical Report to State – Signature from Board Chair
The annual statistical report to the ICFL was finished and ready to be turned in. Board Chair Tony signed the certification document, and it will be submitted within the week.
Pamela moved to adjourn at 7:38 pm.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Chairperson Valerie Lloyd, Secretary
Regular Hours of Operation
- Monday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Tuesday - Wednesday: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
- Thursday: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
- Friday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Saturday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
- Sunday: CLOSED
Closures in 2025
- January 1 – New Year’s Day
- January 20 – Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
- February 17 – Presidents Day
- March 28 – Staff Development Day
- April 5 – Building Maintenance
- May 24-26 – Memorial Day
- June 19 – Juneteenth
- July 4 – Independence Day
- August 30-September 1 – Labor Day
- September 19 – Staff Development Day
- October 4 – Building Maintenance
- October 31 – Open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
- November 11 – Veterans Day
- November 26 – Closing at 5:00 pm
- November 27-29 – Thanksgiving
- December 24-26 – Christmas
- December 31 – New Year’s Eve
- January 1, 2026 – New Year’s Day
73 North Center
Rexburg, Idaho 83440
We are located on Center Street, just north of Main Street, by the Historic Rexburg Tabernacle.
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