Book Babies + Toddler Time: Pig Tails!

by | Jul 8, 2021 | Blog, Book Babies, Kid's Corner, Toddler Time | 0 comments

Many of us can remember, “This little piggie went to market, this little piggie stayed home…” Try expanding your “piggie repertoire” for your little one with these books, songs, rhymes, and fingerplays.

Book Babies: Wednesday @ 9:45am in Community Room

Ages 0 – 10 months

Toddler Time: Tuesday @ 9:45am in Community Room

Ages 11 – 23 months


Welcome Songs

Here We Are Together

Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!

Hello Everybody

Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!

S, T, R, W, P

(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


When your children have happy experiences, they want to repeat them. Starting kindergarten can seem as an extension of informal library classes. Children who have had joyful experiences in the public library often approach school with a positive attitude, ready and excited to learn.


- Lambert


After you attend Book Babies or Toddler Time, sing the songs that were presented. You can find the words and links on this blog post. Then talk about how much fun you had at the library.

Books Presented


Who’s that hiding beneath the flap? With textured patches to touch, feel, and explore, this bright and beautiful lift-the-flap book will engage both babies and toddlers

Moo, Baa, La La La! by Sandra Boynton

Turn the board pages to see what different sounds animals make.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Knee Bounce: Dickery Dickery Dare

Dickery Dickery Dare,
(bounce baby on lap)

A pig flew up in the air!
(lift baby up into air)

The man in brown
Soon brought him down.
(bring baby back down)

Dickery Dickery Dare.
(bounce baby on lap)

Knee Bounce: To Market, To Market

To market, to market to buy a fat pig
Home again, home again, jiggity jig!
To market, to market to buy a fat hog
Home again, home again, jiggity jog!

Fingerplay: Two Mother Pigs

Two mother pigs lived in a pen (show thumbs)
Each had four babies, and that made ten (show fingers & thumbs)

These four babies were black as night (thumb in palm, wiggle fingers)
These four babies were black and white (switch hands, repeat)
But all eight babies loved to play

And they rolled and rolled in the mud all day (roll hands)
At night, with their mother, they curled up in a heap (clasp hands)
And squealed and squealed till they fell fast asleep.

Five Clean and Squeaky Pigs

Five pigs so squeaky clean
Cleanest that you’ve ever seen
Wanted to outside and play (IN THE MUD)
One jumped into the mud
Landed with a great big thud
Then there were four clean squeaky pigs (Oink, oink!)

Baby Sign Language







Additional Books

Is That Wise Pig? by Jan Thomas

Mouse and Cow are making soup, but Pig keeps trying to add strange ingredients

Ten Pigs: an Epic Bath Adventure by Derek Anderson

One pig looks to take a relaxing bath in private, but he is soon joined by another pig, then another, until there are ten pigs–and number one has to come up with a plan so that he can actually enjoy his bath.

Little Pookie by Sandra

Pookie’s mom lists ten things she knows about Pookie.

The Three Little Pigs by Emily Bolam

Retells the story of the three little pigs who leave home to find their fortune, only to meet up with the big bad wolf.

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