Book Babies: Walking, Walking
Learning to walk can be both fun and frustrating for your little one, but there are things you can do to encourage him. Try wrapping a scarf or blanket around your baby’s chest and under his arms, then stabilize him with the blankets as he learns to balance himself with his free hands. For more fabulous activities and ideas, go to And, of course, try out some of the books and activities below!
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Ages 2-5
Welcome Songs
Here We Are Together
Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!
Hello Everybody
Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!
S, T, R, W, P
(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!
Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play
Moving to music, dancing, swaying, running, and jumping help young children feel rhythm and begin to understand how their bodies work. Such movements also help them gain muscle control and improve balance. All of this contributes to a child’s gross motor development.
Sing “Walking, Walking” with your child with your child as you walk outside or around the house while modeling how to “Stop!” at the end of the rhyme.
Books Presented

I Went Walking by Sue Williams
During the course of a walk, a young boy identifies animals of different colors.

Wiggle Waggle by Jonathan London
Fish swim in the water and birds fly in the air, and some animals walk on the ground, just like you. Jonathan London and Michael Rex invite you to hop, flop, and wiggle in an animal parade that will make you want to jump out of your seat and bounce along, too!

Walk On! A Guide for Babies of All Ages by Maria Frazee
Trying something new is never easy. Like walking, for instance. With useful tips, common pitfalls, and Marla Frazee’s adorable illustrations, this book is perfect for anyone–from a baby to a graduate to a grown-up–who’s about to take a scary first step.

Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes by Mem Fox
Rhyming text compares babies who, although born in different places and in different circumstances, each have ten little fingers and ten little toes.
Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays
Walking, Walking
Walking, walking,
Walking, walking,
Hop, hop, hop!
Hop, hop, hop!
Running, running, running,
Running, running, running,
Now let’s stop!
Now let’s stop!
As I Went Walking
As I went walking to town one day
I saw a ____ along the way!
And what do you think that ____ did say? ____
– Adapted from
The Horses Are Walking
The horses are walking*, they’re walking along, walking along, walking along.
The horses are walking they’re walking along. Whoah! Whoah! Whoah!
*Trotting, running, walking
Additional Books

Walk and See 123 by Rosalind Beardshaw

Little One Step by Simon James
As three duckling brothers cross forest and field to return to their mother, the older ones encourage the youngest by teaching him a game that earns him the name of Little One Step.