Storytime: Cool, Cool Water
Storytime: Cool, Cool Water
When you talk with your child about the water, it’s also fun to show them concept terms of “over” and “under.” Ask them what lives over the water… like ducks and other water fowl. Then ask them what lives under the water… perhaps fish and tadpoles. Finally, it’s fun to talk about what lives over AND under the water!
Join us Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.
Ages 2-5
Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play
Have your preschooler tell you the story. By age 5, children can sit still for longer books and can create their own stories based on the pictures. Ask your preschooler to tell you the basic plot of the book or to make up stories based on what he sees on each page.
After you attend Storytime, talk with your child about what they enjoyed most. Then sing the songs that were presented. You can find the words and links on this blog post.
Books Presented

Over and Under the Pond by Kate Messner

The Wide-Mouthed Frog by Keith Faulkner
From the Okefenokee Swamp comes a frog with a wide mouth that he just loves to use. He’s particularly interested in the eating habits of other creatures found in the great outdoors, from the blue-feathere bird to a furry brown mouse. Until one day, he meets a big green animal with lots of teeth who finds wide-mouthed frogs simply delicious.

There's a Hole in the Log on the Bottom of the Lake by Loren Long
Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays
Five Green and Speckled Frogs
Five Green and Speckled Frogs
sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs.
One jumped into the pool,
where it was nice and cool.
Then there were four green speckled frogs,
Glub glub.
Four green and speckled frogs…
Three green and speckled frogs…
Two green and speckled frogs…
One green and speckled frog…
…Then there were no green speckled frogs!
Glub glub, glub, glub
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Row, row, row your boat
Gently on the pond
Merrily, merrily, merrily
This is so much fun!
PBS KIDS: Elinor Wonders Why – Pond Life
Explore and learn about nature as you collect nature adventure tools to help all of Elinor’s friends!
Crafts and Activities

Coloring Page
Click the link below to find and print out an “Over and Under the Pond” coloring page

Have a party with this frog party blower craft!
Additional Books

In the Small, Small Pond by Denise Fleming

Life in a Pond by Allan Fowler

I'm a Duck by Eve Bunting
One day, an egg rolled out of a nest and right into a deep pond. Now that egg is a little duck, and the water is still very scary. Jumping into the pond at all seems impossible, never mind swimming in a line with all his brothers. “You’re a duck, and ducks don’t sink,” Big Frog points out. Practicing in a puddle helps a little, while backrubs and snacks from his mother help a little more. Big Frog offers to hold his friend’s wing and dive in together, but our little duck knows that some challenges need to be faced alone. Even when they are very scary!

Ducks on the Road: A Counting Adventure by Anita Lobel
Ten little ducks go for a walk with their parents but one by one, they get distracted and go off on their own adventures, meeting new friends along the way