Storytime: Deep Down Underground
Storytime: Deep Down Underground
A lot of children love to play in the dirt and mud, but do they know what lives underground? Explore the earth beneath their feet with these books, activities and videos. Then talk about what they have discovered and the new words that they have learned such as soil, burrow, and fossils.
Join us Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.
Ages 2-5
Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play
Reading to your child with excitement and enthusiasm helps make reading a special time for you and your little one.
Try reading a story with your child using funny voices. Practice with a high, low, fast, or slow voice, and try using funny expressions on your face.
Books Presented

Underground by Denise Fleming

A Dog Named Doug by Karma Wilson

Hedgehog Needs a Hug by Jen Betton
Hedgehog wakes up needing a hug, but has trouble finding a friend who will get so close to his prickles.
Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays
Herman the Worm
Sitting on a fencepost, chewin’ my bubblegum
chomp chomp chomp chomp
Playin’ with my yo yo
weeooo weeooo / pretend to use a yo yo
When along came Herman the Worm
And he was thiiiiis big / fingers a few inches apart
So I said, Herman, what happened? / put arms out and shrug
And he said, I ate my sister
Sitting on a fencepost, chewin’ my bubblegum
chomp chomp chomp chomp
Playin’ with my yo yo
Weeoo weeoo / pretend to use a yo yo
When along cam Herman the worm
And he was thiiiiis big / hands about six inches apart
So I said, Herman, what happened? / put arms out and shrug
And he said, I ate my mother
Sitting on a fencepost, chewin’ my bubblegum
chomp chomp chomp chomp
Playin’ with my yo yo
Weeoo weeoo / pretend to use a yo yo
When along cam Herman the worm
And he was thiiiiis big / hands about two feet apart
So I said, Herman, what happened? / put arms out and shrug
And he said, I ate my father
Sitting on a fencepost, chewin’ my bubblegum
chomp chomp chomp chomp
Playin’ with my yo yo
Weeoo weeoo / pretend to use a yo yo
When along cam Herman the worm
And he was thiiiiis big / hands as far apart as possible
So I said, Herman, what happened? / put arms out and shrug
And he said, I ate my grandpa
Sitting on a fencepost, chewin’ my bubblegum
chomp chomp chomp chomp
Playin’ with my yo yo
Weeoo weeoo / pretend to use a yo yo
When along cam Herman the worm
And he was thiiiiis big / fingers close together again
So I said, Herman, what happened? / put arms out and shrug
And he said, I burped
Let’s Dig a Hole
Let’s … Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a Hole!
Let’s … Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a Hole!
A… Deeper, Deeper, Deeper, Deeper, Deeper, Deeper Hole!
A… Deeper, Deeper, Deeper, Deeper, Deeper, Deeper Hole!
Let’s … Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a Hole!
Let’s … Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a, Dig-a Hole!
Five Hungry Ants
Five hungry ants, marching in a line,
Came upon a picnicwhere they could dine.
They marched into the salad,they marched into the cake,
They marched into the pepper….uh oh, that was a mistake!
Crafts and Activities

Coloring Page
Print out this cute coloring page – click below!
Create an adorable hedgehog by weaving paper strips
Additional Books

Sam and Dave Dig a Hole by Mac Barnett

Hedgehugs and the Hattiepillar by Steve Wilson
Horace and Hattie watch a caterpillar become a butterfly … and are inspired to attempt a transformation of their own!

The Ants Go Marching
One by one the ants march to get to shelter from the rain in this illustrated version of the classic children’s song.

Hop by Jorey HUrley
A day in the life of a rabbit family, from sleeping to grazing to hiding from danger