Kid and Tween STEAM: Paper Towel Experiments

Kid and Tween STEAM: Paper Towel Experiments

Create these cool paper towel drawings!

Things you will need include:

  • markers (Crayola works really well)
  • paper towels (thick is better)
  • a pan to hold water
  • water 

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

January Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeJanuary Story Time is serving up something soup-er! Book Babies (infants/babies not yet walking and their caregivers) meet Wednesdays at 9:30 AM with songs, stories, and sensory fun for our "Soup’s On!" theme. (Library Closed Jan. 1) Toddler Time (walking...

November Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeNovember Story Time is here, and our themes are “Duck, Duck, Goose!” for Book Babies and Toddler Time and the letter “G” for Story Time! Join us in the Community Room for songs, stories, and sensory activities perfect for each age group. Book Babies...

October Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGallop into Story Time fun this October! Toddler Time (ages 10-23 months) on Mondays & Tuesdays at 9:30 AM and Book Babies (ages 0-9 months) on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM will both feature “Clippity-clop, on a horse and pony we’ll hop!” Note: there will be no...

September 2024 Activities for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeJoin us for Story Time fun at Madison Library District! Book Babies (0-9 months) Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Community Room September theme: "Feelings... Big and Small!" Toddler Time (10-23 months) Mondays and Tuesdays at 9:30 AM September theme:...

July 2024 Kids & Tween Activities

Summer Reading 2024Adventure Begins at Your Library with Summer Reading 2024! This annual program is designed for all ages to read every day, participate in special Library programs, and keep smashing our reading goals! The second prizes for every level will be...

June 2024 Kid & Tween Activities

Summer Reading 2024Adventure Begins at Your Library with Summer Reading 2024! This annual program is designed for all ages to read every day, participate in special Library programs, and stay active all summer long! Sign-ups begin on Monday, June 3rd, either online or...

April 2024 Kids & Tween Activities

National Library Week Book Nook ContestStep into a world of tiny wonders during National Library Week! Our Book Nook Contest invites you to explore Small Adventures to Amazing Places! From fantastical realms to cozy real-world corners, you may create a miniature...

Kid & Tween Activities March 2024

Story TimeJoin us in March for a world of imagination and learning at Story Time! This month we’re celebrating author-illustrator, Eric Carle! Preschool Story Time (ages 2-5): Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 10:30 AM and Tuesdays at 6:30 PM. Toddler Time (ages 10-23...

Story Time: Elevator Escapades!

Story Time: Elevator Escapades!

Story Time: Elevator Escapades!

“There’s an alligator in the elevator! Ahhh!” Riding in an elevator can be a great counting activity for your child, but it’s even more fun when you and your child engage your imaginations and “guess” where you might end up or who you might meet on each floor. Try some of the songs below as you have fun pushing the buttons on an elevator, imaginary or real.

Join us live Tuesdays at 10:30 AM  – Online on Facebook

Ages 2-5

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


There are so many wonderful benefits to reading interactive stories with your kids. In addition to the entertainment you can get from them, they can make your reading time more productive, create cherished memories, and even help teach your kids to read.



Next time, when your child feels too energized for reading, try and interactive book such as “Press Here” or “The Button Book,” and do the actions indicated in the books. This will make story time extra fun for your preschooler. Find more interactive books at this link.

Books Presented

Lift by Minh Lê

Iris loves to push the elevator buttons in her apartment building, but when it’s time to share the fun with a new member of the family, she’s pretty put out. That is, until the sudden appearance of a mysterious new button opens up entire realms of possibility, places where she can escape and explore on her own.

Press Here by Hervé Tullet

Using no special effects other than the reader’s imagination, a series of dots multiplies, grows, or changes color by pressing, tilting, or blowing on the previous page.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Action: Elevator Song

Oh the city is great and the city is grand
There’s a whole lot of people
on a little piece of land
And we live way up on the 57th floor
and this is what we do when we go out the door.

We take the elevator up and the elevator down,
take the elevator up, take the elevator down
Take the elevator up and the elevator down
and we turn around.

Parachute Song: Let’s Go Riding on an Elevator

Let’s go riding on an elevator,
Elevator, elevator,
Let’s go riding on an elevator,
Come along with me!
(gather children at the edges of a parachute, and swish back and forth gently)
First floor, Second floor, Third floor, Fourth floor, Fifth floor,
(hold parachute near floor, then raise up in steps with each floor until high overhead)
And…. down-down-down-down-down.
(pull parachute down over heads of children as they duck under parachute)

There’s an Alligator in the Elevator

There’s an alligator in the elevator.
I can’t believe what I see.
There’s an alligator in the elevator
And it’s making eyes at me.

Alligator (clap clap) please push (clap clap)
Number (clap clap) one.
I’m going up to the first floor.
Would you care to join me for some fun?

There’s an alligator in the elevator.
I can’t believe what I see.
There’s an alligator in the elevator
And it’s making eyes at me.

Alligator (clap clap) please push (clap clap)
Number (clap clap) two.
I’m going up to the second floor.
Gee, I’d like to make friends with you.

There’s an alligator in the elevator.
I can’t believe what I see.
There’s an alligator in the elevator
And it’s making eyes at me.

Alligator (clap clap) please push (clap clap)
Number (clap clap) three.
I’m going up to the third floor.
Would you care to have some lunch with me?

There’s an alligator in the elevator.
I can’t believe what I see.
There’s an alligator in the elevator
And it’s making eyes at me.

Alligator (clap clap) please push (clap clap)
Number (clap clap) four.
I’m going up to the fourth floor.
Tell me what are your big teeth for?

There’s an alligator in the elevator.
I can’t believe what I see.
There’s an alligator in the elevator
And it’s making eyes at me.

Alligator (clap clap) please push (clap clap)
Number (clap clap) five.
I’m going up to the fifth floor.
And I’d like to make it there alive.

There’s an alligator in the elevator.
I can’t believe what I see.
There’s an alligator in the elevator
And it’s making eyes at me.

– Rick Charette

Crafts and Activities

Coloring Page

Print out this coloring page!

Try this craft from Toddler Approved - or pick up our ready-made kit today.

Additional Books

The Button Book by Sally Nicholls

Follow a group of animal friends as they discover a collection of mysterious buttons, all of which do different things!

Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold

A young girl dreams of flying above her Harlem home, claiming all she sees for herself and her family. Based on the author’s quilt painting of the same name.

Little Elephant, Big City by Mike Curato

Elliot the little elephant has a hard time with a lot of things in the city he loves until he meets Mouse, who is even smaller–and hungrier.

Curious George in the Big City by Margret and H. A. Rey

When they go to the city to see the sights, Curious George gets separated from his friend and has many adventures before they are reunited.

More Story Times

Storytime: L is for Lambs

Who knew that lambs love to laugh or that there are sheep in space with colorful coats? Plus, did you know that lambs can walk within minutes of being born, have teeth only on their lower jaw, and possess four stomachs? If you and your child want to learn more about...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

Storytime: Something NEW, Just for YOU! in February

Here’s something new to the library, and it’s just for you! ​ ​Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Ages 2-5 Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play Tip Some children love to sit and listen to books, and some find other...

Storytime: C is for Confidence

Building confidence in your child at a young age is crucial because it shapes how they see themselves and how they interact with the world. When a child learns confidence, they can see mistakes as learning opportunities rather than a reason to give up. As you read...

Storytime: C is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some effective ways to introduce numbers to your child: Everyday Activities Count objects around the house (toys, fruits, steps). Count fingers and toes...

Storytime: C is for Cupcake

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man, bake me a cupcake as fast as you can! And don’t forget the sprinkles! For this Storytime, we had fun with the letter “C,” cupcakes, and cats. So, spend some time in the kitchen with your child baking some cupcakes and perhaps, read...

Storytime: S is for Snake

Happy Lunar New Year! Did you know that dates of Lunar New Year will change each year with the moons, phases, and it is the most celebrated holiday in many Asian cultures. It’s a time for family gatherings, traditional foods, festivals, red envelopes filled with...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

Storytime: S is for Simon Says

Let’s play a game! Not only are they fun, but games help children develop vital skills like problem solving, creativity, and memory. They can also boost physical health, develop social skills, and increase a child’s overall sense of well-being. Here are some indoor...

Storytime: S is for Sharks

Did you know that sharks have been around for over 400 million years? They are older than the dinosaurs! They can lose more that 30,000 teeth in their lifetime, and their babies are called pups. A group of sharks is called a shiver, and a person is more likely to die...

Book Babies: Let’s Go to the Zoo!

Book Babies: Let’s Go to the Zoo!

Book Babies: Let’s Go to the Zoo!

You only have to go as far as a book to visit the zoo with your baby or toddler! When you read a book with your child, make animals noises and sing nursery rhymes about the animals you find in your “zoo” book . You can find some of these books and rhymes below.

Join us live Wednesdays at 10:00 AM  – Online on Facebook

Ages 2-5

Welcome Songs

Here We Are Together

Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!

Hello Everybody

Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!

S, T, R, W, P

(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


Watching a light dance across the ceiling, walls, and toys strengthens your baby’s ability to visually track objects. Seeing the light disappear and reappear over and over will delight her.

- "Baby Play" by Dr. Wendy S. Masi & Dr. Roni Cohen Leiderman


Stretch a brightly colored tissue paper or a sheer scarf across a flashlight and attach firmly with tape or a rubber band. Then play the colored circle across the ceiling, baby’s toys, and on the wall. Try turning the light on and off quickly, drawing shapes with the beam, or moving the light slowly back and forth bewtween two objects. Talk as you play, saying, “Where did the light go?” and “Oh my gosh, there it is!” and “It’s on the ball.”

- "Baby Play" by Dr. Wendy S. Masi & Dr. Roni Cohen Leiderman

Books Presented

Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell

Answering a child’s request, the zoo keeps sending a wide assortment of animals until they find the perfect pet. On board pages.

Peek-A-Boo Zoo! by Jane Cabrera

Join in the fun with curious Lemur and see who’s hiding behind the cut-out holes. A pair of eyes peeks through each page as Lemur finds out who’s hiding, including a panda, a parrot, a kangaroo, and a monkey.

I Thought I Saw an Elephant! by Lydia Nichols

Push and pull the sliders to find the elephant hiding in the pond, on the slide, and in the tree house.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

You Can Hear the Lions Roaring at the Zoo

(to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)

You can hear the lions roaring at the zoo, ROAR! ROAR!
You can hear the lions roaring at the zoo, ROAR! ROAR!
You can hear the lions roaring, you can hear the lions roaring
You can hear the lions roaring at the zoo! ROAR! ROAR!

(Elephants trumpeting, zebra braying, monkey eeking)

Going to Kentucky

Oh, we’re going to Kentucky, we’re going to the zoo,
To see the baby animals and watch what they can do.
Oh shake it, shake it, shake it,
Shake it if you can.
Shake it like a milkshake,
And do the best you can!
Oh, wobble to the bottom, wobble to the top,
And turn around and turn around until it’s time stop!


Three Little Monkeys

Three little monkeys swinging from the tree,
(hold up three fingers)
Teasing Mr. Crocodile, “Can’t catch me!”
(wag index finger)
Along came Mr. Crocodile, quiet as can be,
(slowly swim one hand over)
And SNAPPED that monkey right out of that tree!
(clap hands together on “snapped”)
Two little monkeys…
One little monkey…
No little monkeys swinging from the tree,
I’d better watch out or he might catch me!


We Wiggle and Wiggle and Stop!

We wiggle and wiggle and stop
We wiggle and wiggle and stop
We wiggle and wiggle and wiggle and wiggle
and wiggle and wiggle and stop

Can work with egg shakers: shake, pat, roll.


Five Little Monkeys

Additional Books

Roar, Roar, Baby! by Karen Katz

Young readers are invited to lift flaps to reveal such zoo animals as giraffes, hippos, pandas, and tigers.

Good Night, Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann

An unobservant zookeeper is followed home by all the animals he thinks he has left behind in the zoo.

1-2-3 ZooBorns by Andrew Bleiman

Attention, animal lovers! It’s time to count along with a whole new crew of adorable zoo babies. Featuring irresistible animal photos, bouncy text, and a fact-filled glossary, this just might be the cutest counting book ever to hit the shelves!

Animal Antics ABC! by Jade Maitre

Learn your ABCs with Storyberries’ free alphabet book, filled with animal antics!

More Book Babies

MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

Many of us grew up with classic nursery rhymes like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. As you teach those songs to your child, consider incorporating these additional activities to expand both your and your baby's nursery rhyme repertoire.Book Babies:...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some fun ways to introduce numbers to your infant or toddler: 👶 0-1 Year (Introduction to Numbers) Talk & Count: Count fingers, toes, and everyday...

JANUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: S is for Soup

Making and eating soup can be a sensory explosion for you and your child, especially when you make it together. Look for ingredients with a variety of colors, textures, and scents, then talk about where they came from, or count the pieces you’ve cut. Here are some...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

NOVEMBER Book Babies + Toddler Time: Duck, Duck, Goose

“Play is serious business when it comes to a child's health and development. From peek-a-boo to pat-a-cake and hide-and-seek to hopscotch, the many forms of play enrich a child's brain, body and life in important ways.” When reading books with...

OCTOBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Horses & Ponies

This is how the ladies ride… clippity-clop, clippity-clop. This is how the gentlemen ride… giddy-up, giddy-up. This is how the cowboys ride… Yee haw! Ride ‘em cowboy!! There are many rhymes and songs about horses which encourage parent and child communication,...

SEPTEMBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Feelings

Ah, emotions… however big or small, can be difficult to manage for everyone, especially children. There are, however, tips and tricks you can use to help your child learn how to recognize and regulate their feelings, and you can start early, even with an infant. The...

JULY Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in the Dark

At the end of the day, it’s a great time to establish a routine to help your child prepare for bed. Some of the activities in your routine could include reading a book, taking a bath, singing a song, picking up toys, or perhaps doing a knee bounce. When you follow the...

JUNE Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in Imagination

Did you know that imaginative or pretend play contains the building blocks of developing critical thinking skills, following directions, expressive language, and even managing emotions? So, grab those sheets, boxes, mud, dishes, and anything you can think of to help...

Story Time: Elephantastic Elephants!

Story Time: Elephantastic Elephants!

Story Time: Elephantastic Elephants!

“E” is for elephant! Elephants are one of the most amazing creatures in the animal kingdom. They are so strong enough to lift 700 pounds, yet they are so gentle they can pick up a tiny leaf without crumpling it. Children love elephants. They are big and have large floppy ears. Try taking this opportunity to learn more about these gentle giants with your child with some of the activities and books below.

Join us live Tuesdays at 10:30 AM  – Online on Facebook

Ages 2-5

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


Having children act out stories introduces them to the theater arts. Because dramatic play incorporates a variety of senses, it allows children to experience a story in an immediate way and helps them internalize the story.

- Lambert


Read “Can Somebody Please Scratch My Back?” by Jory John or another book that will be easy to act out. Then have your child portray the elephant while you portray all the others animals and retell the story. Then try switching roles and see the laughter!

- Adapted from Lambert

Books Presented

Elephants by Kate Riggs

A basic exploration of the appearance, behavior, and habitat of elephants, Earth’s biggest land animals. Also included is a story from folklore explaining why elephants’ trunks are so long.

Can Somebody Please Scratch My Back? by Jory John

Elephant has a massive itch that no one can scratch, so Elephant is forced to help himself–or so he thinks.

I Broke My Trunk! by Mo Willems

Gerald the elephant tells his best friend Piggie a long, crazy story about how he broke his trunk.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Elephant Walk

Right foot, left foot, see me go (step with one foot, then other, sway side to side)

I am gray and big and slow (hold hands out to side on the word “big”)

Right foot, left foot, see me go (step with one foot, then other, sway side to side)

I come walking down the street (keep feet stomping)

With my trunk and four big feet. (Make arm look like a trunk from nose).


Adapted from

Flannel Board: Five Elephants in the Bathtub

1 elephant in the bathtub
going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)
Splash, splash (pat lap for each splash)
Come on in! (Wave hand invitingly)

2 elephants in the bathtub
going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)
Splash, splash (pat lap for each splash)
Come on in! (Wave hand invitingly)

3 elephants in the bathtub
going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)
Splash, splash (pat lap for each splash)
Come on in! (Wave hand invitingly)

4 elephants in the bathtub
going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)
Splash, splash (pat lap for each splash)
Come on in! (Wave hand invitingly)

5 elephants in the bathtub
going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)
Splash, splash (pat lap for each splash)
And they all fell in! (Knock all the elephants and tub off the flannelboard!)


Two Elephants

Two little elephants, standing in a row.
Two little trunks, waving hello.
“Oh,” said an elephant.
“It’s time to go.”
One little elephant, standing in a row.
One little trunk, waving hello.
“Hey,” said the elephant.
“Where did he go?”

Crafts and Activities

Coloring Page

Print out this coloring page!

Try this craft from Heidi Songs - or pick up our ready-made kit today.

Additional Books

I Dream of an Elephant by Ami Rubinger

Elephants of many colorful shades are described in couplets that invite the reader to complete the rhyme using color-themed clues.

Near or Far: Where's Eddie? by Daniel Nunn

Books in the Hide and Seek series provide an entertaining introduction to some of the words that tell us where things are. This book looks at “Near” and “Far”, and features an animal character called Eddie the Elephant who is playing hide-and-seek. 

Elephant's Story by Tracey Campbell Pearson

Elephant finds a book and then sneezes, mixing up all the letters.

The Elephant Who Cried Mouse! by Jade Maitre

Ronald the Elephant loves to frighten his family by calling “MOUSE!”. But what happens when they stop believing him?

More Story Times

Storytime: L is for Lambs

Who knew that lambs love to laugh or that there are sheep in space with colorful coats? Plus, did you know that lambs can walk within minutes of being born, have teeth only on their lower jaw, and possess four stomachs? If you and your child want to learn more about...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

Storytime: Something NEW, Just for YOU! in February

Here’s something new to the library, and it’s just for you! ​ ​Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Ages 2-5 Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play Tip Some children love to sit and listen to books, and some find other...

Storytime: C is for Confidence

Building confidence in your child at a young age is crucial because it shapes how they see themselves and how they interact with the world. When a child learns confidence, they can see mistakes as learning opportunities rather than a reason to give up. As you read...

Storytime: C is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some effective ways to introduce numbers to your child: Everyday Activities Count objects around the house (toys, fruits, steps). Count fingers and toes...

Storytime: C is for Cupcake

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man, bake me a cupcake as fast as you can! And don’t forget the sprinkles! For this Storytime, we had fun with the letter “C,” cupcakes, and cats. So, spend some time in the kitchen with your child baking some cupcakes and perhaps, read...

Storytime: S is for Snake

Happy Lunar New Year! Did you know that dates of Lunar New Year will change each year with the moons, phases, and it is the most celebrated holiday in many Asian cultures. It’s a time for family gatherings, traditional foods, festivals, red envelopes filled with...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

Storytime: S is for Simon Says

Let’s play a game! Not only are they fun, but games help children develop vital skills like problem solving, creativity, and memory. They can also boost physical health, develop social skills, and increase a child’s overall sense of well-being. Here are some indoor...

Storytime: S is for Sharks

Did you know that sharks have been around for over 400 million years? They are older than the dinosaurs! They can lose more that 30,000 teeth in their lifetime, and their babies are called pups. A group of sharks is called a shiver, and a person is more likely to die...

March Kid and Tween Programs

March Kid and Tween Programs

March Kid and Tween Programs

You won’t want to miss our March Kid and Tween STEAM activities! Starting Tuesday, March 9th, you can come pick up our paper towel experiment kits at the front desk. Our bottle experiments will be available a couple weeks later on the 23rd.
Hello Mother Daughter Book Club friends! Welcome to our American Girls discussion page. For our March 4, 2021 meeting, we will highlight our library’s incredible collection of American Girl books, and you can help us! Here’s what you need to do:
1. Check out an American Girl book. You can find them in our catalog here.

2. Read the book together.

3. Create costumes for yourselves in the time period of the American Girl book you chose. (This is totally fun, but also totally optional.)
4. Find a “companion” book that takes place in the same time period as your American Girl book or explains something that your main character likes so you can share it with our book club.
5. Come to our Mother Daughter Book Club meeting on Thursday, March 4 @ 6:30- 7:30 p.m. in your costume for an American Girl fashion show! We will all get to tell each other about the book we chose.
*We will hand out a Take ‘n Go craft at the meeting.

On our Facebook event page, you can talk with other MDBC members, and if any of you want to get together, read the same book, and do your “fashion” show together, you can connect to do planning here. You can also post thoughts about your book.

This month for Books for Boys we’re reading and discussing A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park.
Maritza, our resident artist, will bring her throwing wheel and show everyone how to do ceramics. We will also make pinch pots for everyone to take home.
Join us on March 11th at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room!

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

January Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeJanuary Story Time is serving up something soup-er! Book Babies (infants/babies not yet walking and their caregivers) meet Wednesdays at 9:30 AM with songs, stories, and sensory fun for our "Soup’s On!" theme. (Library Closed Jan. 1) Toddler Time (walking...

December 2024 Programs for All Ages

Winter Safe DrivingFirst time driving on snowy winter roads? Madison Library District is partnering with the Idaho Department of Transportation and the Idaho State Police to keep you safe this winter! Learn strategies to stay on the road, deal with slipping and...

November Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeNovember Story Time is here, and our themes are “Duck, Duck, Goose!” for Book Babies and Toddler Time and the letter “G” for Story Time! Join us in the Community Room for songs, stories, and sensory activities perfect for each age group. Book Babies...

October Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGallop into Story Time fun this October! Toddler Time (ages 10-23 months) on Mondays & Tuesdays at 9:30 AM and Book Babies (ages 0-9 months) on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM will both feature “Clippity-clop, on a horse and pony we’ll hop!” Note: there will be no...

September 2024 Activities for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeJoin us for Story Time fun at Madison Library District! Book Babies (0-9 months) Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Community Room September theme: "Feelings... Big and Small!" Toddler Time (10-23 months) Mondays and Tuesdays at 9:30 AM September theme:...

July 2024 Kids & Tween Activities

Summer Reading 2024Adventure Begins at Your Library with Summer Reading 2024! This annual program is designed for all ages to read every day, participate in special Library programs, and keep smashing our reading goals! The second prizes for every level will be...

June 2024 Kid & Tween Activities

Summer Reading 2024Adventure Begins at Your Library with Summer Reading 2024! This annual program is designed for all ages to read every day, participate in special Library programs, and stay active all summer long! Sign-ups begin on Monday, June 3rd, either online or...

May Programs for All Ages

Miss Wendy's Reading Tips & Tricks For ParentsAre you ready to make reading a fun adventure for your child this summer? Join us for Miss. Wendy's Reading Tips & Tricks for Parents class! Discover simple, game-like reading activities that will help strengthen...

On the Same Page: Regency Ball and Concert

On the Same Page: Regency Ball and Concert

On the Same Page: Regency Ball and Concert

Regency Ball and Concert

Friday, February 26, Via YouTube

If you just finished learning the dance steps, we know you’ll want to try them out. Have an intimate ball in your living room as our trio plays tunes from the era. If you’re not a dancer, think of it as a cozy concert in your home. Watch the video below and dance along with us!
Visit our YouTube channel for more fun videos!

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

January Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeJanuary Story Time is serving up something soup-er! Book Babies (infants/babies not yet walking and their caregivers) meet Wednesdays at 9:30 AM with songs, stories, and sensory fun for our "Soup’s On!" theme. (Library Closed Jan. 1) Toddler Time (walking...

December 2024 Programs for All Ages

Winter Safe DrivingFirst time driving on snowy winter roads? Madison Library District is partnering with the Idaho Department of Transportation and the Idaho State Police to keep you safe this winter! Learn strategies to stay on the road, deal with slipping and...

November Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeNovember Story Time is here, and our themes are “Duck, Duck, Goose!” for Book Babies and Toddler Time and the letter “G” for Story Time! Join us in the Community Room for songs, stories, and sensory activities perfect for each age group. Book Babies...

October Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGallop into Story Time fun this October! Toddler Time (ages 10-23 months) on Mondays & Tuesdays at 9:30 AM and Book Babies (ages 0-9 months) on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM will both feature “Clippity-clop, on a horse and pony we’ll hop!” Note: there will be no...

September 2024 Activities for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeJoin us for Story Time fun at Madison Library District! Book Babies (0-9 months) Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Community Room September theme: "Feelings... Big and Small!" Toddler Time (10-23 months) Mondays and Tuesdays at 9:30 AM September theme:...

July 2024 Kids & Tween Activities

Summer Reading 2024Adventure Begins at Your Library with Summer Reading 2024! This annual program is designed for all ages to read every day, participate in special Library programs, and keep smashing our reading goals! The second prizes for every level will be...

June 2024 Kid & Tween Activities

Summer Reading 2024Adventure Begins at Your Library with Summer Reading 2024! This annual program is designed for all ages to read every day, participate in special Library programs, and stay active all summer long! Sign-ups begin on Monday, June 3rd, either online or...

May Programs for All Ages

Miss Wendy's Reading Tips & Tricks For ParentsAre you ready to make reading a fun adventure for your child this summer? Join us for Miss. Wendy's Reading Tips & Tricks for Parents class! Discover simple, game-like reading activities that will help strengthen...

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