Kid and Tween STEAM – Pumpkin Patch Maze

Kid and Tween STEAM – Pumpkin Patch Maze

Experiment with balance and gravity with this pumpkin patch marble maze.

Things you will need include:

  • glue or tape
  • scissors
  • green paper
  • orange pom poms
  • a marble

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

January Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeJanuary Story Time is serving up something soup-er! Book Babies (infants/babies not yet walking and their caregivers) meet Wednesdays at 9:30 AM with songs, stories, and sensory fun for our "Soup’s On!" theme. (Library Closed Jan. 1) Toddler Time (walking...

November Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeNovember Story Time is here, and our themes are “Duck, Duck, Goose!” for Book Babies and Toddler Time and the letter “G” for Story Time! Join us in the Community Room for songs, stories, and sensory activities perfect for each age group. Book Babies...

October Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGallop into Story Time fun this October! Toddler Time (ages 10-23 months) on Mondays & Tuesdays at 9:30 AM and Book Babies (ages 0-9 months) on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM will both feature “Clippity-clop, on a horse and pony we’ll hop!” Note: there will be no...

September 2024 Activities for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeJoin us for Story Time fun at Madison Library District! Book Babies (0-9 months) Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Community Room September theme: "Feelings... Big and Small!" Toddler Time (10-23 months) Mondays and Tuesdays at 9:30 AM September theme:...

July 2024 Kids & Tween Activities

Summer Reading 2024Adventure Begins at Your Library with Summer Reading 2024! This annual program is designed for all ages to read every day, participate in special Library programs, and keep smashing our reading goals! The second prizes for every level will be...

June 2024 Kid & Tween Activities

Summer Reading 2024Adventure Begins at Your Library with Summer Reading 2024! This annual program is designed for all ages to read every day, participate in special Library programs, and stay active all summer long! Sign-ups begin on Monday, June 3rd, either online or...

April 2024 Kids & Tween Activities

National Library Week Book Nook ContestStep into a world of tiny wonders during National Library Week! Our Book Nook Contest invites you to explore Small Adventures to Amazing Places! From fantastical realms to cozy real-world corners, you may create a miniature...

Kid & Tween Activities March 2024

Story TimeJoin us in March for a world of imagination and learning at Story Time! This month we’re celebrating author-illustrator, Eric Carle! Preschool Story Time (ages 2-5): Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 10:30 AM and Tuesdays at 6:30 PM. Toddler Time (ages 10-23...

Story Time – Creepy Cats

Story Time – Creepy Cats

Story Time: Creepy Cats

“Creepy” cats start with the letter “C”! For story time, we read about cats, sang about cats, and found a lot of cats in the bookshelves of the library. Try checking out some of the additional books listed below about how to take care of a cat. You can also watch the great video of Elijah Wood reading, “Me and my Cat.” Then practice spelling the word, C-A-T.

Join us live Tuesdays at 10:30 AM  – Online on Facebook

Ages 2-5

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


Giving your children paper and crayons, markers, or pencils when they can scribble is the beginning of early writing. It takes a lot of coordination to write. Scribbling and drawing are the beginning steps to writing. Posting your child’s work on the on the refrigerator or around the house will show her how proud you are of her efforts.

- Lambert


Read a story together about a cat. Then give your child drawing materials and ask her to “draw” the story again or some aspect of it.

Books Presented

The Remarkable Friendship of Mr. Cat and Mr. Rat by Rick Walton

Mr. Cat and Mr. Rat enjoy playing tricks on one another, but they discover true friendship after one receives a tasty gift that he believes is from the other.

Scaredy-Cat, Splat! by Rob Scotton

Splat the Cat is determined to be the scariest cat in the class, but unfortunately his costume is more silly than scary.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Down Around the Corner

Down around the corner at my mom’s pet store
Were six little cats and not one more
Along came someone with a nickel to pay
And they bought a cat and took it away!


Flannel: Rainbow Kittens

Six little kittens found a box of paint.
They jumped right in…their mother will faint!
The first little kitten came out all red.
“I’ll be orange,” the second kitten said.
The third little kitten turned bright yellow.
“I’ll be green,” said the next little fellow.
The fifth kitten said, “My favorite is blue.”
“Purple for me,” said the sixth with a mew.
Dancing home the kittens go
To show their mother a KITTEN RAINBOW!



Crafts and Activities

Coloring Page

Print out this coloring page!

Bobblehead Cat Craft

Make this bobblehead cat craft!

Additional Books

A Cat for You: Caring for Your Cat by Susan Blackaby

  Explains the different types of cats to own as a pet and how to care for them.

Kitten's First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes

When Kitten mistakes the full moon for a bowl of milk, she ends up tired, wet, and hungry trying to reach it.

Me and My Cat? by Satoshi Kitamura

Late one night, an old lady in a pointed hat climbs through the window into Nicholas’ bedroom. She brandishes her broom, fires out some words, and then leaves as abruptly as she came. It’s puzzling at the time, but not nearly as puzzling as what happens the next day!

More Story Times

Storytime: L is for Lambs

Who knew that lambs love to laugh or that there are sheep in space with colorful coats? Plus, did you know that lambs can walk within minutes of being born, have teeth only on their lower jaw, and possess four stomachs? If you and your child want to learn more about...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

Storytime: Something NEW, Just for YOU! in February

Here’s something new to the library, and it’s just for you! ​ ​Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Ages 2-5 Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play Tip Some children love to sit and listen to books, and some find other...

Storytime: C is for Confidence

Building confidence in your child at a young age is crucial because it shapes how they see themselves and how they interact with the world. When a child learns confidence, they can see mistakes as learning opportunities rather than a reason to give up. As you read...

Storytime: C is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some effective ways to introduce numbers to your child: Everyday Activities Count objects around the house (toys, fruits, steps). Count fingers and toes...

Storytime: C is for Cupcake

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man, bake me a cupcake as fast as you can! And don’t forget the sprinkles! For this Storytime, we had fun with the letter “C,” cupcakes, and cats. So, spend some time in the kitchen with your child baking some cupcakes and perhaps, read...

Storytime: S is for Snake

Happy Lunar New Year! Did you know that dates of Lunar New Year will change each year with the moons, phases, and it is the most celebrated holiday in many Asian cultures. It’s a time for family gatherings, traditional foods, festivals, red envelopes filled with...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

Storytime: S is for Simon Says

Let’s play a game! Not only are they fun, but games help children develop vital skills like problem solving, creativity, and memory. They can also boost physical health, develop social skills, and increase a child’s overall sense of well-being. Here are some indoor...

Storytime: S is for Sharks

Did you know that sharks have been around for over 400 million years? They are older than the dinosaurs! They can lose more that 30,000 teeth in their lifetime, and their babies are called pups. A group of sharks is called a shiver, and a person is more likely to die...

COVID-19 UPDATE – Curbside Delivery Until Further Notice

COVID-19 UPDATE – Curbside Delivery Until Further Notice

COVID-19 UPDATE – Curbside Delivery Until Further Notice


our services will be temporarily limited to curbside only



As previously announced, with the change of assessed risk level from Moderate to High as set forth by the Eastern Idaho Public Health Department, our services will be temporarily limited. This change is to protect the health of our employees and patrons and to do our part to slow the spread of Covid-19 in our community. Services will be available for 6 hours each weekday, Monday through Friday.  We hope to return to regular services as soon as possible.

Hours of operation​:​

  • Monday & Tuesday: 9 am – 3 pm
  • Wednesday & Thursday: 1 pm – 7 pm
  • Friday: 10 am – 4 pm
  • Closed Saturday

To use our curbside service, patrons may place up to 15 items on hold using our online catalog, or by speaking with a librarian by telephone during the previously listed hours. Please allow 48 hours for us to get your items ready. The automated system will alert you via phone or email when your items are ready for pickup.

When you come to the library, please use the one-way entrance on the west side of the building and have your library card or photo ID ready. Further instructions will be posted.

Our Take n’ Go kits for all ages will be available for pick up during our curbside hours.

Registration for new library cards will be available during our curbside hours. Please fill out the online registration form prior to visiting the Library and have your temporary library barcode, photo ID, and proof of address ready.  

 Thank you for your understanding and support.

The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.

Albert Einstein

Instructions for Curbside

Please use the one way entrance on the West side of the building, which is accessible from 1st North.

  1. Have library card or photo ID ready.
  2. Fines and fees can be paid by phone ONLY at 208-356-3461
  3. Can place holds on items either online or by talking with a librarian. Please do not leave a message!
  4. Holds will be available 48 hours after you have been notified.
  5. Return Items through book drop. Kits can be returned at the Community Room doors during our curbside hours.
  6. No kits may be checked out at this time.

Book Babies – Bugs!

Book Babies – Bugs!

Book Babies: Bugs!

Bugs, bugs, bugs! Your child can start to experience the world through books, and bugs are a great start since they have so many colors and jobs. Try some of the book or activities below to introduce your child to the wonderful world of bugs.

Join us live Wednesdays at 9:45 AM  – Online on Facebook

Ages 2-5

Welcome Songs

Here We Are Together

Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!

Hello Everybody

Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!

S, T, R, W, P

(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


You don’t actually need to read books aloud to your children in order for them to benefit. Simply looking at and talking about the illustrations in books helps children develop appreciation for the visual arts. Talk about the colors – not only the names of the colors, but whether they are bright or pastel, clear or blurry.

- Lambert


Read a book with colorful illustrations of bugs- it’s best if there is only one bugs per page. Then sing with your child, “Where is ________?” to the melody of “Where is Thumpkin?”

Books Presented

Hello, Bugs! by Smriti Prasadam-Halls

A charming introduction to ten beautiful little bugs, featuring high-contrast black-and-white patterns and a glittering burst of color on every page.

Buzz, Buzz, Baby! by Karen Katz

Young readers are invited to lift flaps to reveal such insects as ladybugs, caterpillars, ants, and bees.

Snappy Little Bugs by Claire Nielson

A colorful popup book about bugs.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Here’s a Little Pumpkin

Here’s a little pumpkin bouncing on the vine (bounce baby gently)
Roll it left (sway to left)
And roll it right (sway to the other side)
ANd bounce it down the line (bounce down legs)

*Here’s a medium pumpkin bouncing on the vine (bounce baby slightly bigger)
*Here’s a great big pumpkin bouncing on the vine (bounce baby BIG)



Put Your Shoes on Lucy

Put your shoes on Lucy
Don’t you know you’re in the city
Put your shoes on Lucy
It really is a pity
that Lucy can’t barefoot wherever she goes
Because she loves the feel the wiggle of her toes.


I’m a Little Wiggleworm

(Tune: I’m a Little Teapot)

I’m a little wiggleworm, watch me go
I wiggle, wiggle fast (wiggle fast)
and very, very slow (wiggle slow)
I wiggle, wiggle all around, then I go (turn around)
back underground to the home I know (squat and touch the ground)


Open and Shut Them

Open and shut them, open and shut them.
Open and shut them, then give a little clap.
Open and shut them, open and shut them.
Open and shut them and place them in your lap.
Creep them, crawl them
Creep them, crawl them
Right up to your chin!
Open up your little mouth… Buuuuuuuuuuut…
Do not let them in!


Additional Books

Bugs by Dawn Sirett

Invites young readers to move their fingers along trails on each page of the book to discover facts about four different insects.

Bugs Galore by Peter Stein

Bugs of all shapes, colors, and sizes–including bed bugs, cute bugs, live bugs, and dead bugs–are presented in illustrations and rhyme.


Caterpillar Looks For a Shoe by Storyweaver

Scroll and read this Storyberries ebook with your child! Poor Caterpillar has lost her shoe, and can’t find one that fits!

More Book Babies

MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

Many of us grew up with classic nursery rhymes like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. As you teach those songs to your child, consider incorporating these additional activities to expand both your and your baby's nursery rhyme repertoire.Book Babies:...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some fun ways to introduce numbers to your infant or toddler: 👶 0-1 Year (Introduction to Numbers) Talk & Count: Count fingers, toes, and everyday...

JANUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: S is for Soup

Making and eating soup can be a sensory explosion for you and your child, especially when you make it together. Look for ingredients with a variety of colors, textures, and scents, then talk about where they came from, or count the pieces you’ve cut. Here are some...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

NOVEMBER Book Babies + Toddler Time: Duck, Duck, Goose

“Play is serious business when it comes to a child's health and development. From peek-a-boo to pat-a-cake and hide-and-seek to hopscotch, the many forms of play enrich a child's brain, body and life in important ways.” When reading books with...

OCTOBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Horses & Ponies

This is how the ladies ride… clippity-clop, clippity-clop. This is how the gentlemen ride… giddy-up, giddy-up. This is how the cowboys ride… Yee haw! Ride ‘em cowboy!! There are many rhymes and songs about horses which encourage parent and child communication,...

SEPTEMBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Feelings

Ah, emotions… however big or small, can be difficult to manage for everyone, especially children. There are, however, tips and tricks you can use to help your child learn how to recognize and regulate their feelings, and you can start early, even with an infant. The...

JULY Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in the Dark

At the end of the day, it’s a great time to establish a routine to help your child prepare for bed. Some of the activities in your routine could include reading a book, taking a bath, singing a song, picking up toys, or perhaps doing a knee bounce. When you follow the...

JUNE Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in Imagination

Did you know that imaginative or pretend play contains the building blocks of developing critical thinking skills, following directions, expressive language, and even managing emotions? So, grab those sheets, boxes, mud, dishes, and anything you can think of to help...

Stuffed Animal Day

Stuffed Animal Day

Stuffed Animal Day

Bring your teddy bear to the library on October 14th! Anybody who brings in their stuffed animal friend gets a special treat.

Storytime: L is for Lambs

Who knew that lambs love to laugh or that there are sheep in space with colorful coats? Plus, did you know that lambs can walk within minutes of being born, have teeth only on their lower jaw, and possess four stomachs? If you and your child want to learn more about...

MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

Many of us grew up with classic nursery rhymes like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. As you teach those songs to your child, consider incorporating these additional activities to expand both your and your baby's nursery rhyme repertoire.Book Babies:...

March Adult Programs

Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures Calling all adventurers! Join our new Dungeons & Dragons program for adults and embark on epic quests in the world’s greatest tabletop role-playing game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a curious beginner, you’ll explore...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

March Programs for Teens

Chess & Game ClubLearn the art of chess and other games with the master of fun and strategy, Nick Allison. Tweens and teens ages 9-18 are welcome to join every Monday from 4:30-5:30 PM in the Community Room. Game supplies will be provided.Teen Action CouncilThe...

Storytime: Something NEW, Just for YOU! in February

Here’s something new to the library, and it’s just for you! ​ ​Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Ages 2-5 Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play Tip Some children love to sit and listen to books, and some find other...

Storytime: C is for Confidence

Building confidence in your child at a young age is crucial because it shapes how they see themselves and how they interact with the world. When a child learns confidence, they can see mistakes as learning opportunities rather than a reason to give up. As you read...

Storytime: C is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some effective ways to introduce numbers to your child: Everyday Activities Count objects around the house (toys, fruits, steps). Count fingers and toes...

Storytime: C is for Cupcake

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man, bake me a cupcake as fast as you can! And don’t forget the sprinkles! For this Storytime, we had fun with the letter “C,” cupcakes, and cats. So, spend some time in the kitchen with your child baking some cupcakes and perhaps, read...

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some fun ways to introduce numbers to your infant or toddler: 👶 0-1 Year (Introduction to Numbers) Talk & Count: Count fingers, toes, and everyday...

Story Time – Creepy Crawlies

Story Time – Creepy Crawlies

Story Time: Creepy Crawlies

This week in online story time, we learned a new letter, “C”, which is the first letter in the words, “Creepy Crawlies”. Have fun with creepy crawlies as you read books, go outside, and discover what insects and spiders do.

Join us live Tuesdays at 10:30 AM  – Online on Facebook

Ages 2-5

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play

Read & Talk

See the world: “Illustrations convey meaning and carry information, especially in non-fiction books where pages are often filled with commentary that is not in the text. Be sure to “read” your way around the pages-read and discuss the captions, tables, charts, and the information conveyed by the illustrations themselves.” 



Help your child check out a junior non-fiction book from the library such as, “Creepy Crawlers.” Look at the illustrations or pictures first, and then “read” your way around the pages. Ask your child questions like, “Have you seen this before?” or “What does this look like to you?”

Books Presented

Creepy Crawlers by Lynn Huggins-Cooper

Describes unusual species of insects and spiders that have unique features and behaviors that help them adapt to their habitats.

I'm Trying to Love Spiders by Bethany Barton

I’m Trying to Love Spiders will help you see these amazing arachnids in a whole new light, from their awesomely excessive eight eyes, to the seventy-five pounds of bugs a spider can eat in a single year!

Can You Make a Scary Face? by Ed Emberley

A ladybug invites the reader to play a game of “let’s pretend.”

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Creepy Crawlies Family Finger Song

Busy bee, Busy bee, where are you?
There you are, there you are!
How do you do?

Busy bee, busy bee, what do you do?
I build a hive and make honey
That’s what I do

Clever spider…
I spin a web and catch a fly
That’s what I do

Small red Ant…
I carry things heavier than me
That’s what I do

I eat aphids all day long
That’s what I do

I eat lots of leaves so I can sleep
That’s what I do

I pollinate summer flowers
That’s what I do

– Adapted from

Here is the Beehive

Here is the beehive,
Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees.
Watch and you’ll see them come out of the hive. One…two…three…four…five!

Here is the beehive,
Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees.
Watch and you’ll see them land on the floor.

Here is the beehive,
Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees.
Watch and you’ll see them come out of the tree.
One…two…three! Buzz…buzz…buzz.

Here is the beehive, Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees.
Watch and you’ll see them come out of the hive. One…two…three…four…five.
Buzzzzzzzzz…they’ve all flown away!



The Ants Go Marching

The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah.
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah.
The ants go marching one by one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb.
And they all go marching down,
To the ground, to get out, of the rain.
…two…tie her shoe…
…three….climb a tree…
…four…shut the door…
…five…take a dive…
…six…pick up sticks…
…seven…pray to heaven…
…eight…check the gate…
…nine…check the time…
…ten…say “The End!”
– Traditional

Crafts and Activities

Coloring Page

Print out this coloring page!

Caterpillar Craft

Make this hungry caterpillar craft!

Additional Books

Creepy, Crawly Caterpillars by Margery Facklam

 A close-up look at 13 different types of caterpillars.

Bye-Bye, Big Bad Bullybug! by Ed Emberley

Die-cut pages reveal the scary and mean parts of a bullybug as it prepares to attack some itty-bitty baby bugs, but a rescuer arrives on the scene before the bully can make good on its threats.

Incredible Insects: A Counting Book by Sheena Deviah

Can you count all the insects? Check out this ebook on the StoryBerries website!

Creepy, Crawly Bugs by Sandra Markle

Offers a close look at baby insects.

The Best Bug Parade by Stuart J. Murphy

 A variety of different bugs compare their relative sizes while going on parade.

More Story Times

Storytime: L is for Lambs

Who knew that lambs love to laugh or that there are sheep in space with colorful coats? Plus, did you know that lambs can walk within minutes of being born, have teeth only on their lower jaw, and possess four stomachs? If you and your child want to learn more about...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

Storytime: Something NEW, Just for YOU! in February

Here’s something new to the library, and it’s just for you! ​ ​Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Ages 2-5 Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play Tip Some children love to sit and listen to books, and some find other...

Storytime: C is for Confidence

Building confidence in your child at a young age is crucial because it shapes how they see themselves and how they interact with the world. When a child learns confidence, they can see mistakes as learning opportunities rather than a reason to give up. As you read...

Storytime: C is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some effective ways to introduce numbers to your child: Everyday Activities Count objects around the house (toys, fruits, steps). Count fingers and toes...

Storytime: C is for Cupcake

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man, bake me a cupcake as fast as you can! And don’t forget the sprinkles! For this Storytime, we had fun with the letter “C,” cupcakes, and cats. So, spend some time in the kitchen with your child baking some cupcakes and perhaps, read...

Storytime: S is for Snake

Happy Lunar New Year! Did you know that dates of Lunar New Year will change each year with the moons, phases, and it is the most celebrated holiday in many Asian cultures. It’s a time for family gatherings, traditional foods, festivals, red envelopes filled with...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

Storytime: S is for Simon Says

Let’s play a game! Not only are they fun, but games help children develop vital skills like problem solving, creativity, and memory. They can also boost physical health, develop social skills, and increase a child’s overall sense of well-being. Here are some indoor...

Storytime: S is for Sharks

Did you know that sharks have been around for over 400 million years? They are older than the dinosaurs! They can lose more that 30,000 teeth in their lifetime, and their babies are called pups. A group of sharks is called a shiver, and a person is more likely to die...

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