October Kid and Tween STEAM

October Kid and Tween STEAM

October Kid and Tween STEAM

Check out our October kid and tween STEAM Take N’ Go kits below. Each will be available for pickup at the Youth Reference desk. Instructions will be available on our website and our YouTube channel.

Pumpkin Patch Marble Maze – available starting October 13

Learn about balance and gravity as you assemble a marble maze with paper, pom poms, and a paper plate.


Stained glass spiderweb craft – available starting October 276

Make colorful stained glass spiderwebs using tissue paper.

March Programs for Teens

Chess & Game ClubLearn the art of chess and other games with the master of fun and strategy, Nick Allison. Tweens and teens ages 9-18 are welcome to join every Monday from 4:30-5:30 PM in the Community Room. Game supplies will be provided.Teen Action CouncilThe...

February Programs for Teens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for your soulmate, a dear friend, or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box...

January Programs for Teens

Chess & Game ClubLearn the art of chess and other games with the master of fun and strategy, Nick Allison. Tweens and teens ages 9-18 are welcome to join every Monday* from 4:30-5:30 PM in the Community Room. Game supplies will be provided. *There will be no Chess...

December 2024 Programs for All Ages

Winter Safe DrivingFirst time driving on snowy winter roads? Madison Library District is partnering with the Idaho Department of Transportation and the Idaho State Police to keep you safe this winter! Learn strategies to stay on the road, deal with slipping and...

November Programs for Teens

Family Friendly FilmsLooking for a fun movie afternoon on the big screen? Join us for Free Family Friendly Films on Fridays at 3:30 PM in the Community Room! We’ve got new releases and beloved classics lined up: Nov. 1: The Garfield Movie (PG) Nov. 15: Despicable Me...

October Programs for Teens

Teen Action CouncilHave a say in what goes on at the Library for teens! Ages 13-18 are welcome to join us Wednesday, Oct. 2nd at 4 PM in the Community Room to voice their input. Manga and Animation Art ClubCalling all teens ages 12-18 who love art and anime! Join our...

September 2024 Teen Activities

Teen Action CouncilHave a say in what goes on at the Library for teens! Ages 13-18 are welcome to join us Wednesday, Sept. 4th at 4 PM in the Community Room to voice their input. Manga and Animation Art ClubCalling all teens ages 12-18 who love art and anime! Join our...

July 2024 Teen Activities

Summer ReadingAdventure Begins at Your Library with Summer Reading 2024! This annual program is designed for all ages to read every day, participate in special Library programs, and keep smashing our reading goals! The second prizes for every level will be...

June 2024 Teen Activities

Summer ReadingAdventure Begins at Your Library with Summer Reading 2024! This annual program is designed for all ages to read every day, participate in special Library programs, and stay active all summer long! Sign-ups begin on Monday, June 3rd, either online or at...

May Programs for All Ages

Miss Wendy's Reading Tips & Tricks For ParentsAre you ready to make reading a fun adventure for your child this summer? Join us for Miss. Wendy's Reading Tips & Tricks for Parents class! Discover simple, game-like reading activities that will help strengthen...

Book Babies – Bathtime & Bubbles

Book Babies – Bathtime & Bubbles

Book Babies: Bathtime & Bubbles

It’s bubbles in the bath! Babies and toddlers love bath time. Turn your evening bath time routine into a fun learning experience with these songs, stories, and bath time activities.

Join us live Wednesdays at 9:45 AM  – Online on Facebook

Ages 2-5

Welcome Songs

Here We Are Together

Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!

Hello Everybody

Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!

S, T, R, W, P

(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


Bathtime is not only a time to get clean, it can also be a sensory experience for baby with a little adavance preparation from her adult.

*Remember to never leave baby unattended in the bathtub.


They these sensory activities that have nothing to do with getting squeaky clean, but are great fun!

1) Put whipped cream on a plate and let baby squish it through his fingers. Show baby how to draw a squiggle or a shape. If he’s past the oral stage, try it with shaving cream.

2) Convert a plastic colander, cup, and plate into tub-time go-tos. Let your sweetie discover what happens when he uses them to scoop up water.

3) Or fill the tub with plastic balls and let baby roll on top, under and through them.

These and other bathtime activities can be found at www.highlights.com/parents/games/10-fun-tub-time-activities-babies-and-toddlers.

Books Presented

Tubby by Leslie Patricelli

Baby loves playing during bath time.

Maisy Takes a Bath by Lucy Cousins

When Tallulah comes to visit at bathtime she decides to join Maisy in the bath to play.

Ten Pigs by Derek Anderson

One pig looks to take a relaxing bath in private, but he is soon joined by another pig, then another, until there are ten pigs–and number one has to come up with a plan so that he can actually enjoy his bath.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Did You Ever See a Baby

Did you ever see a baby, (have your child sitting on your lap)
A baby, a baby?
Did you ever see a baby,
Go this way and that? (rock from side to side)
Go this way and that way, (forward and back)
And that way and this way. (side to side)
Did you ever see a baby,
Go this way and that? (forward and back)


Rhyme: Rub-A-Dub-Dub

Rub-a-dub-dub, one child in the tub (hold up one finger)
Tell me what you see. (point to eyes)
One foot with toes, (point to body parts)
A hand, a nose,
As clean as they can be. (rub hands together)
Rub-a-dub-dub, one child in the tub (hold up one finger)
Tell me what you see. (point to eyes)
Leg, and arms (shake legs and arms)
So clean and warm,
Do they have a hug for me? (hug yourself)

– Storytimekatie.com

Flannel Song: Five Pigs So Squeaky Clean

(Tune: Five Green and Speckled Frogs)

Five pigs so squeaky clean
Cleanest you’ve ever seen
Wanted to go outside and play
Oink! Oink!
One jumped into the mud
Landed with a big thud
Then there were four clean squeaky pigs.

– Melissa.depperfamily.net

Diaper Changing with Sign Language:

Baby Needs a Diaper Change

(Tune: London Bridge is Falling Down)

Baby needs a diaper change
Diaper change,
Diaper change
Baby needs a diaper change
Please and thank you!

Here are the Sign language signs:
Baby: (rock arms in cradle back and forth)
Diaper: (pinch fingers like clothes pins next to face)
Change: (wring hands in a fist)
Please: (rub chest)
Thank you: (hand to chin and out)


Bounce/Song: Bubbles, Bubbles

(Tune: Old MacDonald)
B-U-B-B-L-E-S, bubbles in the air. Whoo!
Toothpaste bubbles in my mouth,
Bubbles in my hair.
With a bubble here,
And a bubble bubble there.
Rub-a-dub, Scrub-a-dub, bubbles in the bathtub.
B-U-B-B-L-E-S, bubbles in the air. Whoo!

– Adapted from Library Story from A to Z by Ellen K. Asbrook

Signing Songs





“Thank You”

Additional Books

Daniel's Bath Time adapted by Alexandra Cassel Schwartz

Bath time is so much fun! Daniel loves playing with his bath toys and the soap bubbles. Daniel also helps his sister, Margaret, with her bath. After their baths, Daniel and Margaret are both squeaky clean and feeling grr-ific!

Bath! Bath! Bath! by Douglas Florian

After a fun-filled day, it is time to take a bath.

More Book Babies

MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

Many of us grew up with classic nursery rhymes like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. As you teach those songs to your child, consider incorporating these additional activities to expand both your and your baby's nursery rhyme repertoire.Book Babies:...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some fun ways to introduce numbers to your infant or toddler: 👶 0-1 Year (Introduction to Numbers) Talk & Count: Count fingers, toes, and everyday...

JANUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: S is for Soup

Making and eating soup can be a sensory explosion for you and your child, especially when you make it together. Look for ingredients with a variety of colors, textures, and scents, then talk about where they came from, or count the pieces you’ve cut. Here are some...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

NOVEMBER Book Babies + Toddler Time: Duck, Duck, Goose

“Play is serious business when it comes to a child's health and development. From peek-a-boo to pat-a-cake and hide-and-seek to hopscotch, the many forms of play enrich a child's brain, body and life in important ways.” HealthyChildren.org. When reading books with...

OCTOBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Horses & Ponies

This is how the ladies ride… clippity-clop, clippity-clop. This is how the gentlemen ride… giddy-up, giddy-up. This is how the cowboys ride… Yee haw! Ride ‘em cowboy!! There are many rhymes and songs about horses which encourage parent and child communication,...

SEPTEMBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Feelings

Ah, emotions… however big or small, can be difficult to manage for everyone, especially children. There are, however, tips and tricks you can use to help your child learn how to recognize and regulate their feelings, and you can start early, even with an infant. The...

JULY Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in the Dark

At the end of the day, it’s a great time to establish a routine to help your child prepare for bed. Some of the activities in your routine could include reading a book, taking a bath, singing a song, picking up toys, or perhaps doing a knee bounce. When you follow the...

JUNE Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in Imagination

Did you know that imaginative or pretend play contains the building blocks of developing critical thinking skills, following directions, expressive language, and even managing emotions? So, grab those sheets, boxes, mud, dishes, and anything you can think of to help...

Story Time – Bubbles!

Story Time – Bubbles!

Story Time: Bubbles

“Bear blows bubbles!” “B” is for bubbles. Did you know a bubble will always be a sphere unless it’s next to something else that alters its shape? Bubbles are also great for making firends. Have a bubble blowing party with a friend. You might become bubble best buddies!

Join us live Tuesdays at 10:30 AM  – Online on Facebook

Ages 2-5

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play

Talk & Play

Learning to “guess” or hypothesize what will happen when you take an action is an important step in cognitive development and critical thinking. Before you try the following activity, have your child “guess” or question what will happen in this bubble experiment, then have them “test the guess” for the answer.


Fill a variety of cups with different liquids such as, water, milk, soda, and soup. Then blow bubbles with a straw in each of the liquids. Then answer these questions. Which liquid “holds” a better bubble? Can you pop the bubble?

Books Presented

Bubble Bear by Maxwell Higgins

Bear loves to blow bubbles. But when Badger tries to spoil Bear’s fun, he blows a bubble you won’t believe!

Pop! A Book About Bubbles by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

This Stage 1 Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out book explains how trapping air inside soapy liquid creates bubbles—and why bubbles are always round.

Bubbles by Kit Chase

Kangaroo and Koala become fast friends when they vanquish a bubble monster together.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Ten Little Bubbles

One little, two little, three little bubbles,
Four little, five little, six little bubbles,
Seven little, eight little, nine little bubbles,
Ten little bubbles go pop! pop! pop!
Count bubbles on fingers and clap when you say, “pop!”

– Kcls.org


There was a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.
There was a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

– Allnurseryrhymes.com


Crafts and Activities

Coloring Page

Print out this coloring page!

Bubble Wand

Make this simple bubble wand!

No-Fail Homemade Bubble Solution

Make your own bubble solution by combining the following:

  • 5 cups water
  • 2 cups dishwashing liquid (we used Dawn)
  • 1/2 cup karo syrup

Additional Books

Pop! by Jason Carter Eaton

There’s only one thing Dewey loves more than blowing bubbles: popping them. Every last one of them. But on a fine bubble-blowing day, Dewey’s very last bubble gets away.

Bubble Trouble by Margaret Mahy

Mabel blows a bubble that captures Baby and wafts him away, resulting in a wild chase that involves the whole neighborhood.

More Story Times

Storytime: L is for Lambs

Who knew that lambs love to laugh or that there are sheep in space with colorful coats? Plus, did you know that lambs can walk within minutes of being born, have teeth only on their lower jaw, and possess four stomachs? If you and your child want to learn more about...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

Storytime: Something NEW, Just for YOU! in February

Here’s something new to the library, and it’s just for you! ​ ​Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Ages 2-5 Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play Tip Some children love to sit and listen to books, and some find other...

Storytime: C is for Confidence

Building confidence in your child at a young age is crucial because it shapes how they see themselves and how they interact with the world. When a child learns confidence, they can see mistakes as learning opportunities rather than a reason to give up. As you read...

Storytime: C is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some effective ways to introduce numbers to your child: Everyday Activities Count objects around the house (toys, fruits, steps). Count fingers and toes...

Storytime: C is for Cupcake

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man, bake me a cupcake as fast as you can! And don’t forget the sprinkles! For this Storytime, we had fun with the letter “C,” cupcakes, and cats. So, spend some time in the kitchen with your child baking some cupcakes and perhaps, read...

Storytime: S is for Snake

Happy Lunar New Year! Did you know that dates of Lunar New Year will change each year with the moons, phases, and it is the most celebrated holiday in many Asian cultures. It’s a time for family gatherings, traditional foods, festivals, red envelopes filled with...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

Storytime: S is for Simon Says

Let’s play a game! Not only are they fun, but games help children develop vital skills like problem solving, creativity, and memory. They can also boost physical health, develop social skills, and increase a child’s overall sense of well-being. Here are some indoor...

Storytime: S is for Sharks

Did you know that sharks have been around for over 400 million years? They are older than the dinosaurs! They can lose more that 30,000 teeth in their lifetime, and their babies are called pups. A group of sharks is called a shiver, and a person is more likely to die...

Kid and Tween STEAM – Infinity Cubes

Kid and Tween STEAM – Infinity Cubes

Kid and Tween STEAM

Infinity Cube

Make simple holographic screen projectors using transparency film and a phone, tablet, or laptop.

Things you will need include:

  • eight one-inch wooden cubes (can also use cubes made from paper)
  • tape
  • scissors

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

January Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeJanuary Story Time is serving up something soup-er! Book Babies (infants/babies not yet walking and their caregivers) meet Wednesdays at 9:30 AM with songs, stories, and sensory fun for our "Soup’s On!" theme. (Library Closed Jan. 1) Toddler Time (walking...

November Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeNovember Story Time is here, and our themes are “Duck, Duck, Goose!” for Book Babies and Toddler Time and the letter “G” for Story Time! Join us in the Community Room for songs, stories, and sensory activities perfect for each age group. Book Babies...

October Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGallop into Story Time fun this October! Toddler Time (ages 10-23 months) on Mondays & Tuesdays at 9:30 AM and Book Babies (ages 0-9 months) on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM will both feature “Clippity-clop, on a horse and pony we’ll hop!” Note: there will be no...

September 2024 Activities for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeJoin us for Story Time fun at Madison Library District! Book Babies (0-9 months) Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Community Room September theme: "Feelings... Big and Small!" Toddler Time (10-23 months) Mondays and Tuesdays at 9:30 AM September theme:...

July 2024 Kids & Tween Activities

Summer Reading 2024Adventure Begins at Your Library with Summer Reading 2024! This annual program is designed for all ages to read every day, participate in special Library programs, and keep smashing our reading goals! The second prizes for every level will be...

June 2024 Kid & Tween Activities

Summer Reading 2024Adventure Begins at Your Library with Summer Reading 2024! This annual program is designed for all ages to read every day, participate in special Library programs, and stay active all summer long! Sign-ups begin on Monday, June 3rd, either online or...

April 2024 Kids & Tween Activities

National Library Week Book Nook ContestStep into a world of tiny wonders during National Library Week! Our Book Nook Contest invites you to explore Small Adventures to Amazing Places! From fantastical realms to cozy real-world corners, you may create a miniature...

Kid & Tween Activities March 2024

Story TimeJoin us in March for a world of imagination and learning at Story Time! This month we’re celebrating author-illustrator, Eric Carle! Preschool Story Time (ages 2-5): Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 10:30 AM and Tuesdays at 6:30 PM. Toddler Time (ages 10-23...

Book Babies – Birthday Box

Book Babies – Birthday Box

Book Babies

Birthday Box

It’s baby’s birthday and he got a great toy… in a huge box. Wait! Don’t put that box in the recycling bin just yet. That box can be your baby’s favorite toy, and it’s the only toy that will “grow” with him. Look below for fun box-themed ideas that will help your baby learn and grow.

Join us live Wednesdays at 9:45 AM  – Online on Facebook

Ages 2-5

Welcome Songs

Here We Are Together

Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!

Hello Everybody

Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!

S, T, R, W, P

(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play

Play Tip

A cardboard box is a blank canvas for cognitive and social development. “Open-ended and free exploration plays a very important role in learning. When we give children the freedom and opportunity to explore, create, fail and reassess, we are helping them to form connections in the brain. All engaging experiences – even ones from cardboard boxes – help children learn about the world around them and how they influence it.”

- Kylie Rymanowicz, Michigan State University


Make a tunnel from a large cardboard box by opening both ends. Place the child at one end of the tunnel. You sit at the opposite end. Peek your face in the tunnel and say, “Hi!” Then lean away from the tunnel (so the child can’t see you) and say, “Bye!” Does the child try to communicate with you by crawling to find you, or by making sounds to copy your “hi” and “bye”? If your child isn’t mobile, you can use the box to prop them with a blanket and their favorite toys in the box. You can also push them around on the floor while making car, boat, and train noises.


- https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/1078-activities-for-bonding-and-learning-from-12-to-24-months

Books Presented

The Birthday Box by Leslie Patricelli

An imaginative young child has a wonderful time playing with a box he receives for his birthday.

The Happy Little Yellow Box by David A. Carter

This highly interactive novelty book follows a friendly yellow box as he journeys high and low, near and far—until finally resting in a spot that is “just right.”

Thank You Bear by Greg Foley

Despite the criticism of others, a bear finds the perfect gift for his mouse friend.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Did You Ever See a Baby

Did you ever see a baby, (have your child sitting on your lap)
A baby, a baby?
Did you ever see a baby,
Go this way and that? (rock from side to side)
Go this way and that way, (forward and back)
And that way and this way. (side to side)
Did you ever see a baby,
Go this way and that? (forward and back)


Rhyme: Here is a Box

Here is a box, rough and brown
Let’s set it down, on the ground
Look inside and what do I see
I see a (insert object/animal here) looking at me!

– Sturgiskids.wikifoundry.com

Flannel Rhyme: Five Brown Boxes

(Tune: Five Little Ducks)

5 brown boxes I got today
Let’s stack them up so we can play.
One falls down from the very top.
Now there’s 4, but we won’t STOP!
4 brown boxes…
3 brown boxes…
2 brown boxes I got today, let’s stack it up so we can play.
One falls down from the very top.
Now there’s one… so we’ll have to STOP!

Diaper Changing with Sign Language:

Baby Needs a Diaper Change

(Tune: London Bridge is Falling Down)

Baby needs a diaper change
Diaper change,
Diaper change
Baby needs a diaper change
Please and thank you!

Here are the Sign language signs:
Baby: (rock arms in cradle back and forth)
Diaper: (pinch fingers like clothes pins next to face)
Change: (wring hands in a fist)
Please: (rub chest)
Thank you: (hand to chin and out)


Song: Baby in the Box

(Tune: The Wheels on the Bus)

Baby in her box goes up and down, up and down, up and down.
Baby in her box goes up and down, then he turns around.
Baby in her box goes side to side, side to side, side to side.
Baby in her box goes side to side, then he waves bye bye.

 – Adapted from Sunflowerstorytime.com

Signing Songs





“Thank You”

Additional Books

What to Do With a Box by Jane Yolen

If you give a child a box, who can tell what will happen next? It may become a library or a boat. It could set the scene for a fairy tale or a wild expedition.

More Book Babies

MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

Many of us grew up with classic nursery rhymes like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. As you teach those songs to your child, consider incorporating these additional activities to expand both your and your baby's nursery rhyme repertoire.Book Babies:...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some fun ways to introduce numbers to your infant or toddler: 👶 0-1 Year (Introduction to Numbers) Talk & Count: Count fingers, toes, and everyday...

JANUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: S is for Soup

Making and eating soup can be a sensory explosion for you and your child, especially when you make it together. Look for ingredients with a variety of colors, textures, and scents, then talk about where they came from, or count the pieces you’ve cut. Here are some...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

NOVEMBER Book Babies + Toddler Time: Duck, Duck, Goose

“Play is serious business when it comes to a child's health and development. From peek-a-boo to pat-a-cake and hide-and-seek to hopscotch, the many forms of play enrich a child's brain, body and life in important ways.” HealthyChildren.org. When reading books with...

OCTOBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Horses & Ponies

This is how the ladies ride… clippity-clop, clippity-clop. This is how the gentlemen ride… giddy-up, giddy-up. This is how the cowboys ride… Yee haw! Ride ‘em cowboy!! There are many rhymes and songs about horses which encourage parent and child communication,...

SEPTEMBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Feelings

Ah, emotions… however big or small, can be difficult to manage for everyone, especially children. There are, however, tips and tricks you can use to help your child learn how to recognize and regulate their feelings, and you can start early, even with an infant. The...

JULY Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in the Dark

At the end of the day, it’s a great time to establish a routine to help your child prepare for bed. Some of the activities in your routine could include reading a book, taking a bath, singing a song, picking up toys, or perhaps doing a knee bounce. When you follow the...

JUNE Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in Imagination

Did you know that imaginative or pretend play contains the building blocks of developing critical thinking skills, following directions, expressive language, and even managing emotions? So, grab those sheets, boxes, mud, dishes, and anything you can think of to help...

Story Time – Boxes

Story Time – Boxes

Story Time


What’s inside your magic box? Today in preschool story time we learned that “box” starts with the letter “B.” Did you know that in 2006, the cardboard box was inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame? That’s because, when you use your imagination, a box can become anything!

Join us live Tuesdays at 10:30 AM  – Online on Facebook

Ages 2-5

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play

Talking Tip

Being able to express yourself verbally is an important skill. Anger, frustration, and sadness can cause children to act out if they don’t know how to express those difficult emptions in words. Use books like “The Big Brown Box” and “A Box of Butterflies” to start a conversation about what makes your child upset and what he can do to calm himself down.

- Lambert


Read “The Big Brown Box” or another book in which a child gets upset. Ask your child what upset Sam and how he let people know that he was upset. Ask your child what upsets him or her, how do they let people know they are upset, and how do they calm themselves down.

Books Presented

Sitting in My Box by Dee Lillegard

The box in which all the animals are sitting gets more and more crowded until a hungry flea comes along.

The Big Brown Box by Marisabina Russo

As he plays in a very large box in his room, Sam is reluctant to let his little brother Ben join him, but then he finds the perfect way for them to share.

Not a Box by Antoinette Portis

To an imaginative bunny, a box is not always just a box.


The Cardboard Box Book by Sarah Powell

Make a plane, an oven, a car or even your own city inside this imaginative craft book where a cardboard box is not just a box.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Here is a Box

Here is a box
Open the lid
I wonder whatever
Inside is hid
…make animal noise… (get kids to guess the animal)
Why its a ___________ (animal)
Without a doubt
Open the lid and let him out.

– Sturgiskids.wikifoundry.com

I Had a Little Turtle

I had a little turtle (hands on top of each other, move thumbs)
Who lived in a box (make box)
He swam in the puddles and climbed on the rocks (with hands swim, climb)
He snapped at a mosquito (clap), he snapped at a flea (clap)
He snapped at a minnow (clap), and he snapped at me (clap)
He caught the mosquito (cup hands), he caught the flea (cup hands),
He caught the minnow (cup hands), but he didn’t catch me! (wag finger)

– Storytimekatie.com


Zoom Zoom, We’re Going to the Moon

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
We’re going to the moon.
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
We’re going to the moon.
If you want to take a trip,
Climb aboard my rocket ship.
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
We’re going to the moon.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
Blast off!

– Allnurseryrhymes.com

Jack in His Box

Jack in his box goes up and down, up and down, up and down.
Jack in his box goes up and down, then he turns around.
Jack in his box goes side to side, side to side, side to side.
Jack in his box goes side to side, then he waves bye bye.

Crafts and Activities

Coloring Page

Print out this coloring page!

Rocking Boat

Try making this rocking boat!

Additional Books

Ready, Set, Sail! by Meg Fleming

Follows a group of friends as they go sailing, explore an island, and return home to tell their tale.

Big Bear's Big Boat by Eve Bunting

When Big Bear outgrows his old boat, he gives it to Little Bear and builds himself a new one–just like it except bigger–until his friends start making suggestions that result in something very different.

If I Had a Big Blue Boat by Susan James Fry

The Boats on the River by Marjorie Flack

A ferryboat, paddlewheeler, ocean liner, tug boat, motorboat, sailboat, rowboat, freighter, submarine, and a warship all share the river waters around the big city.

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