Story Time – May 12, 2020
Story Time – May 12, 2020
Story Time – May 12, 2020
10:30 am ONLINE on Facebook – ages 2 to 5
In our storytime trip around the world, we have lost our giant teddy bear, Balloo!
He’s gone to the mountains! Can you help us find him? Make sure you fill out your passport and come along with us. Do you know what animals live in the mountains? What is the tallest mountain in the world? Find out in the following books and activities. Parent tip- when watching a read-aloud video with your children, try muting the volume and reading the story with your child.
For the next two weeks in online storytime, we will visit four different biomes around the world. We have included a link to print off a passport so the children can keep a record of all the places we will visit.
Early Literacy Tip and Activity:
Rhyming is an important part of phonological awareness. It helps children break down words into smaller sounds and identify similar sounds in different words. This skill will help them when they sound out words to learn to read.
Sing “The Bear Went Over the Mountain”, but insert rhyming words such as: The bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain The bear went over the mountain, to see what he could see. And what do you think he saw? And what do you think he saw? He saw a goat in a boat, he saw a goat in a boat. He saw a goat in a boat, That is what he saw.
Books Presented
How Mountains are Made
by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld
Even though Mount Everest measures 29,028 feet high, it may be growing about two inches a year. A mountain might be thousands of feet high, but it can still grow taller or shorter each year.
Find it in our Catalog
Wordy Birdy
by Tammi Sauer
Wordy Birdy LOVES to talk, but does she love to listen? NOPE. One day, while she’s walking through the forest, her gift of the gab gets her into hot water. It’s up to her long-suffering, heard-it-all-before pals Squirrel, Raccoon, and Rabbit to save their distracted friend.
A Stone Sat Still
by Brendan Wenzel
This is the story of a seemingly ordinary rock—but to the animals that use it, it is a resting place, a kitchen, a safe haven…even an entire world.
Bear Wants More
by Karma Wilson
When springtime comes, in his warm winter den a bear wakes up very hungry and thin! Bear comes out of hibernation and he’s VERY hungry. He eats everything in sight–but he still wants more! Bear’s friends finally help him satisfy his HUGE hunger by throwing him a surprise birthday party.
Songs, Rhymes and Fingerplays
The Bear Went Over the Mountain
The bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain The bear went over the mountain, to see what he could see. And what do you think he saw? And what do you think he saw? He saw another mountain, he saw another mountain, he saw another mountain, And that is what he saw.
He saw a skunk in a bunk…
And that is what he saw.
He saw a goat in a coat…
He saw some toes and a nose…
He saw a squirrel with a girl…
He saw a deer with a mirror…
He saw a bear in a chair…
He saw a stone with a bone…
– Sesame Street
Stinky Skunk
I’m a little stinky skunk,
I’m sleeping under someone’s bunk
Nobody wants to sleep with me,
I’m as stinky as can be
Honk, honk, rattle, rattle, crash, beep, beep.
Honk, honk, rattle, rattle, crash, beep, beep.
Five Little Owls
Five little owls on a moonlit night
Five little owls are quite a sight.
Five little owls, are you keeping score?
One flew away! And then there were four.
Four little owls, happy as can be,
One flew away! Then there were three.
Three little owls calling “Whoo! Whoo!”
One flew away! And that left two.
Two little owls having lots of fun.
One flew away! And that left one.
One little owl, we are almost done.
He flew away! And that leaves none.
– Mansfield/Richland County Public Library
This Mountain
Craft Activities
Print out this mountain coloring page or color online.
Tear paper and layer the pieces to make colorful landscapes. Each one turns out completely unique and beautiful, and all you need is paper and a glue stick.