Prepare for the Apoc-Eclipse!

Prepare for the Apoc-Eclipse!

Want to have extra books and movies on hand so you can relax at home, but worried about needing to return them during the chaos?

As a courtesy to our patrons, no items will be due August 16th through 28th.

Check out what you need now and don’t worry about needing to return them until after the crowds go home.  (One week items – like DVDs – checked out prior to August 9 will still be due before the eclipse.)

Also, we will be closed Saturday, August 19th, and Monday, August 21st.

Learn more about our eclipse events!

Tween and Children’s Crafts for July!

Tween and Children’s Crafts for July!

Children’s Crafts (ages 6 – 8)

Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:30 am and 2:30 pm throughout Summer Reading

Tween Crafts (ages 9 – 11)

Every Thursday at 2:30 and 4:00 pm throughout Summer Reading

  • July 7: Painting Rocks – Bring a clean rock, a box to carry it home, and wear clothes you can get paint on
  • July 14: Perler Beads
  • July 21: Mad Stuff
  • July 28: District Games at the Library

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