MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

Many of us grew up with classic nursery rhymes like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. As you teach those songs to your child, consider incorporating these additional activities to expand both your and your baby’s nursery rhyme repertoire.

Book Babies: Wednesday @ 9:30am in Community Room

Ages 0 – 10 months

Toddler Time: Monday & Tuesday @ 9:30am in Community Room

Ages 11 – 23 months

Welcome Songs

Here We Are Together

Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!

Hello Everybody

Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!

S, T, R, W, P

(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


The concept of loud and soft plays an important role in music and throughout life. Children need to know when a loud voice is OK and when a soft voice is required. Through music, they can have fun learning the difference between loud and soft. – “Reading Picture Books With Children” by Lambert



When you sing, “Two Little Lambs,” with your child, sing the word, “soft,” softly and the word, “loud,” loudly.


Books Presented

Cover of Where is Green Sheep by Mem Fox.

Where is the Green Sheep? by Mem Fox

A story about many different sheep, and one that seems to be missing.
Book cover for Sheep Blast Off! by Nancy Shaw

Sheep Blast Off! by Nancy Shaw

Upon finding a spaceship, sheep climb aboard and bumble around until they blast off into orbit.
Book cover for Mary Had a Little Lamb by Iza Trapani

Mary Had a Little Lamb by Iza Trapani

This expanded version of the traditional rhyme shows what happens when the lamb decides to go off alone. Includes music on the last page.

Book cover for And I Have You: A Book of Mothers and Babies by Maggie Smith

And I Have You: A Book of Mothers and Babies by Maggie Smith

 celebration of a mother’s love for her baby. A cat has her kittens, a dog has her puppies, a sheep has her lamb, and I have you. This book celebrates the love between mothers and babies throughout the animal kingdom. Ducklings, piglets, foals, and fawns frolic through the pages. As our human baby grows from newborn to toddler, Mom offers the constant, comforting refrain: Wherever you go, whatever you see, I’ll always have you and you’ll always have me. Maggie Smith has created a classic first book for mothers and babies– a feast for the eyes and a hug for the heart.
Book cover for That's Not My Lamb... : Its Nose is too Rough by Fiona Watt

That's Not My Lamb... : Its Nose is Too Rough by Fiona Watt

Meet five adorable little lambs in this charming addition to the much-loved That’s not my. series. Babies love the best-selling That’s not my. books with their bold illustrations, patches to stroke, and a mouse to spot on every page, all designed to develop sensory and language awareness.

Book cover for My Little Lamb by Hannah Eliot

My Little Lamb by Hannah Eliot

This sweet springtime board book with a padded cover is perfect to share with your gentle little lamb! ‘My little lamb, come snuggle with me. Then off on your own, with the birds and bees.’ Adorable lambs have adventures during the day then come home safe and sound for nighttime snuggles
Book cover for No More Blanket for Lambkin! by Bernette G. Ford

No More Blanket for Lambkin! by Bernette G. Ford

Ducky wants to play laundry day and wash Lambkin’s blanket. But an unexpected event occurs when the blanket is washed.
Book cover for Baa, Baa, Black Sheep! by Annie Kubler

Baa Baa, Black Sheep! by Annie Kubler

Includes song lyrics and full-page colour illustrations which demonstrate sign language hand shapes and movements.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Zoom, Baaa, Zoom

Zoom, Baaa, zoom! The sheep are on the moon!
Zoom, Baaa, zoom! The sheep are on the moon!
When they want to take a trip, 
They climb aboard their rocket ship.
Zoom, baaa, zoom! The sheep are on the moon! 5-4-3-2-1 Baaaaast off!

Far, baaa, far! the sheep are in the stars…
Fun, baaa, fun! The sheep are on the sun…

Adapted from Jbrary

Two Little Lambs Sitting on a Hill

Two little lambs sitting on a hill,
One named Jack and one named Jill,
Run away Jack, run away Jill.
Come back Jack, come back Jill.
Two little lambs sitting on a hill,
One named Jack and one named Jill.

Two little lambs fluffy as a cloud,
One named Soft and one named Loud!
Run away Soft, run away Loud!
Come back Soft, come back Loud!
Two little lambs fluffy as a cloud,
One named Soft, and one named Loud!

Adapted from Jbrary

The Bean Bag

Throw the bean bag and catch
Turn around, turn around, stamp, stamp, stamp
Throw the bean bag and catch
Turn around, turn around, stamp, stamp, stamp
Put it on your head and walk around the room
Put it on your head and walk around the room
Repeat Chorus
Put it on your head and walk around the room
Put it on your head and walk around the room
Put it on your shoulder
Put it on your elbow
Put it on your knee
Put it on your back now
Put it on your stomach
Put it on your finger
Put it on your foot
Put it on your arm now
Put it on your head and walk around the room
Put it on your head and walk around the room
Repeat Chorus

Source: Hap Palmer

Lamb Trot

(tune “Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush”)
My lamb is trotting on my toes, on my toes, on my toes
My lamb is trotting on my toes –
BAAA! BAAA! BAAA! (move bean bag to knee)

My lamb is trotting on my knee…
My lamb is trotting on my tummy…
My lamb is trotting on my shoulder…
My lamb is leaping on my head, on my head, on my head (balance bean bag on head)

My lamb is leaping on my head –
He leaped away! BAAA! (make bean bag fall to floor)

Adapted from Storytime Stuff

If You have a Green Sheep

Tune: Do you know the muffin man?
If you have a green* sheep, a green sheep, a green sheep
If you have a green sheep
Come, put it in the barn!

*Red, yellow, blue

Lift One Foot and Then the Other

Lift one foot and then the other,
Lift one foot and then the other
Lift one foot and then the other
Lift them both together.
(Verses: Lift one arm, clap your hands and keep on clapping)

Source: Jbrary

Mama’s Little Baby Love Bouncin’

(Tune: Shortnin’ Bread)
Mama’s little baby loves bouncin’ bouncin’
Mama’s little baby loves bouncin’ round,
Mama’s little baby loves bouncin’ bouncin’
Mama’s little baby loves bouncin’ round.

Lean to the left, lean to the right
Now hug that baby nice and tight!
Lean to the left, lean to the right
Now hug that baby nice and tight

(can alter to Daddy. Grandma, Grandpa, Nanny, etc)

Source: Verona Storytime

Baby Sign Language

More Book Babies

MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

Many of us grew up with classic nursery rhymes like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. As you teach those songs to your child, consider incorporating these additional activities to expand both your and your baby's nursery rhyme repertoire.Book Babies:...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some fun ways to introduce numbers to your infant or toddler: 👶 0-1 Year (Introduction to Numbers) Talk & Count: Count fingers, toes, and everyday...

JANUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: S is for Soup

Making and eating soup can be a sensory explosion for you and your child, especially when you make it together. Look for ingredients with a variety of colors, textures, and scents, then talk about where they came from, or count the pieces you’ve cut. Here are some...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

NOVEMBER Book Babies + Toddler Time: Duck, Duck, Goose

“Play is serious business when it comes to a child's health and development. From peek-a-boo to pat-a-cake and hide-and-seek to hopscotch, the many forms of play enrich a child's brain, body and life in important ways.” When reading books with...

OCTOBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Horses & Ponies

This is how the ladies ride… clippity-clop, clippity-clop. This is how the gentlemen ride… giddy-up, giddy-up. This is how the cowboys ride… Yee haw! Ride ‘em cowboy!! There are many rhymes and songs about horses which encourage parent and child communication,...

SEPTEMBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Feelings

Ah, emotions… however big or small, can be difficult to manage for everyone, especially children. There are, however, tips and tricks you can use to help your child learn how to recognize and regulate their feelings, and you can start early, even with an infant. The...

JULY Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in the Dark

At the end of the day, it’s a great time to establish a routine to help your child prepare for bed. Some of the activities in your routine could include reading a book, taking a bath, singing a song, picking up toys, or perhaps doing a knee bounce. When you follow the...

JUNE Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in Imagination

Did you know that imaginative or pretend play contains the building blocks of developing critical thinking skills, following directions, expressive language, and even managing emotions? So, grab those sheets, boxes, mud, dishes, and anything you can think of to help...

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some fun ways to introduce numbers to your infant or toddler:

👶 0-1 Year (Introduction to Numbers)

  • Talk & Count: Count fingers, toes, and everyday objects while talking.

  • Sing Counting Songs: Simple rhymes like “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe,” “Five Little Ducks,” “Zoom, Zoom, Zoom,” and “Ten in the Bed,” are great rhymes for introducing numeracy.

  • Show Numbers: High-contrast number books are perfect for counting as your baby’s eyes are developing.

👧 1-2 Years (Recognition & Basic Counting)

  • Point & Count Objects: Count toys, snacks, or steps while walking.

  • Use Hands-On Toys: Stacking cups, number puzzles, blocks and even socks are excellent “toys” to learn counting.

  • Finger Play: Counting on fingers helps build number association.

  • Repetition & Rhymes: Continue singing songs and reading books with numerical concepts.


Book Babies: Wednesday @ 9:30am in Community Room

Ages 0 – 10 months

Toddler Time: Monday & Tuesday @ 9:30am in Community Room

Ages 11 – 23 months

Welcome Songs

Here We Are Together

Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!

Hello Everybody

Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!

S, T, R, W, P

(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


Musical rhythms and rhymes encourage spontaneous movement that strengthens the child’s body and helps to develop sensory control. Large movements, such as those in knee bounces, help develop gross motor skill. – “Reading Picture Books With Children” by Lambert



While reciting the rhyme, “Trot, Trot to Boston,” gently bounce your baby on your outstretched legs and gently drop her between your legs on the last line of the verse. Then, bounce your baby again and lean to the side at the end of the second verse. For toddlers, sit on the floor and bounce outstretched legs up and down, then lean to one side as far as possible for the last line of both verses.


Books Presented

Book cover for Five Little Chicks by Nancy Tafuri

Five Little Chicks by Nancy Tafuri

Five chicks and their mother peck in the corn patch in search of breakfast.
Book cover of One-osaurus, Two-osaurus by Kim Norman

One-osaurus, Two-osaurus by Kim Norman

Look there, in a child’s bedroom, where some prehistoric pals are gathered in a counting game. Nine dinosaurs are playing a sing-song rendition of hide-and-seek – but something isn’t adding up. Where is number ten? Stomp, stomp, stomp! CHOMP, CHOMP, CHOMP! Ready or not, here he comes, and he sounds . . . big! With big, bold numerals, an array of dinosaurs in comical poses, and a humorous twist at the end, this tribute to a child’s imagination makes learning numbers a gigantic treat.
Book cover for Ten Tiny Tickles by Karen Katz

Ten Tiny Tickles by Karen Katz

Family members awaken a baby with tickles, from one little tickle on a lovely sleepy head to ten tiny tickles on the toes. On board pages.

Book cover for Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin

Pete the cat loves the buttons on his shirt so much that he makes up a song about them, and even as the buttons pop off, one by one, he still finds a reason to sing.
Book cover for Big Fat Hen by Keith Baker

Big Fat Hen by Keith Baker

Big Fat Hen counts to ten with her friends and all their chicks.

Book cover for Counting Kisses by Karen Katz

Counting Kisses by Karen Katz

How many kisses does a tired baby need to change her from crying into sleeping?
Book cover for Five Little Ducks by Teri Weidner

Five Little Ducks by Teri Weidner

A duck with a feather on his back leads his siblings with a “quack, quack, quack.” End notes list the benefits of children’s poems and songs.
Book cover for Ten Little Fish by Audrey Wood

Ten Little Fish by Audrey Wood

It’s an undersea countdown in the newest book by bestselling author Audrey Wood and her dynamic, digital-artist son, Bruce. Follow ten little fish as they swim along a beautiful ocean reef, one by one departing from the school for different reasons, eventually leaving one fellow all alone. What will he do? Along comes another, and that makes two! Soon he becomes a father and she becomes a mother–with ten little children of their own. The rhyming text helps readers go from one to ten and back again, and each illustration pops with all the color and depth of an underwater playground.
Book cover for Five Little Ducks: First Book of Nursery Games by Ailie Busby

Five Little Ducks: First Book of Nursery Games by Ailie Busby

Spend time with your toddler exploring this delightful book of nursery games. Here you’ll find many well-known games, with a sprinkling of modern variations, for every occasion in a young child’s day. This book is bound to become a much-loved addition to every nursery bookcase.
Book cover for Doggies: A Counting and Barking Book by Sandra Boynton

Doggies: A Counting and Barking Book by Sandra Boynton

Dogs of all shapes and sizes bark from one to ten.
Book cover for Brown Bear and Friends 1 2 3 by Eric Carle

Brown Bear and Friends 1 2 3 by Eric Carle

From Eric Carle’s Brown Bear and Friends comes an exciting new novelty crinkle board book original exploring the perennial favorite: counting and numbers! Brown Bear delights in each number from 1 to 10 in this charming counting book. With rhythmic, rhyming, read-aloud text, and an oh-so-touchable crinkle novelty cover, it’s perfect for the youngest of readers. Featuring Eric Carle’s bright, distinctive artwork, each number introduces a group of foods, animals, sounds, and so much more. It’s an exploration of numbers and counting that will engage all of the senses!
Book cover for A Little Book About 123s by Leo Lionni

A Little Book About 123s by Leo Lionni

Learn numbers with a playful group of mice planning a party.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Bouncing, Bouncing, Baby on my Knee

Bouncing, bouncing, baby on my knee.
Bouncing, bouncing, 1 – 2 – 3!

Clapping, clapping, baby on my knee.
Clapping, clapping, 1 – 2 – 3!

Rocking, rocking, baby on my knee.
Rocking, rocking, 1 – 2 – 3!

Source: Jbrary

Here is the Beehive

Here is the beehive
But where are all the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees.
Here they come flying out of their hive.
One, two, three, four, five!

Here is the beehive.
But where are all the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees.
Here they come flying out of their hive.
One, two, three, four, five!

Buzz up high. Buzz down low.
Buzzing fast. Buzzing slow.
Buzz to the left. Buzz to the right.
Buzz all day but sleep at night.

Here is the beehive.
But where are all the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees.
Here they come flying out of their hive.
One, two, three, four, five!

Source: Super Simple

Jumping and Counting

Jump Jump Jump Jump
Jumping high are we.
But we’ll stop jumping
While we count to three.

Jump Jump Jump Jump
Jumping even more.
But we’ll stop jumping
While we count to four.

Jump Jump Jump Jump
Just like pogo sticks.
But let’s stop jumping
While we count to six.

Jump Jump Jump Jump
Jumping then we wait.
We stop our jumping
While we count to eight.

Jump Jump Jump Jump
Jumping once again.
But we’ll be finished
Once we count to ten.

Source: Jim Gill

Bubble, Bubble, Pop!

One little red fish
Swimming in the water,
Swimming in the water,
Swimming in the water.

One little red fish
Swimming in the water,
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble…POP!

Source: Jbrary

1, 2, Shake it on Your Shoe

1, 2, shake it on your shoe
3, 4, shake it on the floor
5, 6, stir and mix
7, 8, stand up straight
9, 10 wave to your friends

Source: Jbrary

Trit Trot to Boston

Trit-trot to Boston, Trit-trot to Lynn,
Watch out little baby, or you might fall in!
Trit-trot to Boston, Trit-trot to Dover,
Watch out little baby, or you might fall over!

Source: King County Library System

Ten in the Bed

There were ten in the bed
and the little one said
roll over, roll over
So they all rolled over 
and one fell out

There were 9 in the bed…
Count down to zero.

Source: Jbrary

Five Little Seashells

5 little seashells lying on the shore,
Swish! went the waves, and then there were 4.
4 little seashells, cozy as could be,
Swish! went the waves, and then there were 3.
3 little seashells, all pearly new,
Swish! went the waves, and then there were 2.
2 little seashells, lying in the sun,
Swish! went the waves, and then there was 1.
1 little seashell, left all alone,
I whispered “Shhh” as I took it home !!

Source: King County Library System

The Way the Baby Grows

Five fingers on this hand,
Five fingers are on that.

A dear little nose,
A mouth like a rose,
Two cheeks so tiny and fat.

Two eyes, two ears,
And ten little toes.
That’s the way the baby grows.

Source: 1001 Rhymes and Fingerplays by Totline Staff

Baby Sign Language

More Book Babies

MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

Many of us grew up with classic nursery rhymes like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. As you teach those songs to your child, consider incorporating these additional activities to expand both your and your baby's nursery rhyme repertoire.Book Babies:...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some fun ways to introduce numbers to your infant or toddler: 👶 0-1 Year (Introduction to Numbers) Talk & Count: Count fingers, toes, and everyday...

JANUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: S is for Soup

Making and eating soup can be a sensory explosion for you and your child, especially when you make it together. Look for ingredients with a variety of colors, textures, and scents, then talk about where they came from, or count the pieces you’ve cut. Here are some...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

NOVEMBER Book Babies + Toddler Time: Duck, Duck, Goose

“Play is serious business when it comes to a child's health and development. From peek-a-boo to pat-a-cake and hide-and-seek to hopscotch, the many forms of play enrich a child's brain, body and life in important ways.” When reading books with...

OCTOBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Horses & Ponies

This is how the ladies ride… clippity-clop, clippity-clop. This is how the gentlemen ride… giddy-up, giddy-up. This is how the cowboys ride… Yee haw! Ride ‘em cowboy!! There are many rhymes and songs about horses which encourage parent and child communication,...

SEPTEMBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Feelings

Ah, emotions… however big or small, can be difficult to manage for everyone, especially children. There are, however, tips and tricks you can use to help your child learn how to recognize and regulate their feelings, and you can start early, even with an infant. The...

JULY Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in the Dark

At the end of the day, it’s a great time to establish a routine to help your child prepare for bed. Some of the activities in your routine could include reading a book, taking a bath, singing a song, picking up toys, or perhaps doing a knee bounce. When you follow the...

JUNE Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in Imagination

Did you know that imaginative or pretend play contains the building blocks of developing critical thinking skills, following directions, expressive language, and even managing emotions? So, grab those sheets, boxes, mud, dishes, and anything you can think of to help...

JANUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: S is for Soup

JANUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: S is for Soup

JANUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: S is for Soup

Making and eating soup can be a sensory explosion for you and your child, especially when you make it together. Look for ingredients with a variety of colors, textures, and scents, then talk about where they came from, or count the pieces you’ve cut. Here are some soup recipes from Yummy Toddler Food which will entice the pickiest of eaters!

Book Babies: Wednesday @ 9:30am in Community Room

Ages 0 – 10 months

Toddler Time: Monday & Tuesday @ 9:30am in Community Room

Ages 11 – 23 months

Welcome Songs

Here We Are Together

Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!

Hello Everybody

Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!

S, T, R, W, P

(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


Cooking as a family not only helps your child appreciate healthy food, but it also can add to your child’s development. The kitchen is the ultimate classroom where science, math, language, and motor skills can come to life. ~National Head Start Association



Practice counting while you stir, measure, or sort foods to encourage an understanding of math and build fine and gross motor skills. After chopping, plop ends of the green onions into water to watch roots grow. Find fun new words to describe the way foods look, feel, taste, smell, and even sound when we prepare them. – NHSA Webinar: Cooking with Kids

Books Presented

Book cover for Soup Day: A Picture Book by Melissa Iwai

Soup Day by Melissa Iwai

A mother and daughter spend a snowy day together buying and preparing vegetables, assembling ingredients, and playing while their big pot of soup bubbles on the stove. Includes a recipe for “Snowy Day Vegetable Soup.”
Book cover for Every Color Soup by Jorey Hurley

Every Color Soup by Jorey Hurley

Describes how to make a colorful, delicious vegetable soup. Includes recipe.
Book cover for Is That Wise, Pig? by Jan Thomas

Is That Wise Pig? by Jan Thomas

Mouse and Cow are making soup, but Pig keeps trying to add strange ingredients

Book cover for Nose to Toes, You are Yummy! by Tim Harrington

Nose to Toes, You are Yummy! by Tim Harrington

Perfect for fans of Eric Carle’s From Head to Toe! Sing and dance along with tigers, pandas, giraffes, and more in this interactive picture book. Wave your hands! Tap your feet! Tug your ears! From the singer of Les Savy Fav, Tim Harrington, comes this joyful celebration that celebrates every delightful body part.

Book cover for The Very Hungry Caterpillar Eats Dinner: A Shapes Book by World of Eric Carle

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Eats Dinner: A Shapes Book by World of Eric Carle

Die-cut pages illustrate the concept of shapes as a hungry caterpillar eats different things for dinner.

Book cover for Mrs. Peanuckle's Kitchen Alphabet by Jessie Ford

Mrs. Peanuckle's Kitchen Alphabet by Jessie Ford

An alphabet book of cooking from A to Z.
Book cover for Yum Yum! by Yusuke Yonezu

Yum Yum! by Yusuke Yonezu

Invites young readers to peer through die-cut pages to see preferred food items for different animals.
Book cover for Eating by Liesbet Slegers

Eating by Liesbet Slegers

A hungry toddler shows off his high chair, bib, spoon, and other things he uses to eat.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

A Bouncing We Will Go

A bouncing we will go 
A bouncing we will go, a bouncing we will go
Hi ho the derry o, a bouncing we will go

A rocking we will go…
A tickling we will go…
Let’s all go up and down…
Now… let’s go back and forth.

Source: Jbrary

I Feel Crazy so I Jump in the Soup

I feel crazy so I jump in the soup X3
I jump jump jump in the soup


Source: Laurie Berkner

Making Soup

Here is the chef, making a soup (wiggle thumb)
Add a pinch of this, (touch thumb to pointer finger)
add a dash of that (touch thumb to middle finger)
A little bit of this, (touch thumb to ring finger)
and a whole lot of that (touch thumb to pinky finger)

Give it all a stir, mix it ‘till it’s done (stir with all fingers)
Making soup is so much fun! (ASL- fun)

Source: Music with Shannon

There are Noodles in My Soup

There are noodles, noodles, noodles in my soup
There are noodles, noodles, noodles in my soup
There are oodles, oodles, oodles
Of the most delicious noodles
There are noodles, noodles, noodles in my soup

Source: Storytime with Ms. Emily Library

One Little Pea Jumped Into the Pot

One little pea jumped into the pot,
And waited for the soup to get hot.
Two little peas…
Finally, the soup got so very, very hot,
That all the little peas jumped out of the pot!

Source: The Librarian Is on the Loose

The Diaper on the Bottom

(Tune: The Wheels on the Bus) 
The diaper on the bottom
Comes off, off, off 
Off, off, off, 
Off, off, off 
The diaper on the bottom 
Comes off, off, off 
Nice and clean! 

Two Little Eyes

Tune: Five Little Ducks 
Two little eyes to see all around,
(gently stroke around baby’s eyes in a circle) 
Two little ears to hear each sound, (stroke around ears) 
One little nose to smell what’s sweet, (softly pat nose with finger) 
And one little mouth that likes to eat! (circle around mouth, then bounce near it with finger)

Source: King County Library System

If You’re Happy and You Know It

If you’re happy and you know it give a shake.
If you’re happy and you know it give a shake.
If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you’re happy and you know it give a shake.

If you’re happy and you know it give a clap. (Clap shaker against palm.)

If you’re happy and you know it give a tap.(Tap shaker on the floor.)

If you’re happy and you know it do all three. (Shake, shake, clap, clap, tap, tap)

Away up high in the apple tree

Away up high in the apple tree,
A bright red apple smiled down at me.
I shook that tree as hard as I could.
Down fell the apple — mmmm… it was good!

Source: All Nursery Rhymes

Baby Sign Language

More Book Babies

MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

Many of us grew up with classic nursery rhymes like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. As you teach those songs to your child, consider incorporating these additional activities to expand both your and your baby's nursery rhyme repertoire.Book Babies:...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some fun ways to introduce numbers to your infant or toddler: 👶 0-1 Year (Introduction to Numbers) Talk & Count: Count fingers, toes, and everyday...

JANUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: S is for Soup

Making and eating soup can be a sensory explosion for you and your child, especially when you make it together. Look for ingredients with a variety of colors, textures, and scents, then talk about where they came from, or count the pieces you’ve cut. Here are some...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

NOVEMBER Book Babies + Toddler Time: Duck, Duck, Goose

“Play is serious business when it comes to a child's health and development. From peek-a-boo to pat-a-cake and hide-and-seek to hopscotch, the many forms of play enrich a child's brain, body and life in important ways.” When reading books with...

OCTOBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Horses & Ponies

This is how the ladies ride… clippity-clop, clippity-clop. This is how the gentlemen ride… giddy-up, giddy-up. This is how the cowboys ride… Yee haw! Ride ‘em cowboy!! There are many rhymes and songs about horses which encourage parent and child communication,...

SEPTEMBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Feelings

Ah, emotions… however big or small, can be difficult to manage for everyone, especially children. There are, however, tips and tricks you can use to help your child learn how to recognize and regulate their feelings, and you can start early, even with an infant. The...

JULY Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in the Dark

At the end of the day, it’s a great time to establish a routine to help your child prepare for bed. Some of the activities in your routine could include reading a book, taking a bath, singing a song, picking up toys, or perhaps doing a knee bounce. When you follow the...

JUNE Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in Imagination

Did you know that imaginative or pretend play contains the building blocks of developing critical thinking skills, following directions, expressive language, and even managing emotions? So, grab those sheets, boxes, mud, dishes, and anything you can think of to help...

NOVEMBER Book Babies + Toddler Time: Duck, Duck, Goose

NOVEMBER Book Babies + Toddler Time: Duck, Duck, Goose

NOVEMBER Book Babies + Toddler Time: Duck, Duck, Goose

“Play is serious business when it comes to a child’s health and development. From peek-a-boo to pat-a-cake and hide-and-seek to hopscotch, the many forms of play enrich a child’s brain, body and life in important ways.” When reading books with your child, don’t forget to incorporate “play time”, too. A simple game like Duck, Duck, Goose or even Peek-a-Boo will help your child develop needed social, emotional, and physical skills.

Book Babies: Wednesday @ 9:30am in Community Room

Ages 0 – 10 months

Toddler Time: Monday & Tuesday @ 9:30am in Community Room

Ages 11 – 23 months

Welcome Songs

Here We Are Together

Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!

Hello Everybody

Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!

S, T, R, W, P

(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


“More than just a chance to have fun, play is serious business when it comes to a child’s health and development. From peek-a-boo to pat-a-cake and hide-and-seek to hopscotch, the many forms of play enrich a child’s brain, body and life in important ways.” – The Power of Play: How Fun and Games Help Children Thrive –


Toddler Activity

Organize/attend a parent-supervised playdate with children similar in age to your child. Play some simple games together which might involve taking turns such as Duck, Duck Goose, Roll the Round Ball Down to Town, or Red Rover.

Baby Activity

Play peek-a-boo. This reinforces object permanence, the idea that something still exists even if you can see it. You’ll know your baby gets the idea if you hide a toy under a blanket and they go looking for it.

Books Presented

Book cover for Duddle Puck the Puddle Duck by Karma Wilson

Duddle Puck: The Puddle Duck by Karma Wilson

A very odd duck that refuses to quack shocks and flusters animals all over the farm with his clucking, honking, oinking, and neighing.
Book cover for Do Like a Duck Does! by Judy Hindley

Do Like the Duck Does! by Judy Hindley

By challenging a hairy stranger to imitate the behavior of herself and her ducklings, a mother duck proves that he is a fox and not a duck.
Book cover for Silly Suzy Goose by Petr Horáček

Silly Suzy Goose by Petr Horáček

Suzy longs to be different from all the other geese, but learns that imitating a lion may not be the best way to express her individuality.
Book cover for Tickle the Duck! by Ethan Long

Tickle the Duck! by Ethan Long

In this hilarious touch-and-feel book, a cranky duck dares children to tickle his soft stomach, his hairy armpit, his rubbery foot-and reacts uproariously each time. Despite his protests, does the duck really like being tickled after all? This modern day version of Pat the Bunny will have its audience laughing, and maybe even snorting, -Do it again!

Book cover for Five Little Ducks by Teri Weidner

Five Little Ducks by Teri Weidner

A duck with a feather on his back leads his siblings with a “quack, quack, quack.” End notes list the benefits of children’s poems and songs.
Book cover for Duck Duck Goose by Tad Hills

Duck, Duck, Goose by Tad Hills

Duck and Goose face a challenge to their friendship when an enthusiastic young duck moves into their neighborhood who wants to play–and win–all sorts of games.
Book cover for Five Little Ducks: Sing Along with Me! by Yu-Hsuan Huang

Five Little Ducks: Sing Along with Me! by Yu-Hsuan Huang

With chunky sliders to push and pull, readers can join in this children’s song about a family of ducks.
“Join a mother duck as she counts her five ducklings in this interactive board book based on the beloved children’s song. With five slider mechanisms. A QR code inside links to both instrumental and vocal versions of the song. Simply scan the code to listen and sing along-Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!”
Book cover for Ollie's Hug by Olivier Dunrea

Ollie's Hug by Olivier Dunrea

When Ollie is in a grumpy mood and nothing feels right, a hug from a friend does the trick! The perfect board book for little kids with big feelings.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Bouncy, Bouncy Baby

Bouncy, bouncy baby. Bouncy, bouncy baby
Up and down, up and down.
Bouncy, bouncy baby.
Hippity hop little one. hippity hop little one
Back and forth, back and forth.
Hippity hop, little one.
Bippity bop, baby.  Bippity bop, baby
Jiggity, joggity, jiggity, joggity
Bouncy, bouncy…BOOM!

Source: The Pawling Library

Run Little Ducks*

Run, little duck, run like a flash, (run in place)
Jump in the water with a splash, splash, splash! (clap three times)
Paddle your feet all around,
Waddle on home when you hear this sound!
Quack, quack, quack!


Source: Toddle On Over by Robin Works Davis

Little Duck, Little Duck

Little duck, little duck,
Are you under the _______ truck?

Goosey Goosey Gander

Goosey goosey gander,
Where did you wander?
Upstairs? Downstairs?
Or in the _________ chair?

Five Little Ducks

Five little ducks
Went out to play
Over the hill and far away
When the Mother duck said
“Quack, quack, quack.”
Four little ducks came waddling back.

Four little ducks…
Three little ducks…
Two little ducks…
One little duck…
No little ducks came waddling back.

But when Daddy duck said,
“Quack, quack, quack!”
Five little ducks came waddling back.

Zip Zip Zip

(tune: Wheels on the Bus)
Zip, Zip, Zip, off it goes!
I see baby without clothes.
Zip, zip, zip, oh what do I see?
Diaper’s on in one, two, three!

Source: Games to Play with Babies by Jackie Silberg

Where is Baby?

Tune: Frere Jacques
Where is baby?  Where is baby?
(Hold scarf  in front of your face.)
There he is!  There he is!
(Remove scarf  quickly.)
I’m so glad to see you.
I’m so glad to see you.

Peek a boo, peek a boo

Peek a boo, peek a boo
I see you, I see you
I see your button nose, I see your tiny toes
I see you, peek a boo

Source: Jbrary

Baby Sign Language

More Book Babies

MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

Many of us grew up with classic nursery rhymes like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. As you teach those songs to your child, consider incorporating these additional activities to expand both your and your baby's nursery rhyme repertoire.Book Babies:...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some fun ways to introduce numbers to your infant or toddler: 👶 0-1 Year (Introduction to Numbers) Talk & Count: Count fingers, toes, and everyday...

JANUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: S is for Soup

Making and eating soup can be a sensory explosion for you and your child, especially when you make it together. Look for ingredients with a variety of colors, textures, and scents, then talk about where they came from, or count the pieces you’ve cut. Here are some...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

NOVEMBER Book Babies + Toddler Time: Duck, Duck, Goose

“Play is serious business when it comes to a child's health and development. From peek-a-boo to pat-a-cake and hide-and-seek to hopscotch, the many forms of play enrich a child's brain, body and life in important ways.” When reading books with...

OCTOBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Horses & Ponies

This is how the ladies ride… clippity-clop, clippity-clop. This is how the gentlemen ride… giddy-up, giddy-up. This is how the cowboys ride… Yee haw! Ride ‘em cowboy!! There are many rhymes and songs about horses which encourage parent and child communication,...

SEPTEMBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Feelings

Ah, emotions… however big or small, can be difficult to manage for everyone, especially children. There are, however, tips and tricks you can use to help your child learn how to recognize and regulate their feelings, and you can start early, even with an infant. The...

JULY Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in the Dark

At the end of the day, it’s a great time to establish a routine to help your child prepare for bed. Some of the activities in your routine could include reading a book, taking a bath, singing a song, picking up toys, or perhaps doing a knee bounce. When you follow the...

JUNE Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in Imagination

Did you know that imaginative or pretend play contains the building blocks of developing critical thinking skills, following directions, expressive language, and even managing emotions? So, grab those sheets, boxes, mud, dishes, and anything you can think of to help...

OCTOBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Horses & Ponies

OCTOBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Horses & Ponies

OCTOBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Horses & Ponies

This is how the ladies ride… clippity-clop, clippity-clop. This is how the gentlemen ride… giddy-up, giddy-up. This is how the cowboys ride… Yee haw! Ride ‘em cowboy!! There are many rhymes and songs about horses which encourage parent and child communication, relationships, and are just plain fun! So, pull out your “knee” horse and get ready for a rip-roarin’ time with your child.

Book Babies: Wednesday @ 9:30am in Community Room

Ages 0 – 10 months

Toddler Time: Monday & Tuesday @ 9:30am in Community Room

Ages 11 – 23 months

Welcome Songs

Here We Are Together

Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!

Hello Everybody

Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!

S, T, R, W, P

(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


Early experiences help to form the architecture of the brain and lay a strong foundation for both social and emotional development. Playing with children at a young age, experiencing the fun of taking turns and sharing, and discovering that it is fun to pass the ball to someone else and then get it back are great ways to learn important social and emotional skills. ~Reading Picture Books with Children by Lambert



With family members or friends, sit in a circle on the floor, and roll a ball to one anther while singing, “Roll that Round Ball.” Continue until everyone has had a chance to start rolling the ball.

Books Presented

Book cover for Clip Clop by Nicola Smee

Clip Clop by Nicola Smee

After Mr. Horse asks his friends if they want to go for a ride, Cat, Dog, Pig, and Duck try to hang on as they urge Mr. Horse to go faster and faster.
Book cover for Noni the Pony by Alison Lester

Noni the Pony by Alison Lester

Introduces Noni the pony, who is friendly and funny and lives at Waratah Bay, where her best friends are Dave Dog and Coco the cat.
Book cover for Hungry Horse by Jane Wolfe

Hungry Horse by Jane Wolfe

Press the button on this jolly boardbook to make the peckish pony go neigh!
Book cover for Splish-Splash by Nicola Smee

Splish-Splash by Nicola Smee

Mr. Horse invites all the barnyard animals onto his little boat, and soon he, Cat, Dog, Pig, and Duck are riding though big waves, and come crashing down with a big splash.

Book cover for Do Cows Meow? : A Lift-the-flap Book by Salina Yoon

Do Cows Meow?: A Lift-the-flap Book by Salina Yoon

Do cows sing? Do cows coo? All I know is cows go–moo! Lift the flaps to find lots more barnyard animal sounds!
Book cover for Ponies by Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc,

Ponies by Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc.

Discover the different textures of things associated with ponies.
Book cover for PSST! I Love You by Marjorie Blain Parker

PSST! I Love You by Marjorie Blain Parker

Celebrates the love between parents and children of every species. In lilting rhyme, the book introduces toddlers to an array of super-adorable animal parents and babies–including cows, horses, sheep, cats, owls, ducks, roosters, and, of course humans. What do they all say to each other? I LOVE YOU! This is the perfect read-aloud and goodnight story.

Book cover for Good Night Cowboys by Adam Gamble

Good Night Cowboys by Adam Gamble

Good Night Cowboys explores riding horses, roping steer, working on the ranch, rodeos, lassos, cowboy chow, ghost towns, driving cattle, cowboy clothing, square dancing, cowboy songs, and panning for gold. Well, howdy little buckaroos. It’s time saddle up and hit the dusty trail with some of the friendliest cowboys in all of the Wild West. Yeehaw!

Book cover for Hush, Little Horsie by Jane Yolen

Hush Little Horsie by Jane Yolen

Rhyming text assures foals that their mothers are watching over them while they leap on a farm, frolic on a beach, gallop on a plain, and sleep in a stall.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Roll That Round Ball

(Tune: London Bridge)
Roll that round ball down to town,
Down to town, down to town,
Roll that round ball down to town,
Then roll it back to (name of person who rolled the ball first). 

Ponies in a Meadow

10 Little ponies in a meadow green (hold up 10 fingers)
Friskiest ponies I’ve ever seen (wiggle fingers)
They go for a gallop, they go for a trot (“gallop” and “trot” fingers)
They come to a halt in the big feed lot. (hold hands up like “stop”)
10 little ponies fat and well fed
Curl up together in a soft straw bed (interlace fingers and hands into lap)

Source: 1001 Rhymes and Fingerplays by Totline Books

Shoe the Little Horse

Shoe the little horse (Pat the soles of baby’s feet together.)
Shoe the little mare.
But let the little colt run bare, bare, bare!

Source: Mother Goose on the Loose by Betsey Diamant Cohen

Giddy up, Giddy up

Giddy up, giddy up ride to town,
Giddy up, giddy up, UP and DOWN.
Giddy up faaaast, giddy up slow
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up, WHOA!

Source: Jbrary

Horsie, Horsie, Don’t You Stop

Horsie, horsie, don’t you stop,
Just let your feet go clippety clop,
Your tail goes swish
and the wheels go round,
Giddy up, giddy up we’re homeward bound.

Source: Jbrary

Ten Galloping Horses

Ten galloping horses (hold up 10 fingers)
Came galloping through the town (slap hands on legs)
Five were white (hold up 5 fingers)
Five were brown (hold up 5 fingers on other hand)
They galloped up (slap hands on thighs then move them up)
They galloped down (move hands down) 
Ten galloping horses
Came through the town.
Then WHOA!
They all slowed down (place hands in lap).

Source: Jen in the Library

Open Up the Barn Door

Open up the barn door, it’s a sunny day.
There’s a horse in the barn, saying, “Neigh, neigh, neigh.”

That’s not a horse, it’s a ___________. 

Adapted from Storytime Katie

Baby Sign Language

More Book Babies

MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

Many of us grew up with classic nursery rhymes like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. As you teach those songs to your child, consider incorporating these additional activities to expand both your and your baby's nursery rhyme repertoire.Book Babies:...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some fun ways to introduce numbers to your infant or toddler: 👶 0-1 Year (Introduction to Numbers) Talk & Count: Count fingers, toes, and everyday...

JANUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: S is for Soup

Making and eating soup can be a sensory explosion for you and your child, especially when you make it together. Look for ingredients with a variety of colors, textures, and scents, then talk about where they came from, or count the pieces you’ve cut. Here are some...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

NOVEMBER Book Babies + Toddler Time: Duck, Duck, Goose

“Play is serious business when it comes to a child's health and development. From peek-a-boo to pat-a-cake and hide-and-seek to hopscotch, the many forms of play enrich a child's brain, body and life in important ways.” When reading books with...

OCTOBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Horses & Ponies

This is how the ladies ride… clippity-clop, clippity-clop. This is how the gentlemen ride… giddy-up, giddy-up. This is how the cowboys ride… Yee haw! Ride ‘em cowboy!! There are many rhymes and songs about horses which encourage parent and child communication,...

SEPTEMBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Feelings

Ah, emotions… however big or small, can be difficult to manage for everyone, especially children. There are, however, tips and tricks you can use to help your child learn how to recognize and regulate their feelings, and you can start early, even with an infant. The...

JULY Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in the Dark

At the end of the day, it’s a great time to establish a routine to help your child prepare for bed. Some of the activities in your routine could include reading a book, taking a bath, singing a song, picking up toys, or perhaps doing a knee bounce. When you follow the...

JUNE Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in Imagination

Did you know that imaginative or pretend play contains the building blocks of developing critical thinking skills, following directions, expressive language, and even managing emotions? So, grab those sheets, boxes, mud, dishes, and anything you can think of to help...

SEPTEMBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Feelings

SEPTEMBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Feelings

SEPTEMBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Feelings

Ah, emotions… however big or small, can be difficult to manage for everyone, especially children. There are, however, tips and tricks you can use to help your child learn how to recognize and regulate their feelings, and you can start early, even with an infant. The very first step is to talk about different emotions. Try using simple hand gestures or signs for each emotion as you read a book or look at pictures. For more information, visit the American Psychological Association at for more information.

Book Babies: Wednesday @ 9:30am in Community Room

Ages 0 – 10 months

Toddler Time: Monday & Tuesday @ 9:30am in Community Room

Ages 11 – 23 months

Welcome Songs

Here We Are Together

Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!

Hello Everybody

Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!

S, T, R, W, P

(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


Early experiences help to form the architecture of the brain and lay a strong foundation for both social and emotional development. Playing with children at a young age, experiencing the fun of taking turns and sharing, and discovering that it is fun to pass the ball to someone else and then get it back are great ways to learn important social and emotional skills. ~Reading Picture Books with Children by Lambert



With family members or friends, sit in a circle on the floor, and roll a ball to one anther while singing, “Roll that Round Ball.” Continue until everyone has had a chance to start rolling the ball.

Books Presented

Book cover for Bear Feels Scared by Karma Wilson

Bear Feels Scared by Karma Wilson

Bear’s animal friends come to his rescue when he becomes lost and frightened in the woods.
Book cover for Glad Monster, Sad Monster: A Book About Feelings by Ed Emberley and Anne Miranda

Glad Monster, Sad Monster: A Book About Feelings by Ed Emberley

Monsters of different colors explain what makes them feel glad, sad, loving, worried, silly, and angry. Fold-out masks encourage readers to talk about their feelings.

Book cover for If You're Happy and You know It by Jane Cabrera

If You're Happy and You Know It! by Jane Cabrera

An elephant, a monkey, and a giraffe join other animals to sing different verses of this popular song that encourages everyone to express their happiness through voice and movement. Sing, stomp, and clap along with animal friends in this interactive board book. Nod along with groovy giraffe, flap with baby bird, and roar out loud with lion in this sing-along action book that will put a smile on everyone’s face. If you’re happy and you know it, then this celebration is for you.
Book cover for Feelings are Wild by Sophy Williams

Feelings are Wild by Sophy Williams

It’s true! Feelings are wild! But whether we are grumpy or glad, brave or sad, with a big hug, a kind word, or a little time we can embrace all our wild and wonderful emotions. A warm and playful counting book to help little kids understand their big feelings.

Book cover for Happy Hippo, Angry Duck: A Book of Moods by Sandra Boynton

Happy Hippo, Angry Duck: A Book of Moods by Sandra Boynton

Clever animals exemplify a wide range of emotions in this hilarious story about different feelings.
Book cover for The Feelings Book by Todd Parr

The Feelings Book by Todd Parr

Children express different moods, including “I feel very mad,” “I feel like reading books all day,” and “I feel like wearing funny underwear.”
Book cover for Never Touch the Grumpy Pets by Stuart Lynch

Never Touch the Grumpy Pets by Lynch Stuart

A rhyming story that counts down the woes of an unhappy group of five pets.

Book cover for Baby Feels by Thalita Dol

Baby Feels by Thalita Dol

Thalita Dol’s debut picture book, Baby Feels, is a book about feelings, but with a twist: it shows not only the basic feelings we usually see in similar books, but also those that aren’t always discussed. By showing these feelings that are very present in a baby’s daily life, this adorable board book will help care givers acknowledge their babies’ emotions.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Roll That Round Ball

(Tune: London Bridge)
Roll that round ball down to town,
Down to town, down to town,
Roll that round ball down to town,
Then roll it back to (name of person who rolled the ball first). 

Old MacDonald Felt so Glad

(to tune of “Old MacDonald had a farm”)
Old MacDonald felt so glad (Happy)
And when he’s glad we sign it like this:
Happy Happy Happy
With a Happy Happy here and a Happy Happy there
Here a Happy, there a Happy everywhere a Happy Happy
Old MacDonald felt so glad.

Repeat this, substituting the following emotions and signs:
Grumpy = Grr
Sad = Wah Wah
Silly = Hee Hee

Source: Jen in the Library

A Farmer Went Trotting

A farmer went trotting
(Bounce baby on lap, facing you)
Upon his gray mare
With his daughter behind him
So rosy and fair
Then a duck cried out, “Quack!”
(Lift baby up)
And they all tumbled down
(Slide baby down your shins) 
Off of the horse
And upside down!
(Tip baby gently backwards!)

Source: Orem Library

Round and Round the Garden

Round and round the garden goes the little bear
(Hold child’s hand with palm facing up and tickle with your fingers in a circular motion)
One step, two steps, (Walk fingers up arm)
And tickly under there! (Tickle underarm)

Round and round the haystack went the little mouse (Move fingers in walking motion around child’s tummy)
One step, two steps, (Walk fingers up body towards neck)
Into his little house (Tickle under neck)

Round and round the lighthouse up the spiral stair (Move fingers in walking motion around child’s feet)
One step, two steps, (Walk fingers up legs towards tummy)
And right up in the air! (Tickle child’s tummy)

Source: Parenthub

Two Little Black Bears Sitting on a Hill

Two little black bears sitting on a hill,
One named Jack and one named Phil,
Run away Jack, run away Phil.
Come back Jack, come back Phil.

Two little black bears digging in the snow
One named Fast and one named Slow…

Two little black bears feeling very proud
One named Quiet and one named Loud..

Source: Jbrary

Two Little Eyes

Two little eyes to look around
Two little ears to hear each sound
One little nose to smell what’s sweet
And one little mouth that likes to eat.

Source: Jbrary

Jump Up, Turn Around

From Jim Gill Sings Moving Rhymes…
Simple motions and a simply rhyme.
Say it as you play it and repeat two times.
Jump up
Turn around
Clap your hands
Stamp the ground
Let’s play it again, but this time try
To say it as you play and stretch your arms up high.
Let me suggest that this time you might
Say it as you play it with your eyes
closed tight.
Get ready my friends to take a deep breath
Because I challenge you to play it as you hold your breath.

Baby Sign Language


More Book Babies

MARCH Book Babies + Toddlers: Lambs

Many of us grew up with classic nursery rhymes like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. As you teach those songs to your child, consider incorporating these additional activities to expand both your and your baby's nursery rhyme repertoire.Book Babies:...

March Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...

FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting

One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some fun ways to introduce numbers to your infant or toddler: 👶 0-1 Year (Introduction to Numbers) Talk & Count: Count fingers, toes, and everyday...

JANUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: S is for Soup

Making and eating soup can be a sensory explosion for you and your child, especially when you make it together. Look for ingredients with a variety of colors, textures, and scents, then talk about where they came from, or count the pieces you’ve cut. Here are some...

Programs for Kids ‘n’ Tweens

Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for a dear friend or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box nearby if you'd...

NOVEMBER Book Babies + Toddler Time: Duck, Duck, Goose

“Play is serious business when it comes to a child's health and development. From peek-a-boo to pat-a-cake and hide-and-seek to hopscotch, the many forms of play enrich a child's brain, body and life in important ways.” When reading books with...

OCTOBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Horses & Ponies

This is how the ladies ride… clippity-clop, clippity-clop. This is how the gentlemen ride… giddy-up, giddy-up. This is how the cowboys ride… Yee haw! Ride ‘em cowboy!! There are many rhymes and songs about horses which encourage parent and child communication,...

SEPTEMBER Book Babies + Toddlers: Feelings

Ah, emotions… however big or small, can be difficult to manage for everyone, especially children. There are, however, tips and tricks you can use to help your child learn how to recognize and regulate their feelings, and you can start early, even with an infant. The...

JULY Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in the Dark

At the end of the day, it’s a great time to establish a routine to help your child prepare for bed. Some of the activities in your routine could include reading a book, taking a bath, singing a song, picking up toys, or perhaps doing a knee bounce. When you follow the...

JUNE Book Babies + Toddler Time: Adventures in Imagination

Did you know that imaginative or pretend play contains the building blocks of developing critical thinking skills, following directions, expressive language, and even managing emotions? So, grab those sheets, boxes, mud, dishes, and anything you can think of to help...

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