FEBRUARY Book Babies + Toddlers: “C” is for Counting
One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be! Teaching numbers at an early age can be great fun! Here are some fun ways to introduce numbers to your infant or toddler:
👶 0-1 Year (Introduction to Numbers)
Talk & Count: Count fingers, toes, and everyday objects while talking.
Sing Counting Songs: Simple rhymes like “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe,” “Five Little Ducks,” “Zoom, Zoom, Zoom,” and “Ten in the Bed,” are great rhymes for introducing numeracy.
Show Numbers: High-contrast number books are perfect for counting as your baby’s eyes are developing.
👧 1-2 Years (Recognition & Basic Counting)
Point & Count Objects: Count toys, snacks, or steps while walking.
Use Hands-On Toys: Stacking cups, number puzzles, blocks and even socks are excellent “toys” to learn counting.
Finger Play: Counting on fingers helps build number association.
Repetition & Rhymes: Continue singing songs and reading books with numerical concepts.
Book Babies: Wednesday @ 9:30am in Community Room
Ages 0 – 10 months
Toddler Time: Monday & Tuesday @ 9:30am in Community Room
Ages 11 – 23 months
Welcome Songs
Here We Are Together
Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!
Hello Everybody
Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!
S, T, R, W, P
(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!
Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play
Musical rhythms and rhymes encourage spontaneous movement that strengthens the child’s body and helps to develop sensory control. Large movements, such as those in knee bounces, help develop gross motor skill. – “Reading Picture Books With Children” by Lambert
While reciting the rhyme, “Trot, Trot to Boston,” gently bounce your baby on your outstretched legs and gently drop her between your legs on the last line of the verse. Then, bounce your baby again and lean to the side at the end of the second verse. For toddlers, sit on the floor and bounce outstretched legs up and down, then lean to one side as far as possible for the last line of both verses.
Books Presented

Five Little Chicks by Nancy Tafuri

One-osaurus, Two-osaurus by Kim Norman

Ten Tiny Tickles by Karen Katz
Family members awaken a baby with tickles, from one little tickle on a lovely sleepy head to ten tiny tickles on the toes. On board pages.

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin

Big Fat Hen by Keith Baker
Big Fat Hen counts to ten with her friends and all their chicks.

Counting Kisses by Karen Katz

Five Little Ducks by Teri Weidner

Ten Little Fish by Audrey Wood

Five Little Ducks: First Book of Nursery Games by Ailie Busby

Doggies: A Counting and Barking Book by Sandra Boynton

Brown Bear and Friends 1 2 3 by Eric Carle

A Little Book About 123s by Leo Lionni
Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays
Bouncing, Bouncing, Baby on my Knee
Bouncing, bouncing, baby on my knee.
Bouncing, bouncing, 1 – 2 – 3!
Clapping, clapping, baby on my knee.
Clapping, clapping, 1 – 2 – 3!
Rocking, rocking, baby on my knee.
Rocking, rocking, 1 – 2 – 3!
Source: Jbrary
Here is the Beehive
Here is the beehive
But where are all the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees.
Here they come flying out of their hive.
One, two, three, four, five!
Here is the beehive.
But where are all the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees.
Here they come flying out of their hive.
One, two, three, four, five!
Buzz up high. Buzz down low.
Buzzing fast. Buzzing slow.
Buzz to the left. Buzz to the right.
Buzz all day but sleep at night.
Here is the beehive.
But where are all the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees.
Here they come flying out of their hive.
One, two, three, four, five!
Source: Super Simple
Jumping and Counting
Jump Jump Jump Jump
Jumping high are we.
But we’ll stop jumping
While we count to three.
Jump Jump Jump Jump
Jumping even more.
But we’ll stop jumping
While we count to four.
Jump Jump Jump Jump
Just like pogo sticks.
But let’s stop jumping
While we count to six.
Jump Jump Jump Jump
Jumping then we wait.
We stop our jumping
While we count to eight.
Jump Jump Jump Jump
Jumping once again.
But we’ll be finished
Once we count to ten.
Source: Jim Gill
Bubble, Bubble, Pop!
One little red fish
Swimming in the water,
Swimming in the water,
Swimming in the water.
One little red fish
Swimming in the water,
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble…POP!
Source: Jbrary
1, 2, Shake it on Your Shoe
1, 2, shake it on your shoe
3, 4, shake it on the floor
5, 6, stir and mix
7, 8, stand up straight
9, 10 wave to your friends
Source: Jbrary
Trit Trot to Boston
Trit-trot to Boston, Trit-trot to Lynn,
Watch out little baby, or you might fall in!
Trit-trot to Boston, Trit-trot to Dover,
Watch out little baby, or you might fall over!
Source: King County Library System
Ten in the Bed
There were ten in the bed
and the little one said
roll over, roll over
So they all rolled over
and one fell out
There were 9 in the bed…
Count down to zero.
Source: Jbrary
Five Little Seashells
5 little seashells lying on the shore,
Swish! went the waves, and then there were 4.
4 little seashells, cozy as could be,
Swish! went the waves, and then there were 3.
3 little seashells, all pearly new,
Swish! went the waves, and then there were 2.
2 little seashells, lying in the sun,
Swish! went the waves, and then there was 1.
1 little seashell, left all alone,
I whispered “Shhh” as I took it home !!
Source: King County Library System
The Way the Baby Grows
Five fingers on this hand,
Five fingers are on that.
A dear little nose,
A mouth like a rose,
Two cheeks so tiny and fat.
Two eyes, two ears,
And ten little toes.
That’s the way the baby grows.
Source: 1001 Rhymes and Fingerplays by Totline Staff