Story Time – Aladdin’s Magic Lamp
Story Time – Aladdin’s Magic Lamp
10:30 am ONLINE on Facebook – ages 2 to 5
Higity, pigity, bing bang boo! The genie has a wish for you! This week in Story Time, we read Aladdin and his Magic Lamp. If you could wish for something, what would it be? There are many ways to make wish. How will you do it? Find out with some of these books we read. Or perhaps you can make your own wish come true.
Early Literacy Tip and Activity:
Learning to subtract and add can be fun if you use a book with base ten as a counting activity. Help your child to see the different combination sets on their fingers all equal ten.
Read “Ten Magic Butterflies” or another counting book while using your fingers to make addition combinations. Then go on a “counting walk” and see how many addition combinations you can find that equal ten.
Books Presented
Mary Engelbreit’s Nursery and Fairy Tales Collection
by Mary Engelbreit
Charmingly illustrated in resplendent color, Mary Engelbreit’s enchanting nursery and fairy tales are brought to life in this remarkable treasury.
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Ten Magic Butterflies
by Danica McKellar
One by one, ten flowers ask a fairy to turn them into butterflies for a night of magical flying, demonstrating to readers the different ways to group numbers to create ten.
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The Wish Tree
by Kyo Maclear
In winter Charles and his trusty toboggan set out to find the wish tree, and along the way he helps to make the wishes of his friends Squirrel, Fox, and Beaver come true.
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I Wish You More
by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld
In simple text and pictures, the author and illustrator create a compendium of small daily moments.
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Songs, Rhymes and Fingerplays
Flannel Board: Five Birthday Candles
5 birthday candles, wish there were more, blow out one (blow), and then there are 4
4 birthday candles, pretty as can be, blow out one (blow), and then there are 3
3 birthday candles, mother bought them new, blow out one (blow), and then there are 2
2 birthday candles, birthday cakes are fun, blow out one (blow), and then there is 1
1 birthday candle, a birthday wish is fun, but blow out one, then there are none!
– Nikarella.wordpress.com
Cut and Tell Story: The Fisherman and His Wife
Crafts and Activities

Download this coloring page or color online!
See how many wished you can make with this Cotton Bud Dandelion picture. These wishes last forever!

Additional Books
by Emma Dodd
Emily is worried about starting school for the first time, but Foxy waves his magic tail to provide what she needs to be ready–after a few mistakes along the way.
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I Wished for a Unicorn
by Robert Heidbreder
A bear and a boy who both love exploring learn to share their adventures together.
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