Story Time
Join us live Tuesdays at 10:30 AM – Online on Facebook
Ages 2-5
Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play
Talking Tip
Being able to express yourself verbally is an important skill. Anger, frustration, and sadness can cause children to act out if they don’t know how to express those difficult emptions in words. Use books like “The Big Brown Box” and “A Box of Butterflies” to start a conversation about what makes your child upset and what he can do to calm himself down.
Read “The Big Brown Box” or another book in which a child gets upset. Ask your child what upset Sam and how he let people know that he was upset. Ask your child what upsets him or her, how do they let people know they are upset, and how do they calm themselves down.
Books Presented

Sitting in My Box by Dee Lillegard

The Big Brown Box by Marisabina Russo

Not a Box by Antoinette Portis

The Cardboard Box Book by Sarah Powell
Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays
Here is a Box
Here is a box
Open the lid
I wonder whatever
Inside is hid
…make animal noise… (get kids to guess the animal)
Why its a ___________ (animal)
Without a doubt
Open the lid and let him out.
I Had a Little Turtle
I had a little turtle (hands on top of each other, move thumbs)
Who lived in a box (make box)
He swam in the puddles and climbed on the rocks (with hands swim, climb)
He snapped at a mosquito (clap), he snapped at a flea (clap)
He snapped at a minnow (clap), and he snapped at me (clap)
He caught the mosquito (cup hands), he caught the flea (cup hands),
He caught the minnow (cup hands), but he didn’t catch me! (wag finger)
Zoom Zoom, We’re Going to the Moon
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
We’re going to the moon.
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
We’re going to the moon.
If you want to take a trip,
Climb aboard my rocket ship.
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
We’re going to the moon.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
Blast off!
Jack in His Box
Jack in his box goes up and down, then he turns around.
Jack in his box goes side to side, side to side, side to side.
Jack in his box goes side to side, then he waves bye bye.
Crafts and Activities

Coloring Page

Rocking Boat
Additional Books

Ready, Set, Sail! by Meg Fleming

Big Bear's Big Boat by Eve Bunting

If I Had a Big Blue Boat by Susan James Fry