Story Time: Elephantastic Elephants!
“E” is for elephant! Elephants are one of the most amazing creatures in the animal kingdom. They are so strong enough to lift 700 pounds, yet they are so gentle they can pick up a tiny leaf without crumpling it. Children love elephants. They are big and have large floppy ears. Try taking this opportunity to learn more about these gentle giants with your child with some of the activities and books below.
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Ages 2-5
Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play
Having children act out stories introduces them to the theater arts. Because dramatic play incorporates a variety of senses, it allows children to experience a story in an immediate way and helps them internalize the story.
Read “Can Somebody Please Scratch My Back?” by Jory John or another book that will be easy to act out. Then have your child portray the elephant while you portray all the others animals and retell the story. Then try switching roles and see the laughter!
Books Presented

Elephants by Kate Riggs

Can Somebody Please Scratch My Back? by Jory John

I Broke My Trunk! by Mo Willems
Gerald the elephant tells his best friend Piggie a long, crazy story about how he broke his trunk.
Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays
Elephant Walk
Right foot, left foot, see me go (step with one foot, then other, sway side to side)
I am gray and big and slow (hold hands out to side on the word “big”)
Right foot, left foot, see me go (step with one foot, then other, sway side to side)
I come walking down the street (keep feet stomping)
With my trunk and four big feet. (Make arm look like a trunk from nose).
– Adapted from
Flannel Board: Five Elephants in the Bathtub
1 elephant in the bathtub
going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)
Splash, splash (pat lap for each splash)
Come on in! (Wave hand invitingly)
2 elephants in the bathtub
going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)
Splash, splash (pat lap for each splash)
Come on in! (Wave hand invitingly)
3 elephants in the bathtub
going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)
Splash, splash (pat lap for each splash)
Come on in! (Wave hand invitingly)
4 elephants in the bathtub
going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)
Splash, splash (pat lap for each splash)
Come on in! (Wave hand invitingly)
5 elephants in the bathtub
going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)
Splash, splash (pat lap for each splash)
And they all fell in! (Knock all the elephants and tub off the flannelboard!)
Two Elephants
Two little trunks, waving hello.
“Oh,” said an elephant.
“It’s time to go.”
One little elephant, standing in a row.
One little trunk, waving hello.
“Hey,” said the elephant.
“Where did he go?”
Crafts and Activities

Coloring Page
Print out this coloring page!

Try this craft from Heidi Songs - or pick up our ready-made kit today.
Additional Books

I Dream of an Elephant by Ami Rubinger

Near or Far: Where's Eddie? by Daniel Nunn
Books in the Hide and Seek series provide an entertaining introduction to some of the words that tell us where things are. This book looks at “Near” and “Far”, and features an animal character called Eddie the Elephant who is playing hide-and-seek.

Elephant's Story by Tracey Campbell Pearson

The Elephant Who Cried Mouse! by Jade Maitre
Ronald the Elephant loves to frighten his family by calling “MOUSE!”. But what happens when they stop believing him?