Storytime: C is for Confidence

by | Feb 19, 2025 | Blog, Kid's Corner, Story Time | 0 comments

Building confidence in your child at a young age is crucial because it shapes how they see themselves and how they interact with the world. When a child learns confidence, they can see mistakes as learning opportunities rather than a reason to give up. As you read some of these books with your child, talk about the big word, “confidence,” and how the main character shows or learns how to be confident.

Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.

Ages 2-5

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


Let your child lead through ample opportunities of independent play. Self-directed play and learning are crucial to the development of self-confidence. Being in charge of how they play is a normal and important part of children’s development during the preschool stage. ~ ”Five Ways to Build Your Preschooler’s Confidence”






When playing with your child, try being the “actor” and letting your child be the “director.” Encourage them to come up with the ideas for how the play happens and the materials they may want to use. Ask about the details of the choices they’re making, and let them decide what happens next and what the outcome will be. Try encouraging this kind of child leadership in play by asking open-ended questions and saying things like: How did you decide what to name those toys? I wonder what kind of feelings these superheroes are having right now? What do you think should happen next? 5 Ways to Build Your Preschooler’s Confidence





Books Presented

Book cover for Quiet Violet Finds Her Voice by Gabrielle Nidus

Quiet Violet Finds Her Voice by Gabrielle Nidus

Violet is quiet and she has plenty to say. Violet Blandin makes it a habit to blend in. At school, no one notices her, but in the kitchen, she cooks up confidence and can’t be missed. When a hands-on lesson about measurement goes haywire, Violet finds she is the only one who can save celebrated Chef Delaclaire from an awful encounter with a very salty cookie.
Book cover for Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell

Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell

Even when the class bully at her new school makes fun of her, Molly remembers what her grandmother told her and she feels good about herself.
Book cover for Take a Breath by Sujean Rim

Take a Breath by Sujean Rim

Bob the bird keeps trying to fly, but is beginning to worry that he will never succeed when Crow comes by with a suggestion to “just breathe.”
Book cover for The Joy in You by Cat Deeley

The Joy in You by Cat Deeley

An illustrated book that inspires children to dance, sing, and be true to themselves

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Red Bird, Red Bird

Red bird, red bird, 
Where can you be?
Are you in the _________ tree?

All By Myself

There are many things that I can do (All by myself!)
I can comb my hair and lace my shoe (All by myself!)
I can wash my hands and wash my face (All by myself!)
I can put my toys and blocks in place (All by myself!)

Source: Storytime Katie

Everybody Has a Name

Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle
Everybody has a name,
Some are different, some the same.

Some are short, some are long.
All are right, none are wrong.

My name is _______,
It’s special to me.
It’s exactly who I want to be!

Source: 1001 Rhymes & Fingerplays

Stand Up, Shine Bright!

(Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re brave and you know it, stomp your feet—stomp, stomp!
If you’re brave and you know it, stomp your feet—stomp, stomp!
Stand up tall, don’t be small,
You are strong, you’ve got it all!
If you’re brave and you know it, stomp your feet—stomp, stomp!

If you’re proud and you know it, stretch out wide—stretch, stretch!
If you’re proud and you know it, stretch out wide—stretch, stretch!
Take up space, stand so tall,
You’re amazing, after all!
If you’re proud and you know it, stretch out wide—stretch, stretch!

If you know that you can do it, thumbs up high—thumbs up!
If you know that you can do it, thumbs up high—thumbs up!
Say, “I can!” and “I am strong!”
Confidence will last lifelong!
If you know that you can do it, thumbs up high—thumbs up!

If you’re ready for adventure, jump up high—jump, jump!
If you’re ready for adventure, jump up high—jump, jump!
Dream big, reach so high,
You can soar—just give it a try!
If you’re ready for adventure, jump up high—jump, jump!

Crafts and Activities

A coloring page featuring bubbles and the words Just Breath

Just Breath Coloring Page



Rocking bird made from paper.

Rocking Bird Craft

Additional Books

Book cover for I Love My Body Because by Shelly Anand

I Love My Body Because by Shelly Anand

A picture book about different bodies around the world and why we each love our bodies

Book cover for Turtle-Turtle and the Wide, Wide River by Jane Hillenbrand

Turtle-Turtle and the Wide, Wide River by Jane Hillenbrand

When a storm approaches, Turtle-Turtle must keep calm and swim for safer shores with the help of his animal friends.
Book cover for I Am Every Good Thing by Derrick Barnes

I am Every Good Thing by Derrick Barnes

Let’s hear it for everything that makes you the amazing, awesome, inspiring kid that you are… Your curiosity and creativity. Your bravery and kindness. Your sense of humor and fun. Your ability to get up again when you get knocked down. Your way of helping others. Yeah–you are all that and more! You are every good thing that makes the world go round. So go ahead and show us your magnificence–all the things that make you, you.
Book cover for When You Need Wings by Lita Judge

When You Need Wings by Lita Judge

Illustrations and easy-to-read text advise the reader to seek self-confidence on the wings of imagination.

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