Storytime: February Something New Just for You

by | Feb 28, 2024 | Blog, Kid's Corner, Story Time | 0 comments

For the last storytime of each month, we will present books that are “new” to our library, and perhaps new to you! Here are four of our favorites with an activity to go with each one of them. Enjoy!

Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.

Ages 2-5

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


Did you know that dialogic reading is actually shared reading? It’s when the adult helps the child become the teller of the story. The adult becomes the listener, the questioner, and the audience for the child through conversation while reading a book together. For more tips and information on dialogic reading, pick up a free pamphlet at the Children’s Reference desk.


Try using a dialogic completion prompt. First, choose a book that has repetitive text like “The Princess and the Greedy Pea” or “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” Then, when reading with your child, begin a sentence, then leave it open for your child to complete.

Books Presented

Book cover for How To Party Like a Snail by Naseem Hrab

How to Party Like a Snail by Naseem Hrab

Snail is a party animal. Well … kind of. He especially appreciates the quiet things about parties, like confetti, using his indoor voice, and softly blowing out birthday candles. But parties tend to get pretty loud, and that’s when Snail disappears into his shell. But not to worry! Snail still has fun at parties – it’s just that from inside his shell nobody can tell he’s having a good time. And this means he doesn’t get many party invitations … So Snail decides to throw himself his very own quiet party. He plays hide-and-hide, he sways to his favourite lullabies, and enjoys a nice mug of warm milk. But that night, as he tucks himself in a blanket burrito, he starts to feel like something is missing. And that’s when Stump, who’s been there the whole time, chimes in with a suggestion. In the end, Snail realizes that he really does love parties, just not the rowdy ones. He and Stump put on their jammies, turn the lullabies down low, and “celebrate the shush” in their own quiet way.

Book cover for The Messiest Monster on Mill Street by Sarah Sparks.

The Messiest Monster on Mill Street by Sarah Sparks

Max’s messes are legendary–paint on the walls, spills on the floor, crumbs in his fur, and toys scattered everywhere. But Max never intended to be messy; there was simply too much to do and too much fun to be had. That is until one day when his mess becomes an uncontrollable monster of its own!

Book cover for The Princess and the Greedy Pea by Leigh Hodgkinson

The Princess and the Greedy Pea by Leigh Hodgkinson

This little pea is hungry! So hungry it swallows a sprout, slurps up some soup, munches the bread, gobbles the cake, noshes the pickle, guzzles the cheese, drinks all the tea, and even chomps down the table it’s all served on. After all that, it needs to sleep. But whose dinner did it steal? And whose mattress is the now-humongous pea resting under?

Book cover for Five Little Chicks by Lily Murray

Five Little Chicks by Lily Murray

Five little chicks went out one day; Over the hills and far away. Mamma Hen said, “Hurry back to me!” Now how many chicks can you see? Join this fluffy little family on a beautiful walk through the countryside. There’s so much to see as Mamma Hen and her brood wind through a flowery meadow, a bluebell wood, a field full of lambs and a busy farmyard. Along the way, they meet all kinds of baby animals and their parents. But wait – the chicks are disappearing one by one. Whatever are they up to? Lift the flaps to find the chicks and discover a fantastic surprise ending

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Five Fat Peas

Five fat peas in a pea pod pressed (hold up five fingers)
One grew (hold up one finger)
Two grew (hold up two fingers)
And so did the rest (hold up the rest of your fingers)
They grew and they grew and they did not stop (open and shut hands)
Until one day, the pod went pop! (clap hands together on pop)

Source: Jbrary

If You See a Monster

(tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)
If you see a ______ monster, ______ monster,______ monster.
If you see a ______ monster, *wave your hand hello.

*…pat your knees like this.
… cover your eyes and hide.

Slowly, Slowly

Slowly, slowly, very slowly
creeps the garden snail.
Slowly, slowly, very slowly 
up the garden rail.
Quickly, quickly, very quickly 
runs the little mouse.
Quickly, quickly very quickly
into his little house.

Source: Jbrary

Crafts and Activities

Coloring page of a cute snail in flowers and grass.

Something New Just For You

Homemade party hats, all decorated, sitting on a table.

Party Hats

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