Storytime: Hibernation
When reading a book with your child, don’t skip or rush through the complex words. This is a great time to talk with your child about how to pronounce the word and its context within the book or story you are reading together. For example, the word, “hibernation,” can sound complex to a child until it is broken down into syllables. It’s meaning can lead to many discussions about which creatures hibernate, how they prepare for hibernation, why they sleep through the winter, and more!
Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.
Ages 2-5
Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play
Helping children hear the smaller sounds in words, or the syllables, by clapping them out is one way to develop their phonological awareness. Children can hear the syllables more easily than each individual sound in words. – Reading Picture Books with Children by Lambert
When reading a book with your child, use the Super-duper 1, 2, 3 rhyme when you come across a word with which he is unfamiliar. Don’t forget to clap, snap, & tap the syllables.
Books Presented

Hibernation by Tori Kosara

Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson

I Don't Want to Go to Sleep by Dev Petty

Hibernation Station by Michelle Meadows
Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays
Super Duper 1,2,3 Will You Say This Word With Me?
Presenter: Child & Presenter:
Say it! Hibernation. Hibernation.
Clap it! HI-BER-NA-TION (Child and presenter clap:
(Clap hands for each syllable.) HI-BER-NA-TION.)
Snap it! HI-BER-NA-TION (Child and presenter snap:
(Snap fingers for each syllable.) HI-BER-NA-TION.)
Tap it! HI-BER-NA-TION (Child and presenter tap:
(Tap knees for each syllable.) HI-BER-NA-TION.)
Sleepy Bear Roll
Five sleepy bears moving really slow
One yawns and stumbles and starts to… ROLL! (roll arms)
He rolls to a stop and begins to snore (exaggerated snoring)
How many bears are left to explore? (count down)
Source: Storytime with Ms. Emily Library
(Tune: “Alouette”)
Hibernation, time for hibernation.
Hibernation, time to go to sleep.
In the winter, where’s the bear?
Sleeping in its log or lair.
Where’s the bear? Log or lair. OH!
In the winter, where’s the frog?
Sleeping by a pond or log.
Where’s the frog? Pond or log. OH!
In the winter, where’s the snake?
In the mud beneath the lake.
Where’s the snake? Beneath the lake. OH!
In the winter, where’s the bat?
In a cave is where it’s at.
Where’s the bat? Cave it’s at! OH!
Source: Storytime Katie
Here is a Cave
Here is a cave. Inside is a bear. (bend fingers on one hand; put thumb inside)
Now he comes out to get some fresh air. (pop out thumb)
He stays out all summer in sunshine and heat.
He hunts in the forest for berries to eat. (move thumb in a circle)
When snow starts to fall, he hurries inside
His warm little cave and there he will hide. (put thumb inside fingers)
Snow covers the cave like a fluffy white rug.
Inside the bear sleeps all cozy and snug. (place one hand over the other)
Source: Verona Storytime
Crafts and Activities

Hibernation Activity Coloring Page

Hibernation Paper Plate Craft
Additional Books

Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner

Groundhog Stays Up Late by Margery Cuyler

Winter Lullaby by Dianne White