Storytime: Kindness for Everyone

by | Jul 25, 2023 | Blog, Kid's Corner, Story Time | 1 comment

Teaching a child to be kind can be difficult, but don’t give up! There are many ways for a child to learn about and express kindness such as saying, “Please,” and “Thank you,” waiting patiently in line, picking up after play, and petting an animal. When you child is kind, ask how they felt and more importantly, how did the recipient of their kindness feel. That will help them to see the full circle of kindness.

Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.

Ages 2-5

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


“Even before your children start to actively demonstrate kindness, they can experience empathy. By reflecting on those feelings, you can guide them to the concepts of empathy, generosity, and kindness in a way that will make sense to them.” –


“Grab a book like Rubylicious, where two of your kids’ favorite characters — Pinkalicious and Peterrific — must decide what to do when they’re granted one wish and end up learning how being selfless and kind is the best reward of all. After reading the story, you can talk to your child about what they learned from the story, such as how hard the decision was for Pinkalicious and Peter and what they gained by making the choice they did. Stories like Rubylicious are great conversation starters and fun demonstrations that are easy for kids of all ages to understand.” –

Books Presented

Group Hug by Jean Reidy

A slug gets a hug, and passes along the kindness to other animals.

Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller

When Tanisha spills grape juice all over her new dress, her classmate contemplates how to make her feel better and what it means to be kind. From asking the new girl to play to standing up for someone being bullied, this moving and thoughtful story explores what a child can do to be kind, and how each act, big or small, can make a difference or at least help a friend.

I am a Kindness Hero by Jennifer Adams

Celebrates gentleness and vulnerability in boys and teaches all children the importance of kindness

Tomorrow I'll Be Kind by Jessica Hische

Illustrations by a lettering artist and easy-to-read text reveal ways to be helpful, patient, gentle, honest, generous, grateful, and especially kind. This book is a reminder to all readers, young and old, that the smallest kind gesture can make the biggest difference in the world — we just have to remember to be kind to one another.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

If You’re Kind And You Know It

(Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It)
If you’re helpful and you know it, lend a hand
If you’re helpful and you know it, lend a hand
If you’re helpful and you know it,
Then your actions will surely show it,
If you’re helpful and you know it, lend a hand

If you’re caring and you know it, give a hug
If you’re caring and you know it, give a hug
If you’re caring and you know it,
Then your actions will surely show it,
If you’re caring and you know it, give a hug

If you’re supportive and you know it, shout “You’ve got this!”
If you’re supportive and you know it, shout “You’ve got this!”
If you’re supportive and you know it,
Then your actions will surely show it,
If you’re supportive and you know it, shout “You’ve got this!”

If you’re kind and you know it, do all three!
If you’re kind and you know it, do all three!
If you’re kind and you know it,
Then your actions will surely show it
If you’re kind and you know it, do all three!

Credit: Storytime Solidarity

Come Under My Umbrella

(tune of The More We Get Together)
Come under my umbrella, umbrella, umbrella
Come under my umbrella, it’s starting to storm
There’s thunder and lightning and wind and rain
Come under my umbrella it’s starting to storm

Credit: King County Library System

Crafts and Activities

Kindness For Everyone

Mail a Hug

Looking for an easy and thoughtful kid friendly craft to do for someone that you miss!? This mail a hug is the perfect activity.

Additional Books

The Power of One: Every Act of Kindness Counts by Trudy Ludwig

When one child reaches out in friendship to a classmate who seems lonely, she begins a chain reaction of kindness that ripples throughout her school and her community.

Rita & Ralph's Rotten Day by Carmen Agra Deedy

Rita and Ralph live on neighboring hills and they are best friends, until a silly accident while goofing around ends up with both of them angry and unhappy–and they both need to find a way to heal the break in their relationship.

What Does it Mean to be Kind? Rana DiOrio

Teaches children about what it means to be kind by discussing the importance of caring, patience, forgiveness and acceptance, giving children and adults alike the opportunity to live more fully and richly.

Nook by Sally Anne Garland

Nook is small and shy, and she likes to sit in the cozy, comfy space of a hollow tree watching others play. Then, one day, when someone comes along to take Nook’s space, she feels lost and afraid … until she discovers she has friends looking out for her in ways she never imagined. This gentle story explores shyness and sensory needs, and inspires kindness, inclusion, and friendship.

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1 Comment

  1. Mount Isa City Library

    Thank you for these very helpful resources. This has saved story time! – Mount Isa City library


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