Storytime: V is for Valentine’s

by | Feb 15, 2024 | Blog, Kid's Corner, Story Time | 0 comments

V is for Valentine’s! Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love, but that doesn’t mean it is all mushy stuff. It is just as important to celebrate the love shown to children from caring adults and between friends. You don’t have to celebrate with gifts, kind words and actions go a long way in letting people know you care. So spread a little love in the world and maybe enjoy a new book about Valentine’s Day.

Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.

Ages 2-5

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


Scientific studies have shown that children develop best when they have a strong, positive relationship with a nurturing adult. This helps not only their physical development, but their intellectual development as well. Hugs and kisses and be just as important as flash cards in getting a child ready for success in school. – “Reading Picture Books With Children” Megan Lambert


With your child, sing and dance to the song rhyme, “Skidamarink a-dink, a-dink,” and give your child a hug every time you sing, “I love you!”

Books Presented

Book cover for Mr. Goat's Valentine by Eve Bunting

Mr. Goat's Valentine by Eve Bunting

When Mr. Goat learns that it’s Valentine’s Day, he sets out in search of gifts for his first love, but his choices are a little unconventional

Book cover for Grumpy Monkey Valentine Gross-Out by Suzanne Lang

Grumpy Monkey Valentine Gross-Out by Suzanne Lang

Jim Panzee is very grumpy about Valentine’s Day until his buddy Norman shows him that the holiday is for everyone
Book cover for Valenslime by Joy Keller

Valenslime by Joy Keller

Ever since Victoria Franken brought her slime to life she and Goop have been great friends, but after realizing on Valentine’s Day that while she had many friends, Goop only had her, she tries to create a new slime friend for him.

Book cover for If You Were My Valentine by Lynn Plourde

If You Were My Valentine by Lynn Plourde

Big animals show how they’d give their love to little animals for Valentine’s Day and every day of the year.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Heart On Your Nose

Tune: If You’re Happy
Put your heart on your nose, on your nose.
Put your heart on your nose, on your nose.
It’s a heart for love and friendship
And a hug for everyone
Put your heart on your nose, on your nose.
Toes… Head… Knee… 

I Can Hug

I can hug, hug, hug
I can hop, hop, hop
I can kiss, kiss, kiss
I can stop, stop, stop
I can nod my head for yes,
And I can shake my head no,
I can sit down very, very slow.

Valentine Rhymes

This valentine is shaped like a square.
This valentine is shaped like a bear.
This valentine is shaped like a circle.
This valentine is the color purple.
This valentine is shaped like a rectangle.
This valentine is shaped like a triangle.
This valentine is shaped like a dove.
This valentine is made with love.

Five Little Hearts

Tune of “Five Little Ducks”
Down around the corner at the Valentine shop
Were five little hearts with polka dots.
Along came Mommy with a nickel to pay
And she bought a Valentine and took it away.

Little Heart

I have a little heart, (place hand over heart)
And it goes thump, thump, thump (pat chest three times)
It keeps right on beating,
When I jump, jump, jump (jump three times)
I get a special feeling, when I look at you. (point to child)
It makes me want to give you a hug or two. (hug yourself)

Source: Jbrary


I put my hands together
(hold palms together)
This is how I start
I curve my fingers right around
(make heart with fingers)
And I can make a heart!

Source: Adventures of a Bookworm


Skidamarink a-dink, a-dink
Skidamarink a-doo
I love you.
Skidamarink a-dink, a-dink
Skidamarink a-doo
I love you.
I love you in the morning
And in the afternoon.
I love you in the evening
And underneath the moon.
Oh, skidamarink a-dink, a-dink
Skidamarink a-doo
I love you.

Crafts and Activities

Gnome Valentine Coloring Page

V is for Valentine's

Kids Valentine's Day Garland

Valentine's Necklace or Garland

Additional Books

Book cover for How to Help a Cupid by Sue Fliess

How to Help a Cupid by Sue Fliess

Valentine’s Day is all about showing kindness to the most important people in your life–and if you’re caring and thoughtful, you can help Cupid spread love and happiness, too!

Book cover for I Love You A Rebus Poem by Jean Marzollo

I Love You: A Rebus Poem by Jean Marzollo

A poem with a rebus format, in which the speaker professes love equal to that of a bird for a tree, a flower for a bee, and a lock for a key.
Book cover for Click, Clack, Moo I Love You! by Doreen Cronin

Click, Clack, Moo: I Love You! by Doreen Cronin

Little Duck is working hard making valentines for everyone and decorating for the Valentine’s Day dance, but what happens when an unexpected guest arrives?

Book cover for When an Elephant Falls in Love by Davide Cali

When an Elephant Falls in Love by Davide Cali

When an elephant falls in love, he does many foolish things, and never tells her how he feels–until one day the doorbell rings.

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