Storytime: V is for Veggies
Is it a vegetable or a fruit? Either way, vegetables are delicious, healthy, and fun to talk about with your child. Try asking open-ended questions with her about her favorite vegetables, where they come from, and their differences and similarities in taste. Or perhaps, you could talk about sequencing or the order of steps in a recipe while you prepare a pot of vegetable soup together.
Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.
Ages 2-5
Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play
Helping children see the order in which things take place, whether in books like “Eat Your Veggies, Goldilocks” by Steve Smallman or “Pumpkin, Pumpkin” by Jeanne Titherington, in a recipe, or in the sequence of the day, helps them develop the mathematical concept of sequencing. ~ Lambert
With your child, draw a set of pictures for the events of the day, such as make the bed, get dressed, brush your teeth, put away toys, etc. Then help him organize the pictures in sequential order and display them in a conspicuous place for him to observe during the day.
Books Presented

Eat Your Veggies, Goldilocks by Steve Smallman
In this version Goldilocks runs away and falls asleep in a cottage where the bears live after her parents refuse to give her cookies and ice cream for breakfast. The bears introduce her to healthy eating habits.

Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert

Seeds by Carme Lemniscartes
Seeds harbor immense potential. They defy their size by sprouting and growing into plants. And these plants develop beautiful flowers and delicious fruits and vegetables. Even in the most unlikely environments, seeds manage to thrive. Like seeds, we can cultivate and nurture something wonderful. There is much we can learn from seeds.

Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! by Candace Fleming
After planting the garden he has dreamed of for years, Mr. McGreely tries to find a way to keep some persistent bunnies from eating all his vegetables.
Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays
Fruits and Veggies Unite!
Form banana, form, form banana
form banana, form, form, banana
Peel banana, peel, peel banana
peel banana, peel, peel banana
Go bananas, go, go, bananas
Go bananas, go, go, bananas
Form zucchini, form, form zucchini
Form zucchini, form, form zucchini
Slice zucchini, slice, slice zucchini
Slice zucchini, slice, slice zucchini
Eat zucchini,eat, eat, zucchini
Eat zucchini, eat, eat, zucchini
Form the corn, form form the corn
Form the corn, form form the corn
Shuck the corn, shuck, shuck the corn
Shuck the corn, shuck, shuck the corn
Pop the corn, pop, pop the corn
Pop the corn, pop, pop the corn
Form potato, form, form potato
Form potato, form, form potato
Peel potato, peel, peel potato
Peel potato, peel, peel potato
Mash potato, mash, mash potato
mash potato, mash, mash potato
Source: Jbrary
Vegetable Riddles
I’m red and round,
I also have seeds.
Sliced up in salads,
Is where you’ll see me!
I’m a root vegetable,
I can be red, white or green.
I can make you cry
When you cut into me!
I grow underground,
But I have skin and eyes.
I can be roasted or mashed,
Or made into fries!
Rabbits like to eat me
When I grow in a field.
I’m an orange vegetable.
I taste best when I’m peeled!
I’m yellow and yummy,
I grow on a stalk.
You can eat me on the cob,
Or cook me in a pot!
Source: Storytime in the Stacks
The Veggies in the Soup
To the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”
The carrots go in the soup, the carrots go in the soup,
We’ll stir and stir and stir some more
When the carrots are in the soup!
(repeat with other vegetables)
Now the soup is done, now the soup is done
We’ll eat and eat and eat some more
Now that the soup is done. YUM!
Source: Storytime in the Stacks
Green zucchini
Tune: Alouette
Green zucchini, I like green zucchini
Green zucchini, that’s what I like best.
Do you like it on your head?
Yes, I like it on my head.
On your head? On my head.
Verses: yellow corn, orange carrots, red bell peppers, purple eggplant
Source: Jbrary
Crafts and Activities

V is for Veggies

3D Pop Up Peppers
Additional Books

Monster Don't Eat Broccoli by Barbara Jean Hicks
The waitress in this restaurant just doesn’t have a clue. Monsters don’t eat broccoli. How could she think we do? These fearsome but finicky monsters insist they don’t like food from the garden–leave that to the humans. They’d rather snack on tractors or a rocket ship or two, or tender trailer tidbits or a wheely, steely stew. But boy, do those trees they’re munching on look an awful lot like broccoli. Maybe vegetables aren’t so bad after all.

Pumpkin Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington

No Nibbling! by Beth Ferry
Derwood the goat has planted a garden and is prepared to defend it from all nibblers, including Tabitha the bunny, whom Derwood is convinced has designs on his growing vegetables; she teases him as the months go by, but after she helps him with the weeding the two become friends and share the feast.