Storytime: V is for Violins and Violins play Music

by | Feb 21, 2024 | Blog, Kid's Corner, Story Time | 0 comments

V is for Violins! The violin is a string instrument. It has a wooden body and four tight strings, the musical sounds come from the vibrations of those strings. Vibrations can be made by plucking the strings or using a bow. Not all instruments have strings but all of them make music through vibrations. The vibrations can be made by air, hitting a drum, through metal, or even the vibrations of vocal chords when you sing. Have fun with your children and make some music. It doesn’t have to be concert worthy, just have fun!

Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.

Ages 2-5

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


Even if you can’t sing on key, be sure to sing to your child! Your child is not looking for a concert-quality song; he wats familiar sounds from a person who means a great deal to him. Singing together can be great fun; it doesn’t require any special equipment or cost any money.


Sing “The Wheels on the Bus” using motions. Then try “The Band on the Bus” and create motions for the different instruments.

Books Presented

Book cover for A Neighborhood Walk, A Musical Journey by Pilar Winter Hill.

A Neighborhood Walk, A Musical Journey by Pilar Winter Hill

As she walks with her mother to a farmer’s market, Penelope hears the melodies of the city from musicians, bicycle bells, and more until one instrument beckons and fills her with magic. Includes author’s note about her first encounter with the violin.
Book cover for My Family Plays Music by Judy Cox.

My Family Plays Music by Judy Cox

A musical family with talents for playing a variety of instruments enjoys getting together to celebrate.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

The Band on the Bus

Tune: The Wheels on the Bus
The Saxophone on the bus goes
The Saxophone on the bus goes
Toot-a-toot-swoosh all through the town.

The Drum on the bus goes
The Drum on the bus goes
Boom-bam-boom all through the town.

The Flute on the bus goes
The Flute on the bus goes
Flutter-flutter-whiz all through the town.


The Guitar on the bus goes
The Guitar on the bus goes
Twang-thump-twang all through the town.

The Cello on the bus goes
The Cello on the bus goes
Pluck-pluck-pluck all through the town.

The Violin on the bus goes
The Violin on the bus goes
Zing-hum-ding all through the town.

Source: Pasadena Library

Crafts and Activities

Violin coloring page featuring Grover on the violin.

V is for Violin

A pellet drum made from paper plates, yarn, beads, and a straw.

Pellet Drum Craft

Additional Books

Book cover for Zin! Zin! Zin! a Violin by Lloyd Moss.

Zin! Zin! Zin! a Violin by Lloyd Moss

Ten instruments take their parts one by one in a musical performance.
Book cover for The Oboe Goes Boom Boom Boom by Colleen A.F. Venable.

The Oboe Goes Boom Boom Boom by Colleen A.F. Venable

The band is assembled and the band director is ready to tell you all about the instruments, but an enthusiastic little drummer girl keeps interrupting
Book cover for A Fox Found a Box by Ged Adamson

A Fox Found a Box by Ged Adamson

When a little fox finds a radio, he shares the songs and music with his animal friends, but after it goes quiet, the little fox begins to hear the music found in nature.
Book cover for Tanka Tanka Skunk! by Steve Webb.

Tanka Tanka Skunk! by Steve Webb

Uses animal names to introduce rhythmic language and rhyme, as Tanka the elephant and his friend Skunk play drums to keep the beat.

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