Storytime: Working and Playing Together

by | Jul 19, 2023 | Blog, Kid's Corner, Story Time | 0 comments

Learning to work and play cooperatively with others is a skill children begin to develop in preschool and later in kindergarten. These basic skills set the stage for working cooperatively as older children, teens, and adults. Learning these skills can be fun, especially when learning with others. Try reading some of these books and talk with your child about the problems faced by the characters, what did they do to solve the problem, and if your child would have solved it the same way. You can also discover some great activity ideas at

Join us Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.

Ages 2-5

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


Singing games and playing music in groups encourage social responsiveness. Such activities also help your child learn to feel comfortable in a group setting. When your child begins school. Such positive associations will help them adjust to being part of a class -Lambert


Participate in a group singing activity such as Storytime or with a group a friends. You could learn and sign hand movements or sign language to a song such as “The More We Get Together.”

Books Presented

Unstoppable! by Adam Rex

When a bird and a crab team up to combine the advantages of flight and claws, it gives them an idea: why not expand the team to include other animals who have a special trait–and soon they all set out to rescue their lake from development, because united together they are unstoppable.

Everyone Counts by Judy Sierra

Diverse animals, led by two rough, tough rhinos, work together to transform an old mall into a zoo–including the bugs the rhinos said were too small to count.

Summer by Wenxuan Cao

Under a burning sun on the dry grassland, animals ranging from a tiny field mouse to a large elephant fight over bit of shade until they learn a better way.

What Makes a Shadow? by Clyde Robert Bulla

A simple explanation of how a shadow is formed.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Five Good Friends

Five good friends went out to play (hold up five fingers)
On a bright and sunny day
One good friend said, “I can’t stay.”
Then there were four friends left to play
Four good friends went out to play (hold up four fingers)…
Three good friends went out to play (hold up three fingers)…
Two good friends went out to play (hold up two fingers)…
Only one good friend was left to play (hold up one finger)…
So he went home that bright sunny day.

Credit: Collaborative Summer Library Program

The More We Get Together

The more we get together, together, together.
(for “more,” fold hands like beaks and touch fingertips together)
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.
(for “together,” hold two fists together and make small circles; for
“happy,” hold hands flat and circle them towards you.)
For your friends are my friends,
(point to a friend and clasp index fingers)
And my friends are your friends.
(point to yourself and clasp index fingers fingers)
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.

The more we play together… (extend pinky and thumb and wiggle)
the more we learn together… (extend one palm like a book and then pull
information from it with the other hand and put it in your head)
The more we sing together… (bend one arm and strum with other hand)

Credit: Collaborative Summer Library Program


Shadow, Shadow

Shadow, shadow
Where can you be?
Are you under the ________ tree?

Crafts and Activities

Kids Cleaning the Park

Shadow Art

Additional Books

Stick and Stone: Best Friends Forever! by Beth Ferry

This ode to unconditional love is a brand new adventure for duo Stick and Stone, in which Stick searches for his family tree and discovers the importance of found family and forever friends.

Just Ask!: Be Different, Be Brave, Be You by Sonia Sotomayor

A group of children with different abilities and strengths come together to build a community garden

The World Needs Who You Were Made to Be by Joanna Gaines

With plenty of pink, a bounty of blue, orange and green and yellow too, this vibrant hot-air balloon adventure celebrates every child and teaches kids that we are in this together. “You’re one of a kind, and it’s so clear to see: The world needs who you were made to be.”

Chirp!: Chipmunk Sings For a Friend by Jamie Swenson

A lonely chipmunk longs for a friend who will sing along with her.

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