Our Summer STEM from Your Library program is made possible by our sponsors: the Idaho Commission for Libraries and the Idaho STEM Action Center. A big thank you to them for their support!
This fun and interactive STEM activity will teach the technique of “If-Then,” which is a coding method used by coders.
Materials needed:
- Large grid paper for a game board (image below)
- If-Then Cards (image below)
- Homes + Obstacles printout (image below)
- Plastic Bits
- Die
- Acornimals (or any small toy!)
- Scissors
Inspired by the craft “If-Then Dice Grid Game” STEM activity from 100 Easy STEAM Activities: Awesome Hands-On Projects for Aspiring Artists and Engineers by Andrea Scalzo Yi

Thank you for updating the STEM activity, but the video about the animal coding activity is still not there. When I click the blue button, it takes me to the exploding soap.
I also looked through the YouTube channel and can’t find it, so I still don’t know what the kids are supposed to do.
Hi Bettina, we have been having some technical difficulties with this video. However, we have been able to get it uploaded and the correct one is now on our YouTube page as well as in the blog post.
thank you
Thank you so much!
You bet!