Storytime: Way Up High!
Storytime: Way Up High!
Look up in the sky – it’s a bird!
Join us Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.
Ages 2-5
Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play
When you’re talking with your preschooler, look for opportunities to use different words to help build his or her vocabulary. A large vocabulary is important for a child who is learning to read.
Play the “ask” game while talking with your preschooler. Ask lots of questions that don’t have a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer which allows them to use their vocabulary. Then try and find the words in their environment, on the computer, or in a book!
Books Presented
Birds by Kevin Henkes
Ten on a Twig by Lo Cole
Illustrations and an easy-to-read countdown rhyme follow ten birds that, one by one, fall off the twig on which they were sitting, but the last one finds a surprise waiting.
Up Tall and High by Ethan Long
Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays
There’s a Bird in This Egg
There’s a bird in this egg.
Hear it crack! Crack! Crack!
There’s a bird in this egg.
Hear it crack! Crack! Crack!
There’s a bird in this egg and it’s ready to come out.
There’s a bird in this egg.
Hear it crack!
There’s a Bird in the Air
There’s a bird in the air, in the air
There’s a bird in the air, in the air
There’s a bird in the air, now he’s flying in my hair
There’s a bird on my leg, on my leg
There’s a bird on my leg, on my leg
There’s a bird on my leg and he is pretty big
There’s a bird on my hand, on my hand
There’s a bird on my hand, on my hand
There’s a bird on my hand but now he is my friend
Birds are flying in the air
Flying here, flying there!
They are flying way up high in the sky.
Yellow* birds are in the air
Flying here, flying there!
Yellow* birds are way up high in the sky.
Scarf Song: Popcorn Kernels
Tune of Frere Jacques
Popcorn kernels (wave scarves overhead)
Popcorn kernels
In the pot (bunch scarves up in fists)
In the pot
Shake it, shake it, shake it (shake fists)
Shake it, shake it, shake it
Til they pop (throw scarves)
Til they pop
Bird in the Egg
Tune of Frere Jacques
Popcorn kernels (wave scarves overhead)
Popcorn kernels
In the pot (bunch scarves up in fists)
In the pot
Shake it, shake it, shake it (shake fists)
Shake it, shake it, shake it
Til they pop (throw scarves)
Til they pop
Crafts and Activities
Kid Made Bird Feeder
Click the below to find instructions for making your very own bird feeder!
Make these adorable birdie binoculars at home!
Additional Books
More Than Fluff by Madeline Valentine
Mel Fell by Corey R Tabor
All the Birds in the World by David Opie
Take a beautifully illustrated journey — with an adorable kiwi bird as your guide — through the vast and colorful world of birds, with its tapestry of textures, sounds, and sights.
Friends Stick Together by Hannah E Harrison
When a loud-mouthed tickbird lands on Mortimer the rhino’s nose and starts a symbiotic relationship, the reserved Mortimer is mortified, until he realizes they just might be the perfect pair.