by Lauren Abbott | Sep 16, 2020 | Adult Arena, Blog, Teen Zone, Tween Scene |
It’s book bingo! We have bingo pages available at the library. This month’s theme is “Crayons.” Read enough books that fit the challenges on the bingo paper to get a bingo, bring in your completed card, and get a prize. There is a bingo board for ages 11 and younger and another for ages 12 and older.
Step 1: Read the challenges and pick a bingo line that most appeals to you.
Step 2: Read a book that completes a challenge. Read another. And another.
Step 3: When you are able to cross off 5 squares in a row on the board, bring your sheet into the
Circulation Desk for a prize and an entry in our monthly drawing. We will have a separate
drawing for each age group.
Step 4: Keep reading! You can get as many prizes and entries as there are bingos on the board.
The game ends on the last day of the month.
by Mary Kirkpatrick | February 28, 2025 | Adult Arena, Blog | 0 Comments
Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures Calling all adventurers! Join our new Dungeons & Dragons program for adults and embark on epic quests in the world’s greatest tabletop role-playing game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a curious beginner, you’ll explore...
by Mary Kirkpatrick | February 28, 2025 | Blog, Book Babies, Kid STEAM, Kid's Corner, Story Time, Tween Scene, Tween STEAM | 0 Comments
Story TimeGet ready for March magic with our early literacy programs! Book Babies – Wednesdays at 9:30 AM for babies not yet walking and their grown-ups. Enjoy songs, stories, baby sign language, movement, and sensory activities. Toddler Time – Mondays & Tuesdays...
by Mary Kirkpatrick | February 28, 2025 | Blog, Teen Crafts, Teen Zone | 0 Comments
Chess & Game ClubLearn the art of chess and other games with the master of fun and strategy, Nick Allison. Tweens and teens ages 9-18 are welcome to join every Monday from 4:30-5:30 PM in the Community Room. Game supplies will be provided.Teen Action CouncilThe...
by Mary Kirkpatrick | January 27, 2025 | Blog, Teen Crafts, Teen Zone | 0 Comments
Old School PoetryThis February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for your soulmate, a dear friend, or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission box...
by Mary Kirkpatrick | January 27, 2025 | Adult Arena, Blog | 0 Comments
Old School Poetry This February, let love take center stage! Stop by our special collections area to type out a heartfelt poem on our vintage typewriter—whether it’s for your soulmate, a dear friend, or your favorite pizza. Drop your masterpiece into the submission...
by Mary Kirkpatrick | December 30, 2024 | Blog, Teen Zone | 0 Comments
Chess & Game ClubLearn the art of chess and other games with the master of fun and strategy, Nick Allison. Tweens and teens ages 9-18 are welcome to join every Monday* from 4:30-5:30 PM in the Community Room. Game supplies will be provided. *There will be no Chess...
by Mary Kirkpatrick | December 30, 2024 | Adult Arena, Blog | 0 Comments
Crafty Corner🌟 NEW at the Library! 🌟 Join us for Crafty Corner, an informal meet-up for adults 18+ who love to create! Bring your knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching, or whatever craft you enjoy, and spend an evening with fellow makers. It starts on January 2nd at...
by Mary Kirkpatrick | December 30, 2024 | Blog, Kid STEAM, Kid's Corner, Story Time, Tween Scene, Tween STEAM | 0 Comments
Story TimeJanuary Story Time is serving up something soup-er! Book Babies (infants/babies not yet walking and their caregivers) meet Wednesdays at 9:30 AM with songs, stories, and sensory fun for our "Soup’s On!" theme. (Library Closed Jan. 1) Toddler Time (walking...
by Mary Kirkpatrick | November 27, 2024 | Adult Arena, Blog, Kid's Corner, Teen Zone, Tween Scene | 0 Comments
Winter Safe DrivingFirst time driving on snowy winter roads? Madison Library District is partnering with the Idaho Department of Transportation and the Idaho State Police to keep you safe this winter! Learn strategies to stay on the road, deal with slipping and...
by Rebekka Hanson | Jul 12, 2018 | Board of Trustees |
Hello! My name is Pamela Beard. I have been on the Board of Trustees since 2007. I love the library! I love books! I love to learn!
I love coming into the Library and finding a new documentary DVD to check out that I have not already seen. The documentaries are the first section I go to when making my choice for movies. The Blue Planet Series and anything with information about the Earth are my favorite!
I enjoy nonfiction books. One of my favorite books is called The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Doidge, M.D. For a light read, I like books written by Lynn Kurland especially the de Piaget Family series and the MacLeod Family series. They are fun fast reads when I need something to escape from reality.
I grew up reading and spending time in libraries. I feel it a privilege to be on the Library Board and serve the community.
by Rebekka Hanson | Apr 4, 2018 | Board of Trustees |
I am Tony Derricott. I have been a member of the Board of Trustees for the Madison Library District since June of 2013. Prior to that I was also a member of the Madison Library Foundation. I have served 1-year stints as both Vice Chair and Chair of the Board. Leading and following have both been enjoyable experiences for me.
My wife and I both work for BYU-Idaho. We and our children have long enjoyed patronizing libraries. I have fond memories of visiting the Carnegie Library in Preston as a child. One of my first favorite book series was “The Great Brain.” In addition, I had a subscription to Games magazine. Later in life I volunteered and then worked for some time in the Bitterroot Public Library up in Hamilton, Montana, prior to moving to Rexburg back in 2009. Serving just seems right…it’s my type of fun! You should come and try it sometime! 😉
In the meantime, continue to patronize the library. I have a list of thousands of books that I want to read that I keep organized on my account in Goodreads. I have just finished The Great Gatsby and am now reading Silas Marner. In the past, I’ve read the complete list of Newbery Award Winner books. Want to see what else I’ve read or want to read? Join me on Goodreads and see what books we might have in common. The library also sponsors a Goodreads contest. If you see me in the library or in person, let me know how I can represent you on the board. Whether we only meet online or in person, let’s talk books. They’re good for us!
by Rebekka Hanson | Jan 31, 2018 | Board of Trustees |
GREETINGS! I’m Jared Golden Fulcher, one of your friendly neighborhood Trustee members! You can call me Golden since there are too many Jareds around here. 😀
I’ve been on the Board of Trustees for over three years now and it is an honor to fill this position. I am lucky to work with four other people who are like me and want to help guide the Madison Library District on to bigger and better things.
Me? Oh. Well. Let’s see. I’m originally from Maryland and grew up with deviously evil parents. They were dead set on not only tricking us kids into reading, but using the library! No joke! Their standard go-to trick was to get us kids book series as presents but intentionally NOT give us the last book in the series. Fiends! The one year their tricks caused an insurrection was when for Christmas they got each of the three younger kids, myself included, one book each from a series. Three kids, one copy of book one, library closed for the holidays… I still have nightmares.
Despite the almost collapse of the Fulcher family, we all grew into voracious readers and found love in many diverse forms of writing. I myself graduated from Ye Ole BYU-Idaho with a BA in English-Creative Writing (can you tell?). I enjoy contemplating and writing the various, “What if?” type of stories that thread through History, Fantasy, Church, Science Fiction, and Modern themes.
As for what I enjoy reading, well, that goes all over the place. I can get into a good Dean Koonz novel just as fast as one of Gerald N. Lund’s books. If I’m up for a book that will take me a year and a half to read, Tad Williams is my guy (Sorry Robert Jordan). Growing up I gained a strong love for the high adventure books of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Fritz Leiber, and Robert E. Howard.
But my current, all time hands down favorite author has got to be Jim Butcher. His Dresden Files series is AMAZING! He is able to create a lush and full picture in each page that brings not only the characters to life, but breathes dimension into the world you’re exploring. I really can’t get enough of him.
Well, I think I’ve rambled on enough about me, thanks for reading and remember, I didn’t just name drop these authors to get brownie points with them, I hope that at the end of this article you might just get curious enough to head down to the Library, and check one or two out for yourself. C’mon, I double-dog dare ya!
by Catherine Stanton | Jun 5, 2017 | Adult Arena, Teen Zone, Tween Scene |
You can build a better world this summer by participating in one of the library’s service projects. To get involved, come to one of the introductory sessions in our Community Room. We’ll give you all the details then:
STITCHERS (for teens and adults ONLY – ages 12-Adults):
- Friday, June 9th, at 11:00 am
- Monday, June 12th, at 3:00 pm
- Thursday, June 15th, at 8:00 pm
READERS (for tweens, teens, and adults – ages 9-Adult):
- Friday, June 9th, at 11:30 am
- Monday, June 12th, at 3:30 pm
- Thursday, June 15th, at 8:30 pm