November Teen Writing Contest

November Teen Writing Contest

Hey there teen writers!

Do you have a great imagination and love to tell a riveting story?

Are you dying to have your writing noticed by others?

Or do you have a feather quill that’s aching to be used?


Write a story for the Madison Library District Teen Writing Contest based on Van Gogh’s Starry Night art piece.

Submissions should be: 1,000-2,000 words

Typewritten copy submitted on or before

November 28, 2017

To the Madison Library District Circulation Desk


Email to Gina, the Teen Librarian

Prizes will be awarded to winners!

For Teens 12-17

NaNoWriMo KickOff 2017!

NaNoWriMo KickOff 2017!

Thursday, October 26 at 7:00 pm

in the Community Room

Join Madison Library District and the Rexy Writers group in preparation for National Novel Writing Month in November, or as its more popularly known, “NaNoWriMo.” Find out what it’s all about and grab a little inspiration to get that book written in 30 days!

You can get a head start by signing up for free at the NaNoWriMo website.

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