Adventure Stop 1
Adventures . . . In Your Dreams
Each Activity is worth 25 pages!
- Read a Madison Choice Award Book.
- Sign-up for the MLD Teen Discord Channel & introduce yourself. Or make a comment on one of the channels if you are already on the server.
- Participate in a teen library event.
- Identify a constellation and learn the story that goes with it.
- Participate in a guided meditation for at least 15 minutes or more.
- Create a dream catcher and learn from where they originated.
- Write an adventurous play and submit it to the Teen Writer’s Contest by July 20, 2024.
- Read a science fiction or fantasy book.
- Create a fantastical drawing and post it on the MLD Teen Discord Channel.
- Participate in neighborhood “night” games.

Adventure Stop 2
Turning Back Time
Each Activity is worth 25 pages!
- Read a Madison Choice Award Book.
- Sign-up for the MLD Teen Discord Channel & introduce yourself. Or make a comment on one of the channels if you are already on the server.
- Participate in a teen library event.
- Try a fantastic recipe from the era in which your great-grandparents lived.
- Read a book set in a time period at least a century ago.
- Hand write a letter on paper and mail it.
- Create a secret code and send a message to a friend.
- Watch a silent movie.
- Visit a museum in person or online.
- Find out about music, movies, food, and significant events from the year your grandparent was born.

Adventure Stop 3
Summer Bucket List
Each Activity is worth 25 pages!
- Read a Madison Choice Award Book.
- Sign-up for the MLD Teen Discord Channel & introduce yourself. Or make a comment on one of the channels if you are already on the server.
- Participate in a teen library event.
- Plan a vacation to another country with cultural stops, restaurants, and outside activities.
- Stay up all night.
- Make homemade ice cream.
- Participate in a photo scavenger hunt.
- Take a virtual tour of a historic landmark.
- Go on a bike ride.
- Learn three phrases of a new language.

Dungeons and Dragons for Teens
Fridays, June 14 & 28, and July 12, at 3:30 PM
Dungeons and Dragons for teens at the Madison Library District! In this classic role-playing game, you create your character, choose how they interact with the story, and use dice to decide the outcomes of your actions.
This event is open to all teens (ages 12 to 18). Both beginners and experienced players are welcome.
The game will consist of one, 1 to 2 hour session for first level characters. Experienced players may use their own character if they wish, but pre-made characters will also be available. All characters should be made using only the resources available in the core 5th Edition player’s handbook. As an added bonus, players will be able to gain perks for their characters by reading!
If you are interested in a grand adventure, want to meet new and old friends, and have epic fun, register by clicking the button below.

Adventures in Script
Teen Writers Contest
All Entries Due Saturday, July 20, 2024
Are you a writer whose dialogue shines with emotion, depth, and character? Or perhaps you’d like to try out a new medium of writing that can lead to a career for the stage or screen? Then submit a piece of your finest play writing to the Madison Library District “Adventures in Script” teen writer’s contest, and see how your play stacks up with other teens your age.
- Participants must be ages 12 – 18 to enter.
- Open to Madison Library District residents only.
- 4,500 word limit.
- Limit 1 play per person.
- No photos or illustrations.
- Work must be original, not previously published, and titled.
- Submissions that are deemed inappropriate, culturally inaccurate, or possess negative stereotypical characterization will be disqualified.
How to Submit:
- Email your original work as a Google Doc attachment to our programming team. This is the ONLY way to enter!
- Subject line must say: Adventures in Script Teen Writers Contest.
- Please include your name, age, and phone number in the email.
All entries must be received by Saturday, July 20th, 2024.
Winners will be announced on Friday, July 26th, 2024, at the Teen Summer Reading Final Party.
The First Prize winner’s entry will be performed by the Teen Action Council at the party!
ALL participants will receive a prize!
First prize – $30 Amazon gift card
Second prize – Fat Cats Date Pack ($60 value)
Third prize – Free Corsage and Boutonnière from Rexburg Floral ($38 value)for each paired author.
For helpful tips and tricks on playwriting, as well as a critique of your entry,
join us at Young League of Writers June 12th & July 10th at 4:00 pm.
BYUI Professor Janine Gilbert will be there to give us her expertise!

Adventures in LEGO Club
Tuesdays at 2:00 pm
For Kids ages 6 – 8, Tweens ages 9 – 11, and Teens ages 12 – 18.
Anyone under the age of 12 needs to be accompanied by an adult.
Do you love Legos? Join other kids who love the ever popular bricks at Madison Library District’s amazing LEGO club!
LEGO Club for June:
- June 18: Adventure on Disaster Island
LEGO Club for July:
- July 2: LEGO Scavenger Hunt
- July 16: Adventure in the Wildlife Refuge

Chess and Game Club
Mondays at 4:30 pm
June 10, 17, & 24
July 1, 7, 14, & 28
For Tweens ages 9 – 11, and Teens ages 12 – 18.
Learn the art of Chess and other games with the master of fun and strategy, Nick Allison!
Games and supplies will be provided.
Mancala Tournament!
Monday, July 1, at 4:30 pm
We wanted to do something a little different then usual and do an outside mancala game using squishy balls, buckets with water, and running around. It should be a lot of fun!
Spectators are welcome, so bring your family and friends!

Teen Crafts
Thursdays at 4:30 pm, starting June 13
Bring your friends and listen to music while you make an awesome art project to take home with you.
Join us and express your creativity!
JUNE 13: Map Adventure Picture Art
- We will be making motivational sayings on parts of world maps and putting them in a crackled frames.
JUNE 20: Sharpie n’ Spray Paint T-Shirts
- Come make a unique designed t-shirt using either permanent markers and rubbing Alcohol or tape and spray paint.
JUNE 27: Dreamcatchers
- Come learn how to make your own dream catcher.
JULY 11: Perler Bead Bookmarks
- Came join us in making bookmarks out of Perler beads.
JULY 18: Fairy Light Canvas Art
- We will be making unique light-up pieces of art that have a cool 3D effect.
JULY 25: Sea Shell Jewelry
- Come have fun with us as we use beads, shells and wire and other items to make unique and fun piece of jewelry.

Star Party!
Friday, July 8, at 9:00 pm in the Community Room Parking Lot
Come out and gaze at the stars! We’ll have our big telescope set up, and Cathy Stanton, former Star Ranger, will be there to take you on a guided tour through the universe.
Don’t miss it!

Teen Action Council
Wednesday, June 5, at 4:00 pm
Wednesday, July 3, at 4:00 pm
The Madison Library District Teen Action Council will meet regularly to provide input for teen events and programs, give feedback about YA materials purchases, and provide suggestions for improvements for other aspects of the Library as it relates to teens.

Young League of Writers
Wednesdays, June 12, and July 10, at 4:00 pm
BYUI Professor Janine Gilbert will be joining us for both days!
Would you like to share your writing with other teens your age or just make new friends? Join the Young League of Writers for ages 12-18. We will meet for an hour to share what we’ve all been working on and talk about what makes writing great.
For June:
- June 12: Learn How to Write a Play – For this activity, we will jump into the world of plays and discover what make a sensational script!
For July:
- July 10: Playwriting Contest Entry Critiques – Bring your short play for the Summer Reading 2024 Teen Writer’s Contest with you, and we’ll give you helpful hints to make it a stronger entry.

Anime Club
Fridays, June 21, and July 5 & 19, at 3:30 pm
Teens ages 12-18 gather together to watch anime favorites, chat about manga, play Japanese card games, sketch your own manga portraits (markers and paper provided), and munch on yummy snacks!
For June:
- June 21: Adventures with Anime Games – For this activity, we will play My Hero Academia Monopoly and more anime themed games.
For July:
- July 5: Adventures in Anime Arts and Crafts –For this activity, we’ll be making manga art, book marks, buttons, and magnets.
- July 19: Adventures with Anime Food, Snacks, and Treats – For this activity, we’ll be making mochi, candy sushi, and taiyaki. Yummy!

Chess and Game Club
Mondays at 4:30 pm
June 10, 17, & 24
July 1, 7, 14, & 28
For tweens and teens ages 9-18. Learn the art of Chess and other games with the master of fun and strategy, Nick Alison.
Game supplies will be provided.
Mancala Tournament!
Monday, July 1, at 4:30 pm
We wanted to do something a little different then usual and do an outside mancala game using squishy balls, buckets with water, and running around. It should be a lot of fun!
Spectators are welcome, so bring your family and friends!

Cook with a Book!
Wednesday, July 17, at 4:30 pm
Then join us for our teen Cook with a Book in July when we will read Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger. We’ll also make Mallowmelt. It’s an Adventure in Cooking!

"Accidentally Wes Anderson"
Photo Contest
Entries Accepted October 14 through November 1
For those aged 15 and older
Film director Wes Anderson has a distinctive style that many attempt to mimic. A recent book, Accidentally Wes Anderson, shares views of the best efforts by professional photographers. If all those pros are having such a good time making Wes Anderson fakes, we thought it might be fun for our patrons to do so as well.
Take a look at the style hints found in the adult section display case and take a photo that you think is "Accidentally Wes Anderson," and we'll display them during the month of November.
Email your photo to our programming team or leave it at the Circulation Desk by November 1.
Please include your name, library card number, and phone number.
The three photos judged to be closest to Anderson's style will receive a copy of the book.
Summer Reading
AGES 12 TO 18
See You in 2025!
All participants completed reading challenges at their own pace. We had weekly book clubs, activities, & craft programs. We decorated the library with images representing all kinds of exciting adventures!
Our 2025 Summer Reading theme will be “Color Our World” and should prove to be just as fun! Watch this page for more details.
Thank You to Our Summer Reading Sponsors
These amazing businesses and organizations donated over $113,000 to make our 2024 Summer Reading possible. We appreciate their support of literacy in our community!
Regular Hours of Operation
- Monday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Tuesday - Wednesday: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
- Thursday: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
- Friday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Saturday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
- Sunday: CLOSED
Closures in 2025
- January 1 – New Year’s Day
- January 20 – Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
- February 17 – Presidents Day
- March 28 – Staff Development Day
- April 5 – Building Maintenance
- May 24-26 – Memorial Day
- June 19 – Juneteenth
- July 4 – Independence Day
- August 30-September 1 – Labor Day
- September 19 – Staff Development Day
- October 4 – Building Maintenance
- October 31 – Open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
- November 11 – Veterans Day
- November 26 – Closing at 5:00 pm
- November 27-29 – Thanksgiving
- December 24-26 – Christmas
- December 31 – New Year’s Eve
- January 1, 2026 – New Year’s Day
73 North Center
Rexburg, Idaho 83440
We are located on Center Street, just north of Main Street, by the Historic Rexburg Tabernacle.
Contact Us
(208) 356-3461
24 Hour Phone Renewal: (208) 356-6658